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iPads in classroom

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iPod touch in Education. Apps for kids with Autism. How Important Is Accountability In Your Classroom? In 2009, the Obama administration announced it would focus on “cultivating a new culture of accountability in America’s schools.” Looking back over the last four years, “accountability” has been the central tenant for the education community, and politically charged. School performance data is too often associated with failure, but it is a powerful tool that can improve teaching and outcomes for students. “Accountability” should be synonymous with opportunity – the opportunity to build a positive culture of performance in our schools. The Importance Of Accountability Teachers are already adopting this approach and seeing that it gets them results in the classroom.

They shared successes and areas for improvement, creating a culture of trust between classrooms. Her principal recognized this as an opportunity, and assigned Melinda to a new task this year, as data coach. Why I Left Teaching Teachers simply need leadership and the right tools to view accountability as an opportunity. What can you do with an iPad in the classroom? It’s a tool, it’s a tool, it’s a tool.

What can you do with an iPad in the classroom?

The iPad is not going to replace teachers or ‘fix’ education. There is a cost implication that must be taken into account and only an educator will know if it is right for their students. Indeed the cost-benefit analysis for an establishment must take into account a host of factors when considering iPad use in the classroom. However, if there are iPads in the classroom, there are a number of applications that can enhance learning and assist the educator in developing student skills. In fact, the iPad allows educators to build on existing styles and increase flexibility in their classroom whilst personalising learning.

Assessment for Learning The most valuable weapon in an educators arsenal is feedback. Applications such as eclicker, Socrative and Nearpod have the ability to provide instant feedback for every child in the classroom. Collaboration. 5 iPhone Apps for Students With Disabilities. Photo Credit: You may not realize it, but people with disabilities are also at a disadvantage when it comes to education. Studies show that 54 million Americans have disabilities. 28% of those with disabilities aged 25 and above barely even finished high school. More than 16 million people in America have a mental illness or a cognitive function problem while 3 million people have difficulty with speech communication, thus hindering them from learning independently. However, learning can be facilitated, even for people with disabilities, through the help of mobile devices like the iPhone.

The Impact of Pupil Behaviour and Wellbeing on Educational Outcomes. Digital worlds can help autistic children to develop social skills. The benefits of virtual worlds can be used to help autistic children develop social skills beyond their anticipated levels, suggest early findings from new research funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). Researchers on the Echoes Project have developed an interactive environment which uses multi-touch screen technology where virtual characters on the screen demonstrate gestures and show children's actions in real time. During sessions in the virtual environment, primary school children experiment with different social scenarios, allowing the researchers to compare their reactions with those they display in real-world situations. "Discussions of the data with teachers suggest a fascinating possibility," said project leader Dr Kaska Porayska-Pomsta.

" Friday Five: Top 5 iPad Apps for Your Classroom. You've heard the chatter. iPads have become the go-to literacy tool for authentic learning in the K-8 classroom, the one that says 'Our program is cutting edge, up-to-date, inquiry-driven'.

Friday Five: Top 5 iPad Apps for Your Classroom

Students want to use them, want to share and collaborate on them, and will follow almost any rules if it means they get that tablet in their hands. The problem with the iPad as with the internet is: TMI--too much information. There are tens of thousands of apps, each proclaiming itself to be the solution to all classroom problems, each promising to be the practical strategy for learning math or science or state capitals or whatever their buzz word happens to be.

How do teachers sort truth from marketing? You evaluate the apps. Here, we provide you with the inside scoop on the best ways to use a newspaper... Part 10: Apps for behavior management and intervention. Transitions may seem like logical passages from one activity to another for you, but for your child, they may feel like cruel surprises.

Part 10: Apps for behavior management and intervention

Kids who struggle with attention or language or motor planning can’t always understand when a change is coming or make it quickly when it does. To avoid behavior meltdowns at transitional times, give your child lots of warning, time and understanding for making the switch. Shifting from one activity (or class, or subject, or environment) to the next can be difficult for some children. Some children have difficulty with the unpredictability of a situation, and might benefit from visual reminders of what comes next. Behavior can often stem from anxiety over transitions. iPhone, iPad and iPod touch Apps for (Special) Education. Products. BugbrainED has educational apps for the Common Core in READING and MATH.


We believe tablets will change education forever, both at home and in school. Our goal is to provide apps at a modest price to teach and reteach in the 21st Century.