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A Song of Ass and Fire. Plot[edit] Seeking an advantage to counter the PS4 faction's increasing ranks, Cartman contacts Microsoft, but CEO Steve Ballmer dismisses the importance of the children's conflict, and the commercialization of the console wars.

A Song of Ass and Fire

When Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates learns of this, he has Ballmer murdered in order to personally see to it that the Xbox wins the console wars. Gates allies himself with Channel 9's Morning News correspondent Niles Lawson, promising that the Black Friday violence will ensure high ratings. Gates then announces on that program that Microsoft is supplying guns and edged weapons to the pro-Xbox children to help them fight their way through the other shoppers. Lawson, playing both sides of the conflict, then informs Sony's CEO of this during a post-coital discussion, and in response, the CEO gives Kenny a Sailor Moon-like brooch that turns him into a mahou shojo-style princess with powers to help his side win the war.

Sub Bilmes's Submodularity Course. Last updated: $Id: index.html,v 1.2 2011/03/26 22:37:24 bilmes Exp bilmes $ NOTE: The submodular course was taught again Fall Quarter, 2012, with updated and improved material (that continues to be updated).

Bilmes's Submodularity Course

Please visit: Prof. Jeff A. Tutorials, References, Activities and Tools for Submodular Optimization.