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Formations en Champagne Ardenne

Nouvelles formations. BTS Agricoles en 1 an. BUT. Classes Prépas. Ecoles d'ingénieurs. Doctorat. Certifications en langue étrangère. ONISEP. Portail national des Masters - France Compétences (RNCP) Campus France. Programmes d'études dispensés en anglais. MOOC et cours en ligne. Apprendre les langues en ligne. Enseignement à distance. Rentrées décalées. D.U. et dispositifs universitaires de réorientation.

Mises à niveau études scientifiques et BTS

Agriculture, environnement et développement durable. Aéronautique. Animaux. Architecture, paysage, urbanisme. Art, culture. BTS. Chimie. Comptabilité. Droit. Economie, commerce, gestion. Enseignement /Education. Langues. Métiers du livre - Documentation. Numérique. Psychologie. Santé-Paramédical. Sciences. Sport. Transport Logistique. Tourisme, loisirs. Etudier en Europe - Euroguidance. Europe Learning opportunities MOOC compris. European Alliance for ApprenticeshipsApprenticeships combine education and training in school and in a company and lead to a recognised qualification.

Europe Learning opportunities MOOC compris

Find out about this initiative that aims to promote apprenticeship schemes and initiatives across Europe The Council Recommendation on a Quality Framework for TraineeshipsThe aim of the Council Recommendation on a Quality Framework for Traineeships is to enable trainees to acquire high-quality work experience under safe and fair conditions, and to increase their chances of finding a good quality job. It in particular calls on Member States to ensure that national law or practice respects the principles set out in the guidelines, and to adapt their legislation where necessary. The Commission will carefully monitor the implementation of the Quality Framework in all Member States. EU Skills Panorama (EUSP)Access national, European and international research findings on skills and jobs. Masters Erasmus Mundus : EMJMD Catalogue. Below are listed all the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMDs) that will be offering EU-funded scholarships for courses taking place in the academic year 2018-2019.

Masters Erasmus Mundus : EMJMD Catalogue

Most consortia will require applications to be submitted between October and January, for courses starting the following academic year. Students at Master level can apply to a maximum of three different programmes. Both, students and potential scholars/guest lecturers should contact the relevant institution for more information on courses and application procedures.


Les différentes formes de mobilité - Euroguidance. CNAM. Site du Réseau national des ÉSPÉ. CMI : réseau Figure. IAE FRANCE - Les Écoles Universitaires de Management. MESR : Licences - 01 2015. Les spécialités au lycée.