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Tutorial Simple Joining Square Technique. DIY Crochet Knit Bunny. You will love this way to make knitted bunny from a knit (or crochet) square, and even any square towel or fabric. It makes it super easy by threading the square with a triangle and pull the thread after filling the center with poly fill. The bunny is adorable that you can use crochet square to make it fancier, perfect for kids toy delivery or home decoration. Have Fun! Supplies you need: YarnKnitting needleEmbroidery needleEmbroidery threadStuffingScissors Knitted Square Bunnies Guide: Knit yourself a square of fabric or just but a sheet of fabric and cut out a squareSew a triangle into the top half of the square as illustrated abovePull the thread tight and push a pinch of soft stuffing into the fabricSew the body half of the bunny tightly shut and push in more stuffingSew the bottom of the bunny closed and make a fluffy pom-pom tale as described in the tutorial It’s really one of the easiest sewing projects to make the bunny softies as unique gifts for all your family and friends!

Passo a passo Flor Duna Contornada. A knit and crochet community. My Own Universe: Crochet Baby Dresses - Patterns and Tutorial. This is the general pattern for baby dress. Function the age of the baby, you can increase and decrease the stitches according to your need. Pay attention to count the stitches in order to be as per the pattern above. This is for advanced crocheters. Usually, use double crochet stitches in order to be easier for you to count when increasing and decreasing the pattern. Put the mouse without clicking over each image to see explanations. Pattern for new born baby girl. You have below some inspirational baby dresses.

Basic crochet stitches tutorial: how to crochet - Amigurumi Today. This tutorial shows basic crochet stitches in details. With it help you’ll learn how to crochet the stitches you need to create amigurumi toys and many other crochet projects. Every crochet stitch has a visual step-by-step lesson and a written explanation of every step for beginners. The basic crochet stitches will serve you in any project of your crochet work. Well, let’s get started! Chain (ch) Chain stitch is the basis of crochet, it’s needed to create a foundation. Use a hook to draw the yarn through the loop (1) and pull the loop until it’s tight (2).

Single crochet (sc) Single crochet is a stitch that is usually used in amigurumi patterns. Insert the hook into the second chain from hook (1) and wrap the yarn over the hook. Slip stitch (sl st) A slip stitch is used for joining one crocheted part to another, to finish a piece or to join the rounds. Insert your hook into the next stitch (1). Half double crochet (hdc) Double crochet (dc) Triple or treble crochet (tr) Increase (inc) Comprar 25 unids 2014 Crochet invierno punto Hat Skullies gorros Anna Elsa Princess Cap para la muchacha del bebé embroma el regalo de la navidad de cap brown fiable proveedores en airexpress airexpress. TAPETE MARA #LUIZADELUGH. Edith / DROPS 147-16 - Heegeldatud DROPSi ümmargune vaip kolmekordsest ”Paris” lõngast. - DROPS Design tasuta mustrid. HEEGELDAMISE INFO Tee iga ühekordsete sammaste ringi alguses 3 ahelsilmust (ahels) ja ringi lõpus tee 1 aassilmus (aass) kolmandasse ahels-sse ringi algul (vaata eraldi seletust skeemi A.1 ja A.2 ringidel).

MUSTER A.1 (peab jaguma 4 silmusega): Muster koosneb 4 ringist ja skeemi A.1 muster on 5-ndal ja 6-ndal ringil. Heegelda järgmiselt: 5. RING: 4 ahels (= 1 sm + 1 ahels), jäta vahele 1 sm, järgmisesse sm-sse tee 1 sm + 7 ahels + 1 sm, 1 ahels, jäta vahele 1 sm, 1 sm järgmisesse sm-sse, siis tee skeemi A.1 järgmiselt: * 1 ahels, jäta vahele 1 sm, järgmisesse sm-sse tee 1 sm + 7 ahels + 1 sm, 1 ahels, jäta vahele 1 sm **, 1 sm järgmisesse sm-sse *, korda *-*, ainult pärast viimast mustrikordust ** tee 1 aass kolmandasse ahels-sse ringi algul. 6. RING: tee skeemi A.1 järgmiselt: * tee 7 sm järgmisesse ahels-kaarde, tee 1 ks järgmisesse sm-sse *, korda *-* tervel ringil, lõpetuseks tee 1 aass esimesse sm-sse ringi algul = 12 sm-gruppi. 7. Quilted Lattice Ascot Pattern. Celtic Cable Neckwarmer pattern by Lindsay Henricks. Untitled. Helena pesa: Kaelussalli kudumise õpetus. Kaelussalli „Öökull” kudumise õpetus Sall on kootud 3...6-aastasele lapsele.

