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Site Map of Grammar Monster - Free English Grammar Lessons and Tests. Son of Citation Machine. Advice for Students: 10 Steps Toward Better Writing - Writing well is easily one of the most sought-after and useful skills in the business world. Ironically, it is one of the rarest and most undervalued skills among students, and few professors have the time, resources, or skills to teach writing skills effectively. What follows are a handful of tips and general principles to help you develop your writing skills, which will not only improve your grades (the most worthless indicator of academic progress) but will help develop your ability to think and explain the most difficult topics.

Although directed at students, most of this advice applies equally well to any sort of writing; in the end, good writing is not limited to one context or another. Pace yourself. Far too many students start their papers the night before they are due and write straight through until their deadline. Most have even deceived themselves into thinking they write best this way.

They don’t. The best way to improve your writing is to write, as much as you can. Becoming A Writer Seriously. Writewith.