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A year to think it over | the daily texture of progressive education. Jerobeam Fenderson’s Trippy Oscilloscope Music. On YouTube, there’s a video of animated green mushrooms spinning around in a three-dimensional field, with a sound track of strange electronic tones. That premise itself is nothing extraordinary—the Internet is full of stranger things than dancing mushrooms. But what makes this video special is that the sounds are creating the images onscreen.

Since the video first appeared last year, a lot of people have been skeptical about the 3-D graphics effect produced—including the editors here at IEEE Spectrum, until we dug out an oscilloscope and played the sound file into it for ourselves. It’s all possible thanks to an old-school cathode-ray oscilloscope and a concept that many engineers and physicists will remember from their undergraduate days: Lissajous figures. The mastermind behind the video is Christian Ludwig, an Austria-based electronic-music artist who performs as Jerobeam Fenderson and runs a small music label called Ordia Muszc. Still, Ludwig sees this as a temporary interest. !!!pseudo-Science, illogical-Zen, and some psychology. Anxious martial-arts students and mal-functioning Androids. Connecting probability and number theory. E. Kowalski has a post this morning called Finding life beyond the Central Limit Theorem . The post mentions a theorem I’ve never heard of that connects basic concepts in probability and number theory.

Surely the Central Limit Theorem and the normal distribution are important in probability. You might even call them “central.” And counting prime divisors of integers is a natural thing to do in number theory. It turns out these two concepts are closely related. Pick a big number N. There are plenty of other connections between probability and number theory.

Juergen Schmidhuber's home page - Universal Artificial Intelligence - New AI - Deep Learning - Recurrent Neural Networks - Computer Vision - Object Detection - Image segmentation - Goedel Machine - Theory of everything - Algorithmic theory of everything - - Fractal-Holographic Universe. - Marko Rodin - Rodin Coil. -- Introduction -- Hopefully this will enable people to understand "why" there is only "one" truth and how we can all move forward in learning more about the "nature" of what that one truth is and why no single person or group of people can be the "owner" of the one truth and that literally everyone has a piece of the "enlightening" puzzle which is like a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma. -- Substance -- I just figured out a great example of how two seemingly very different points of view can be demonstrated to have not only similarity but symmetricality to the point that they are saying or expressing almost, if not totally, the same exact thing!

:o) Perhaps think in terms of a dialogue facilitator (or "introducer") who is in the presence of two people who are arguing violently that "their" symbol represents THE truth. Think about something for a moment. Life is a "continually" evolving dynamic. Then move "this" message window out of the way and continue reading. Now... love, Alain Boudet: Enseignements fondamentaux sur la science et la spiritualité. Enseignements fondamentaux sur la science et la spiritualité pour une humanité en mutation Cette documentation est évolutive. De nouveaux articles y paraissent régulièrement. Survolez une rubrique pour découvrir la liste des articles et cours correspondants Cliquez sur la rubrique pour voir les résumés et accéder aux articles correspondants L'être humain est invité à s'épanouir pleinement, en harmonie avec la Terre et l'Univers Les savoirs sont abordés sous l'angle de la découverte expérimentale et scientifique, présentés dans un langage simple mais substantiel et précis.

Artistes émanants. Mystère des ovnis , Découvertes extraordinaires , Sciences de l'univers , Mystères de la terre , Mystères humains , Conscience animale , Les symboles , Conscience de l'homme , Lieux énigmatiques , Surnaturel et fantastique , Espace scientifique , Personnages étonnants , Nature insolite "La source de nos informations est indiquée pour chaque parution, mais au cas où l'auteur de vidéos, articles ou photos souhaiterait ne plus les voir figurer sur le site, qu'il nous en avertisse par mail, et nous les retirerons immédiatement"

Buddhabrot. Astro-Geomantics. Forum » Club de Réflexion. ESOTERIQUE. Le blog de la couleur. "Aspie-ration" Eat-a-bug. iPapy. Impossibly possible. Gavinkeech.