Vaja läheb: vardaid nr 4 (ringsed või sukavardad) abivarrast (palmikukeerdude kudumiseks)50g villasisaldusega lõnga (jämedusega 50g=ca 200m) kudumismarkerit rea alguse tähistamiseks (sobib ka teist värvi abilõng) 18 nööpi või pärlit silmadeks (kui oskad, siis võid pärlid ka kohe salli sisse kududa). Pildilolev kaelussall on kootud lõngast VIP by Lana Gatto (50g=198m), värvitoon „burgundy”. Tähistused: pr - parempidine silmus ph - pahempidine silmus phk - pahempidi kokkukudumine s - silmus *...* - korda tärnidevahelist osa Õpetus: Kootakse ringselt. 1. rida: Loo nr 4 varrastega 180 silma ja ühenda ringiks. 2.-6. rida: Koo rida *3pr, 2ph*. 7. rida: Alusta mustriosa kudumist. 8. rida: Koo rida *8pr, 9ph*. 9. rida: Koo *8pr, 2phk, 5ph, 2phk*. 10.-11. rida: Koo rida *8pr, 7ph*. 12. rida: Esimene pööramiste ehk öökulli jalgade rida. 13. rida: Koo rida *8pr, 7ph*. 14. rida: Koo *8pr, 2ph, 2phk, 3ph*. 19. -22. rida: Koo *8pr, 5ph*.

81 схема снежинок крючком и идеи для вдохновения. Представляем вашему вниманию ну очень большую подборку схем для вязания снежинок крючком, собранных со всего света. Кроме того, в конце статьи вы найдете идеи для вдохновения и видео мастер-классы. Для быстрой навигации используйте содержание Увы, схемы так часто ходят по рукам, что назвать первоисточник не всегда возможно.

В любом случае, большинство из них достаточно простые и подходят для новичков. Кроме схем, я покажу, как можно использовать вязанные снежинки в декоре интерьера, подарков и даже одежды! Итак, начинаем! Схемы снежинок крючком с фото результата Схем снежинок для вязания крючком огромное количество. Кстати, обратите внимание, что чаще всего в вязании используются всего несколько основных элементов: воздушные петли, столбики без накида (иногда — полустолбики) и столбики с накидом. Если вы хотите создать свой узор — доведите круг-основу снежинки до такого количества столбиков, чтобы оно делилось на желаемое число лучей снежинки. Вам понадобится: Подборка номер 1 — 20 схем Сахар. Heegeldatud Sipsik. Kes meist siis Sipsikut ei teaks! Päris-Sipsik on küll kangast õmmeldud, kuid mina tegin hoopis heegeldatud variandi ning panin õpetuse ka kirja. Mõnusat nokitsemist! Kui tekib küsimusi või leiad juhendist mõne näpuka, kirjuta mulle SIIN.

Vajalikud oskused Ringselt ja spiraalis heegeldamine, ahelsilmus, aassilmus, kinnissilmus, detaili alustamine, kasvatamine, nähtamatu kahandamine, rea ringiks ühendamine, avatud detaili lõpetamine (3), lõngaotstse kinnitamine ja peitmine. Suurus 25 cm pealaest jalatallani, puuvilla ja bambuse segulõnga (50g = 100m) ning 2,50mm heegelnõelaga. Vaja läheb - Lõnga. Lühendid Märkused - Kõik detailid heegeldatakse spiraalselt, ridu ühendamata, kui juhendis ei ole öeldud teisiti. - Kasuta silmusemärkijat või lõngajuppi, et märkida rea algus või lõpp. Värvilegend A - Beež lõng B - Sinine lõngC - Valge lõngD - Peenem must lõngE - Peenem valge lõng Jalad (tee 2) Jalad ja keha heegeldatakse ühes tükis, alustades talla keskelt.

Püksisääred Katkesta lõng ja lõpeta töö. Sunny Bunnies pattern by Linda Cyr. Heirloom Bunny Blanket pattern by Stacylynn Cottle. This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download This is a design I came up with when I couldn’t find an heirloom quality pattern for an infant, that I really loved. It is oversized, and was made to grow with the child from crib to toddler bed and possibly beyond. If you have any problems with the pattern, please let me know. Please note that there is an error in this pattern Thanks for the input. Row 11 – Slip the 1st st, (k, p) 2x, p118, (k, p) 2x, k Row 12 – Slip the 1st st, (p, k) 2x, k118, (p, k) 2x, p and Row 53 – Slip the 1st st purlwise (k, p ) 2x, p118 (k, p ) 2x, k Row 54 - Slip the 1st st purlwise (p, k) 2x, k118 (p, k ) 2x, and Row 132 - Slip the 1st st, (p, k) 2x, k118, (p, k) 2x, p Row 133 - Slip the 1st st, (k, p) 2x, p118, (k, p) 2x, k Mistake on row 129: behind should be forward and forward should be behind.

