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Bollos de cardamomo – Kardemummabullar. Buenas tardes!!

Bollos de cardamomo – Kardemummabullar

Esta semana promete ser muy pero que muy ajetreada, eso si, llena de alegrías e ilusión y muchas ganas de compartir más cosas con vosotros!! Por eso debemos empezar con buenas energías y mejor aún si son de estos maravillosos bollos.Hoy os traigo una receta de origen sueco la cual he sacado de una de mis últimas adquisiciones en libros de repostería y masas, Pan Casero de Ibán Yarza. Sin duda os lo recomiendo, tiene recetas estupendas, fantásticamente redactadas y explicadas acompañadas de un paso a paso en fotografías. 390 gr de harina de trigo210 gr de leche entera75 gr de azúcar granulado75 gr de mantequilla12 gr de levadura fresca o 4 gr de levadura seca instantánea tipo Maizena4 gr de sal1 cucharadita (5 gr) de cardamomo molido (1 Tsp)

Recetas de E-mergencias: KANELBULLAR (Rollitos de canela suecos) Como auténtica fan de Ikea (más que fan ,enferma de Ikea) tengo todos los libros de cocina que editan.

Recetas de E-mergencias: KANELBULLAR (Rollitos de canela suecos)

Siguiendo con el apartado de recetas suecas que inauguré con las famosas Köttbullar con salsa de carne , esta vez me atrevo con el "pecado" más grande que hay en la tienda después de los perritos calientes : los rollos de canela o Kanelbullar. Se pueden comprar en la sección Food congelados y terminar de hacer en casa, en el horno,pero a casi 4 euros 6 rollitos he decidido emplear el tan maldito dinero en hacerlos yo. Por 2 euros tenemos 24 rollitos!!! Vale la pena dedicarle unos minutos,no???? La receta esta sacada el ultimo libro que ha editado Ikea que se titula "FIKA", 30 recetas de reposteria sueca.

Smaklig måltid! Este el libro que os comento. Ingredientes (para unos 24 rollitos): Para la masa. BAKED WITH LOVE.: Bollos de canela suecos (KANELBULLAR) Hola a todos de nuevo!!!

BAKED WITH LOVE.: Bollos de canela suecos (KANELBULLAR)

Han sido 6 meses sin pasar por aquí y casi ningún otro blog.. LO SIENTO!! DeNIKAtessen - Recetas de Cocina. Chelsea Buns.... - <img src=" - Since now the kids had started schooling again, so mama's duties start very early in the morning...perparing breakboxes for them.

Chelsea Buns.... - <img src=" -

For breakfast, they normally go for cereal. Phew....that's a relief....Since Syahmi has to stay back for hockey practise today, I packed his lunch as well. Today's breakbox consists of Mini Muffins), Polony Sandwich, a packet of crisp and two energy sweets as the kids called it and a bottle of plain water. Just managed to snap the photo of the muffins and mom and dad had that for breakfast over a cup of coffee....alhamdulillah.... Our lunch menu...... When we reached home from school around 4.30pm, I went straight to the kitchen. For today's entry, I'll just paste this Chelsea Buns recipe that I got from a South African magazine called Woman's Value. CHELSEA BUNS - -

Food - Recipes : Chelsea buns. The Ordinary Cook. These were last weekend’s breakfast baking. As I have said in earlier posts, the girls get me up early, so at the weekends I have used the opportunity to try baking or cooking something new. Chelsea buns make a very decadent breakfast, but a very delicious one too. The recipe again comes from Daniel Stevens’ Bread book (River Cottage Handbook No. 3). I think next time I will bake them a bit longer than I did this time, as they were a little bit doughy, but I was very pleased with them. They were lovely and buttery and were still good the next day. For the buns: 550g (1lb 6 oz) strong white bread flour 50g (2oz) caster sugar 7g (1 sachet) of easy bake yeast 10g (½oz) salt 150 ml (¼ pint) milk 225g (9 oz) butter 1 egg For the filling: Guest Post: Kanelbullar, Swedish Cinnamon Rolls, Plus A Swedish Playlist.

April 21st, 2012 Anna has been a lovely reader of Turntable Kitchen for some time, so when she came to us suggesting she pull together a special playlist and recipe for Swedish Cinnamon Rolls, we were smitten with the idea.

Guest Post: Kanelbullar, Swedish Cinnamon Rolls, Plus A Swedish Playlist

We hope you enjoy a special Saturday treat in the form of Kanelbullar, and some Swedish tunes to go along with them, courtesy of Anna Brones. Thanks, Anna! — Kasey You can’t talk about Swedish kanelbullar — cinnamon rolls — without talking about fika. Ask a Swede to tell you one Swedish word that you should learn, and there is a large chance that they will respond with, “fika.” But back to the cinnamon rolls. Fika can be a combination of coffee and a wide variety of baked goods and cakes, but kanelbullar are fika in its most classic form. Mormor — my Swedish grandmother — always has a stash in her freezer that we can put in the oven to defrost when I come to visit.

As a baked good, kanelbullar are relatively simple, but the trick is in the spices and the filling. Best Cinnamon Rolls. Home » Good Food, Good Tips, Scandinavian Food » Swedish Cinnamon Rolls {Kanelbullar} Although these heartwarming treats are a daily indulgence in most Swedish homes, there is one special day each year that the pastry is highlighted just a bit more than other days: October 4th is “Kanebullens Dag” (Cinnamon Roll Day)!

Best Cinnamon Rolls

I was reminded of the festivities this year by my little sister the amazing baker. Far more superior in the art of planning ahead than me, she actually made the treats back in the Motherland the day BEFORE the celebratory day and put up the recipe on her blog By the time this stray Scandinavian caught on it was entirely too late in the evening to wing it. So, I decided to instead do the actual baking on the 4th, still being a good little Swede, but to share them a day late in the office and at school. And no one in the US knew they were celebrating a day late anyways so it worked out well, he he. Here is my little helper and idle ears student of Swedish traditions. Receta de Chelsea Buns. Bon à croquer: Cinnamon Rolls. Buenos días a todos!

Bon à croquer: Cinnamon Rolls

Hoy decidí preparar unos Cinnamon Rolls, algo muy tipico de America del norte. Livin' La Vida Aurea: Kanelbullar: Rollos De Canela Suecos. Hej, hej, allihopa!!!

Livin' La Vida Aurea: Kanelbullar: Rollos De Canela Suecos

Cada vez que entro a checar las estadísticas de mi blog, me encuentro con que mucha gente entra aquí buscando la receta de los "rollitos de canela suecos". Bueno, después de mucho hablar de ellos, y antojarlos, hoy les vengo con la receta. No es que me crea mucho, jaja, pero muchos suecos me han dicho mis rollos de canela son los mejores rollos de canela que han comido. Yo me siento muy halagada pero la verdad es que, como lo he dicho y lo seguiré diciendo, el ingrediente más importante de todas las recetas es el amor. Si uno hace las cosas con amor salen bien, si no preguntenles a las tamaleras porque luego no salen los tamales.