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2005 Series Dalek Plans. Patine. Le propre de notre société actuelle, dite de consommation, est une certaine tendance à l'uniformisation et le petit monde de la maquette n'échappe pas à ce phénomène. En compensation, plus cette tendance se développe au niveau global, plus la tendance inverse est fortement ressentie à l'échelon individuel. Chacun est en quête d'identité, d'individualité et d'authenticité. En maquettisme cela se traduit par un engouement pour tout ce qui sort des sentiers battus, que ce soit pour les kits de conversion ou les planches de décalcomanies.

Le maquettiste d'aujourd'hui veut bien, à la rigueur, construire un Spitfire, comme tout un chacun, à condition que ce ne soit pas un Spitfire banal. Et là, tous les moyens sont bons : conversions, décorations "exotiques" et patine. C'est sur ce dernier point que nous allons aujourd'hui porter notre attention. LES TRAlNEES D'ECHAPPEMENT LES TRAlNEES D'HUILE OU DE GRAISSE Les éraflures sont très courantes sur les avions comme sur les véhicules terrestres. FichtenFoo. JBA Diorama 1/35 scale model dioramas Science Fiction & Word War. #5 Meat. Grass in scale... oh dear, let me roll my eyes up to the sky.

I never could understand those guys that count the rivets of their models and that can in the same breath be satisfied with using Heki like grass in their dioramas. I mean, it is SIMPLY NOT REALISTIC ENOUGH. Same thing with faux fur etc.. Actually, it *can* be, but it has to be twisted, modified, customized, used in conjunction with other material to look correct. First Heki like grass. Did you ever see some spiky tubular things raising straight of the ground? I found it: Oakum. I take some small length, stick it up between 2 lengths of plasticard, bend them (the stuff is extra supple and not at all easy to work with and then I paint it (here, regular Tamiya paint sprayed) i needed to do *35* of those plastic things for the complete diorama.. I sprayed Tamiya acrylics over those sheets. Modelers Miniatures and Magic: A gallery of science fiction art. Industria Mechanika. Catalog. Mr.Dandy sculpture design, toys model kits and art figures - Sculpture, Art and Concepts.

Boutique – Ammon miniatures. Shop. Norses - Fantasy Football Teams. Gaspez-arts. Online. Boutiques - Achat et vente willy-miniatures, Undead - necro, neuf ou d’occasion! Boutiques - Achat et vente World Wide Warhammer, Space Marines, neuf ou d’occasion! Effigy Miniatures. Raging Heroes — Catalogue complet. Boutiques - Achat et vente Warhammer Bits, 40k, neuf ou d’occasion! Wargames, Wargaming Miniatures and Boardgames | Arcane Miniatures. Studio Miniatures - 28mm Miniatures for the Gamer and Collector. SG :: 25/28 mm miniatures for collectors and wargames. Boutiques - Achat et vente LES AVENTURIERS DU BOUT DE LA TABLE, JDR, neuf ou d’occasion!


Boutiques - Achat et vente bbfiguren, 1 72 Airfix A50106 Landung auf dem Mond Lunar Spacemen, neuf ou d’occasion! Modern day zombies. I've always thought that a modern zombie horde would be dead cool! (ahem... sorry). So I've picked up a bit of zombies everytime I came across some. But it was not until I saw the before and after Ashlee zombie by Hasslefree that gave me the inspiration to start the project.

A brief shopping spree later, I ended up with a whole bunch of rotting miniatures. With the huge number of variants in the market, there is really no need to buy more than one of any of the miniatures! I love variants and so that is perfect. Note that the following are my personal opinions. Anyway, here are some manufacturers that make zombies suitable for modern day apocalypes. You can see this page translated into Polish at Click here to see updates made to this page. Click here to go to the index. Cold War Mini the largest range of modern zombies on the market, and the easiest way to jam your table with maximum number of different zombies.

More Manufacturers! Sirief - Figuriniste en Herbe. Boutiques - Achat et vente Alternative Universe, Dark Heaven, neuf ou d’occasion! Les terres de l'Ignoble Mister D. Home Page. BitzBox - Warhammer and 40k Plastic Bits. Battlefield Berlin - Fantasy und Science Fiction Tabletop and Miniatures Games. WELCOME TO WARGAMES FOUNDRY. ANDREA MINIATURES MARKET PLACE. El Viejo Dragón Miniaturas.

Enigma Miniatures. Mongoose Publishing. Welcome to the world of Freebooter's Fate and Freebooter Miniatures | Freebooter Miniatures. ShadowForge. Hasselfree Catalog. Hirst Arts Fantasy Architecture Inc. Build your own castles easily. Heresy Miniatures, The Best Kept Secret In The Miniatures Industry. CMON Miniatures. MMP82.


Grx Diffusion. JMD Miniatures. Tutoriel. Whitworth Sculpture Studio :: Whitworth Sculpture Studio Store Whitworth Sculpture Studio Original Kits Most kits ship the day after order is placed but please allow up to two weeks for shipping. All kits are unpainted and unassembled. Armorcast. Mega Miniatures USA. MSBToys. Prince August. Gamezoneminiatures. Fantization Miniatures. Jasons' collectables. Dark Swords Online Store. Black Tree Design. Fenryll - Fenryll - Boutique. GameZone Miniatures Italia. Raging Heroes | Welcome. Home Page | Games Workshop. ANDREA MINIATURES MARKET PLACE. Mysteria. Reaper Miniatures :: News.