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The LAD Bible. 10417 shares / 21 days ago Working in a supermarket can be boring at times.

The LAD Bible

Endless, mind-numbing days of wandering up and down aisles helping old women find quiche and re-stocking milk over and over and over again. Well, that's where people like Shane come in. Over in America, Shane is an employee of supermarket giant Walmart with a sense of humour like no other. The pictures below will explain everything... 1) The fried chicken incident 2) The "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? " If the News Covered Your Relationship Status. The Most Depressing Job On The Starship Enterprise. What Brazzers Logo Can Do (45 Photos) 20 Images That Simply Cannot Be Explained. The Best of Yahoo Answers! (35 Photos) 26 Reasons Kids Are Pretty Much Just Tiny Drunk Adults.

25 Reasons why we love Scotland. 28 Of The Funniest Louis CK Quotes Ever - Part 28. 23 Goats Who Cannot Believe They're Really Goats. Gaming Logic (44 Photos) Procatinator. 25 Photos You Need To Really Look At To Understand. The Creepiest Things Young Children Say To Their Parents. Email The other day over at Reddit one of those cool Redditors asked the internet what the creepiest things were that young children had said to their parents.

The Creepiest Things Young Children Say To Their Parents

Reddit posts can go one way or the other, and the response to this one was phenomenal with over 11,000 replies. Wow. Here are some of the best ones (and they really are great) but if you’ve got a bit of spare time then maybe head over HERE and check out all the others. Some of these are so funny and weird. Unfortunatebirthmark: I was tucking in my two-year-old. NotTomPettysGirl: Not to me, but to his grandmother. GatorMcGovern: A friend of mine’s child told him “Daddy, I love you so much that I want to cut your head off and carry it around so I can see your face whenever I want.” evillawnornament: “Daddy sleep” then pushing my head underwater at the pool. Thingsimeantobe: My five-year-old at the time had night terrors and would scream in her sleep.

Abluesxs: I jokingly asked: “What’s the best way to get a girlfriend?” Me: No. 33 Dogs That Cannot Even Handle It Right Now. 8 New and Necessary Punctuation Marks. Trailer Park Boys - 'The Cart Boy' Easter Egg. This Guy's Sleight Of Hand Will Blow Your Mind !!! 20 Reasons Koalas Are Utterly Ridiculous. Epic cat videos! Cute, funny and scary kitten all in one! Silk - A Magical Interactive Artwork. Photos At The Right Time. The 38 Most Unexplainable Images On The Web.

If you're causally browsing the web looking at photos via Google Image Search, remember to have the 'Safe Search' filter enabled - if you don't you're bound to be in for a few surprises.

The 38 Most Unexplainable Images On The Web

That's exactly what happened to us recently (we haven't been able to sleep for weeks as a result) and low & behold Google very generously displayed some of the most shocking, unexplainable, bizarre and downright scary images the internet has ever seen. From the ill-advised to the utterly random, we've picked out 38 of the most unexplainable images on the web. Now some will make you laugh, some will give you nightmares, many defy logic or reason and all of them will have you asking the same question repeatedly...WTF PEOPLE!?!

Enjoy and do tell us which number your personal favourite in the comments below.... 29 Cats That Forgot How To Cat. 20 Most Hilarious YouTube Videos Under 20 Seconds Long. Meanwhile in Japan. Will Ferrell & Zach Galifianakis Debate Children from The Campaign, Will Ferrell, Zach Galifianakis, Funny Or Die, and Brian Huskey. Really cool way to pick up chicks from tusinde. 8 Steps to Making a Super Cool Bulbasaur Costume. Students are students. In general, the life of a student is hard, but the student life still remains in memory as the most fun. S BIG Fail is Angry Bottle Rocket - AUG 23, 2008. Random fact cats - GPS devices are required to automatically shut down if the device detects itself moving faster than 1200 mph at an altitude of higher than 12,000 feet. This is to prevent it from being used to guide a missile. The 50 Greatest Viral Videos Of 2011.

Gap Yah. Songify This - Winning - a Song by Charlie Sheen. Being a Dickhead's Cool. The Most Pathetic Baby Panda Ever. Cute Bear Attack. Horse FAIL. Threw It On The Ground. Not Giving a Fuck! Pedophile Beards. Brasseye - Connection between race and crime. Polite Bear Waves Hello - a waving bear. Disguised As A School. Katt Williams - Weed. Brass Eye paedophile blasted into space.