Album Archive. Lilleliis | Amigurumi toys and patterns. 9 Advanced Crochet Stitches Every Crocheter Should Know - CrochetMe. Mandala Madness pattern by Helen Shrimpton. Tina's handicraft : crochet hat for babies. Huuuubakbi - Photos. Плед из мотива "Цветок в квадрате" - 17 Мая 2016 - Рукоделие своими руками - "Магия Творчества"-информационный портал. Facebook. Юбочка от Ольги Веренич - Вяжем вместе он-лайн. Девочки, приглашаю связать вот такую замечательную юбочку. Автор юбочки мастерица Ольга Веренич Оля вязала из Пехорки Успешная, 50гр/220м на возраст 4-5 лет, крючок №1,5, расход 4 моточка (200 гр). Некоторые схемы нам всем в помощь я позаимствовала у Таши Подаковой. Сначала вяжется поясок по обхвату бедер Далее соединяем получившуюся полоску и вяжем сетку.

В сетке равномерно прибавляем по схеме 3 Оленька вязала сетку 1 столбик с накидом, 1 воздушная петля. Схема оборки Начиная с третьего ряда оборки, столбики вяжутся с двумя накидами!!! Схема шлеек на поясе Процесс ввязывания шпульной резинки в пояс юбочки Спасибо Оле Веренич, за идею, схемы и вдохновение Девочки, я создала альбом для готовых юбочек кто уже связал, вставляйте туда свои фото, и давайте будем в описании к фото писать какие НИТКИ, № КРЮЧКА, на какой ВОЗРАСТ, РАСХОД НИТОК. Free crochet patterns. Techniques used in this stitch (British term / American term): Chain stitch – ch Slip stitch – Double crochet / Single crochet – dc / sc Treble / Double crochet – tr / dc Round 1: 5 ch, work 7 times: 1 tr/dc + 1 ch in last ch; in 4th of 5 ch.

Round 2: 1 ch, 1 dc/sc in space of 1 ch, work 4 times: 7 tr/dc in next space of 1 ch, 1 dc/sc in next space of 1 ch; in dc/sc. Round 3: 4 ch, work in the same dc/sc below: 1 tr/dc + 3 ch + 1 tr/dc + 1 ch + 1 tr/dc; after work 3 times: 5 ch, 1 tr/dc + 1ch + 1 tr/dc + 3 ch + 1 tr/dc + 1 ch + 1 tr/dc in the same dc/sc below; at the end of the round work: 2 ch, 1 tr/dc in 2nd of ch. Round 4: 1 ch, 1 dc/sc in middle (fourth) tr/dc of 7 tr/dc group below. Then work 7 tr/dc in space of 4 ch, 1 dc/sc in space of 3 ch, 7 tr/dc in space of 1 ch. Work 3 times: 1 dc/sc in middle tr/dc, 7 tr/dc in space of 1 ch, 1 dc/sc in space of 3 ch, 7 tr/dc in next space of 1 ch; at the end make in ch.

Round 5: Work next steps: Make 5 ch. Round 6: Round 7: How To #Crochet Rose Flower Granny Square Revised in HD #TUTORIAL #303. Free Basic Beanie Crochet Pattern All Sizes. With spring just around the corner I would like to share this pattern of a basic crochet beanie with you. I designed it in seven sizes from preemie to adult. Yarn used: Caron Simply Soft Acrylic yarn. Any worsted weight yarn would work.Hook used: 5 mm (H) Abbreviations: YO – yarn over To work Cluster Stitch – YO, insert hook in next ST, YO and pull up a loop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook, YO, insert hook in same stitch, YO and pull up a loop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook, YO and draw through all 3 loops on hook.

