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How to Melt Animal Fat and Clarify Used Cooking Grease by Robert Wayne Atkins. Copyright © 2007 by Robert Wayne Atkins, P.E.

How to Melt Animal Fat and Clarify Used Cooking Grease by Robert Wayne Atkins

All Rights Reserved. Click Here for a Microsoft WORD printer friendly copy of this article. How to Melt (Render) Animal Fat Beef fat is called tallow and pig fat is called lard. Poultry fat is too soft to be used by itself, but it may be used in a ratio of about 10% with tallow or lard. Melting animal fat is called rendering. One pound of fat will yield about 2.25 cups of grease. . ( Note: Raw animal fat can quickly become rancid. How to Clarify Bacon Grease (pork lard), Hamburger Grease (beef tallow), and Other Types of Used Cooking Grease, Oil, and Drippings Measure the amount of used cooking grease (or used cooking oil) and put it into a cook pot.

The mixture will begin to separate into three layers as follows: pure fat on top, fat mixed with impurities in the middle, and water on the bottom.


Urban Sustainable Living Magazine. Journey to Forever. Rural Revolution. S Homemade Soap Recipe by Robert Wayne Atkins. Grandpappy's Homemade Soap Recipe Copyright © 2007,2008 by Robert Wayne Atkins, P.E. All rights reserved and all rights protected under international copyright law. Click Here for a Microsoft WORD printer friendly copy of this article. Introduction During hard times sooner or later everyone runs out of soap. To make soap you only need three things: rainwater,cold ashes from any hardwood fire, andanimal fat from almost any type of animal, such as a cow, pig, goat, sheep, bear, beaver, raccoon, opossum, groundhog, etc. Soap is not difficult to make and it does not require any special equipment. Soap is a "perfect consumer product" for the following five reasons: Outdoors Junk.

Fire. There's no doubt that the ability to make and control fire was one of the greatest technological advancements of mankind after tool making.


It was there for warmth, protection, cooking, hunting and even primitive agricultural techniques. The knowledge of how to make fire utilizing primitive methods directly connects us to the people who used these techniques. When you are coaxing fire from some tinder using a coal that you created, and you see the glow get brighter, and you smell that curl of smoke, and the tinder suddenly bursts into flame, you are experiencing exactly what the ancient ones did so very long ago.

Sparks From Flint It is the old one. Long ago the ability to create and make use of hot sparks to make fire was discovered. Top: A fire works kit consisting of a striker and a piece of good black flint is shown in its waterproof tinder box. Before the introduction of steel, sparks were obtained using a piece of iron pyrite for the striker.

How To Catch A Spark. My Hobo Stove - The Simple Farm: Hobo Stoves, Rocket Stoves, Apple Box Oven and Charcoal Starter. Milly is putting on some kind of outdoor cooking class this week.

The Simple Farm: Hobo Stoves, Rocket Stoves, Apple Box Oven and Charcoal Starter

That means she’s spent the past two weeks leading up to the event running around trying to prepare for fifty ladies to play with fire. I mentioned that if it was for a bunch of guys we’d just pull out the barbeque and that would be all the outdoor cooking we’d need but she’s a lot more ambitious than her male counterparts. I kind of got into the outdoor cooking thing with her. I made this hobo stove for Milly and really got it cooking. Anytime I can play with fire I’m all over it. I cut out a hole in the bottom of a #10 can and one on the opposite end of the can to act like a chimney.

I found if I made the hole in the bottom look like this I could shove the kindling up higher in the can. As you can see we started in the daylight. It is now night time and we are still trying to boil water. I hate to admit but it took me one hour and forty minutes to boil water on this tin can. Links: rocket stoves. Awesome Sites.