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EduTecher : a non-profit web resource. Bookmark directly to your LiveBinder. To create your own LiveBinder all you have to do is add the "LiveBinder It" bookmarklet tool to your favorite browser. While browsing the web, every time you find a link you want to save, click on the "LiveBinder It" button and save directly to a new or existing LiveBinder. Check that your 'Bookmarks' toolbar is visible - in your browser go to 'View > Toolbars >' and place a check next to 'Bookmarks Toolbar' Simply drag this button: up to your toolbar.

That's it! "LiveBinder It" in your toolbar Login to your account Go to the Website you want to add to your LiveBinder Click on the "LiveBinder It" link and select a new or existing binder Click on the "Add to Binder" button Wait for the "It's been added" message That's all! Virtual Summer Camp. CMI Breakout Session: Globalizing - Creating Collaborative Experiences - Curriculum21. Evidence of Learning 2.0.