Size Preemie: Use hook H Round 1: CH 4 (or Magic Loop+CH3), Cl ST 10 times in 4th CH from hook (or in magic loop). Round 2: CH 3. Round 3: CH 3. Round 4-5: CH 3, Cl ST in each ST around. Round 6: Place marker. Round 7-10: SC in each stitch around in back loops. Size 0-6 Months Use hook H Round 1: CH 4 (or Magic Loop+CH3), Cl ST 11 times in 4th CH from hook (or in magic loop). Round 2: CH 3. Round 3: CH 3. Round 4-6: CH 3. Round 7: Place marker. Size 6 -12 Months Use hook H. BEEBIDELE on Pinterest | Baby Blankets, Baby Blanket Patterns and Afghans. Fabric lined, Crochet pram blanket :) | BEEBIDELE | Pinterest | Pram Blankets, Prams and Blankets. Вязаные идеи. Бирюзовый кардиган крючком Размеры (европейские): S/M/L/XL Обхват груди: 82-89/90-97/98-105/106-115Expand text…Обхват талии: 59-66/67-74/75-82/83-94Обхват бедер: 88-95/96-103/104-111/112-121 Вам потребуется: 550/600/650/700 г голубой пряжи Bergere de France Coton Fifty (50% хлопка, 50% акрила, 140 м/50 г); крючок № 3.

Техника вязания.1 мотив: 5 ст. с/н, 2 возд. п., 1 ст. с/н, 1 возд. п. и 1 ст. с/н.1 ракушка: 1 полуст., 3 ст. с/н и 1 полуст. Фантазийный узор. Вариант 1: число петель кратно 9 + 1 для базовой цепочки + 4 для начала 1-го р. Фантазийный узор. Кайма: связать 1 соед. ст. для начала ряда, затем вязать * 1 ракушку, 1 соед. ст. *, повторять от * до * (схема 8). Плотность вязания, фантазийный узор: 3 мотива и 11 р. = 10 х 10 см. Спинка: набрать цепочку из 122/128/ 140/158 возд. п. Левая полочка: набрать цепочку из 64/65/73/82 возд. п. Правая полочка: набрать цепочку из 60/65/69/78 возд. п. Рукава: набрать цепочку из 65/65/74/74 возд. п. Сборка: выполнить плечевые швы. MyPicot | Free crochet patterns. Techniques used in this pattern (British term / American term): Chain stitch – ch Double crochet / Single crochet – dc/sc Treble / Double crochet – tr/dc Front Post dc / sc – FPdc/sc Shell: work 5tr/dc + 1ch + 5tr/dc in the same ch (or space of 2ch).

Stitch – st Crochet Box stitch for Square blanket: Foundation Chain: Multiples of 10 + 2 Row 1: Skip 1ch, * 1dc/sc in next, skip 4ch, shell in next, skip 4ch; rep from *, 1dc/sc in last ch, turn. Row 2: Make 1ch, 1dc/sc in first dc/sc, * work 1FPdc/sc over each of the next 5tr/dc, 1ch, 1FPdc/sc over each of the next 5tr/dc, 1FPdc/sc over dc/sc below; rep from *, 1FPdc/sc over each of the next 5tr/dc, 1ch, 1FPdc/sc over each of the next 5tr/dc, 1dc/sc in last dc/sc, turn. Row 3: Make 4ch, 1tr/dc in first dc/sc, * 3ch, 1dc/sc in space of 1ch, 3ch, skip 5FPdc/sc and work 1tr/dc + 2ch + 1tr/dc in next st; rep from *, 3ch, 1dc/sc in space of 1ch, 3ch, work 1tr/dc + 1ch + 1tr/dc in last dc/sc, turn.

Colors & rows: Combination with two colors Finishing: Shell Crochet Stitch Patterns. Shell Stitch | Lanas y Ovillos. Betty's Harlequin Placemat | Summer Kitchen Series - Sewrella. Check out this stitch, ya'll! Ain't it just the most darlin' thing? I saw this stitch on Pinterest (because, duh, you find everything there) and I said to myself "Self, you gotta make something with that! " And so this placemat was born. Again, inspired by my great grandmother Betty, for who this series is named we continue with the Summer Kitchen Series! If you haven't seen them, check out the coasters (HERE), bumpy scrubby dishcloth (HERE), and the marbled oven mitt (HERE).

My grandmother would have loved this fun, whimsical harlequin stitch, it's almost as playful as she was! Part 2: Row 22: Ch 1, Sc evenly around perimeter of the placemat, sl st to join, Ch 2 Row 23: Dc in each st around, work 3 Dc in each corner, sl st to join, finish off, weave all ends Don't forget to PIN this pattern to your Pinterest boards so you don't lose it! Savesewrella.comCopyright issueBetty's Harlequin Placemat | Summer Kitchen Series | Free Crochet Pattern from Sewrella401Sewrella {Ashleigh}Sewrella. Crocheting With Dakota: Beautiful Shell Stitch Blanket (take 2) Tasuta mustrid. Tasuta mustrid. The Crochet Crowd - Crochet Patterns, Challenges, Videos + Tips.

EASY crochet catherine wheel / starburst stitch blanket tutorial - part 1.