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ResponsetoIntervention. Response to Intervention in Reading for English Language Learners. Home > ELL Topics from A to Z > Response to Intervention in Reading for English Language Learners By: Sharon Vaughn and Alba Ortiz (2010) A considerable amount of evidence suggests that approaches involving early intervention, ongoing progress monitoring, and effective classroom instruction consistent with Response to Intervention (RTI) are associated with improved outcomes for the majority of students in early reading and math (e.g., Burns, Griffiths, Parson, Tilly, & VanDerHayden, 2007; Fletcher, Lyon, Fuchs, & Barnes, 2007; Haager, Klingner, & Vaughn, 2007; McCardle & Chhabra, 2004).

Response to Intervention in Reading for English Language Learners

Considerably less information exists, however, about the effectiveness of these approaches with a growing population of students, English language learners (ELLs) at risk for reading problems. This article briefly highlights the knowledge base on reading and RTI for ELLs, and provides preliminary support for the use of practices related to RTI with this population. Monitoring and Assessment. Overview Monitoring and assessment are critical for successful teaching.

Monitoring and Assessment

They identify what needs to be taught (and what doesn’t) and, as part of the evaluation process they inform what’s been successful, what hasn’t and can provide insights into why it has not been successful. For the teacher it can be very rewarding plotting student change over time but it is also provides powerful documentation for reporting student progress to parents. Collecting and organising meaningful data over time is also important for school wide accountability as well as transition between year levels or between teachers. Below are some practices which provide classroom teachers with meaningful data to support teaching and learning. PALS. Curriculum and Instruction Department - Denver Public Schools. Welcome to the Curriculum and Instruction Web site of Denver Public Schools.

Curriculum and Instruction Department - Denver Public Schools

This Web site contains several useful sections. For example, learn about curriculum and instruction in specific content areas, stay up-to-date on special programs and projects, and access curriculum documents and resources.