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Jobs, Productivity and the Great Decoupling. Cambridge, Mass. A WONDERFUL ride has come to an end. For several decades after World War II the economic statistics we care most about all rose together here in America as if they were tightly coupled. G.D.P. grew, and so did productivity — our ability to get more output from each worker. At the same time, we created millions of jobs, and many of these were the kinds of jobs that allowed the average American worker, who didn’t (and still doesn’t) have a college degree, to enjoy a high and rising standard of living.

Productivity growth slowed in the 1970s but revved up again in the 1990s and has stayed strong most years since. We are creating jobs, but not enough of them. Photo As the jaws of the snake opened, wages suffered even more than job growth. What’s going on? As we move ahead the Great Decoupling will only accelerate, for two reasons.

Second, technologies are going to continue to become more powerful, and to acquire more advanced skills and abilities. That Robot Economy And The Rentier Class. Agent-based computational economics. Complexity economics. Classic Economic Models. Classic Economic Models EconModel Classic Economic Models Getting Started Support Links Microeconomics Cool Picture (opens in new window) Introduction Overview of Micro Models Supply and Demand Basic Supply and Demand Who Pays a Sales Tax? Theory of the Firm Perfect Competition# Monopoly / Monopolistic Competition Price Discrimination The Demand for Labor Theory of the Consumer Two Goods - Two Prices# Intertemporal Substitution Labor Supply, Income Taxes, and Transfer Payments Getting Started The models listed here (with the exception of the Solow Growth Model and the two free on-line calculators) run from your browser when you click on a "Model Link" IF you first download and install the EconModel program.

Economics Terms Definitions for economics terms used on this web site. Phillips Curve Macroeconomics Introduction Overview of Macro Models Financial Markets Utility-Based Valuation of Risk Mean-Variance Analysis: Risk vs. Meet the Author.