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Simpliv is a global online learning marketplace that transforms lives by offering online training on a wide variety of topics. Created with the aim of making education accessible to all, Simpliv removes barriers to education among all communities, imparts life skills to learners, and bridges gaps in learning through cost-effective courses. Simpliv believes that learning has no boundaries. It brings learning to any person who wants to learn, whether it is management, technology, life sciences or any other subject of interest

7 Public Speaking Tips To HOOK Your Audience [Like A PRO] 7+ Public Speaking Tips To HOOK Your Audience [Like A PRO] - Simpliv Blog. Public speaking…Picture this: you are standing in front of a huge crowd that is looking at you in anticipation of learning something meaningful.

7+ Public Speaking Tips To HOOK Your Audience [Like A PRO] - Simpliv Blog

How would you feel? Will you be nervous like most others? Or, would you blaze through the talk like a rockstar that will have the audience hooked to what he is saying, and earn their respect and admiration for the rollicking speech? I am no mind reader, but I don’t need to be one if I were asked to answer which of these all of us want to be. We all love to be THAT Rockstar for sure, but know something? But don’t worry. Being universal, the fear of public speaking is also a Social Anxiety Disorder which pulls down people’s performance. Please don’t. I am not, because the good news is that if 75% of the population fears it, it doesn’t mean it is something that can never be tamed or mastered. I have culled for you as many as 7+ public speaking tips which can help you master this rear skill.

An Ultimate Resource To Learn Programming Easy Way In 2020 -Part 2 | Simpliv

PYTHON: An Ultimate Resource To Learn Python Programming Easy Way In 2020 - Simpliv Blog. For anyone serious about pursuing and growing in a career in IT, a basic question that roils the mind is this: which is the best programming language to learn?

PYTHON: An Ultimate Resource To Learn Python Programming Easy Way In 2020 - Simpliv Blog

Most people who want answers to this question tend to get slightly confused, because they would have heard about multiple languages, such as Java, Python, PHP, etc. It is in selecting that one truly apt programming language to learn that the challenge lies. Even learners who are fully aware of the benefits of most programming languages are in a fix about choosing the one language they should learn, and also about the best ways to learn a programming language.

It is very important for the students to make the right choice from the start as it will take a lot of time and effort to master any given programming language. Learn Python Programming Fundamentals: A Beginner’s Guide [Updated 2020] - Simpliv Blog. Python is one of the powerful, high-level, easy to learn programming language that provides a huge number of applications.

Learn Python Programming Fundamentals: A Beginner’s Guide [Updated 2020] - Simpliv Blog

Some of its features, such as being object-oriented and open source, having numerous IDE’s, etc. make it one of the most in-demand programming languages of the present IT industry. According to TIOBE index, as of January 2020, Python is one of the popular programming languages. By looking at the popularity of this programming language, many IT professionals, both beginners as well as experienced alike, are willing to build their career as a Python developer. Image source Many people have daunting questions like: How one can start to learn Python?

With an aim to help similar concerns, Simpliv is presenting this blog to discuss about the various fundamental concepts of Python programming and take you along to start writing Python programs on your own. Without further ado, let us quickly look at the topics we will be covering in this blog: Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: 1. 2. YouTube. Learning & Development: A Complete Guide on How to Stay Competitive Today and Tomorrow - Simpliv Blog. Above quote from Mr.

Learning & Development: A Complete Guide on How to Stay Competitive Today and Tomorrow - Simpliv Blog

Ford summarizes it all! To stay relevant and competitive, all of us need to continuously keep learning. Another quote which comes into my mind is: For long, we humans have been fascinated by the quest to understand our world better. In other words, we have wanted to explore the world around us and learn about it. As we get down to exploring all the elements of Learning and Development in this blog, let us first tune our thoughts towards a readily available, valuable resource on learning. While learning has always been on the top of the agenda for people across geographies, races and cultures, the need for Learning and Development has acquired near critical importance in business organizations. We can say that the need for Learning and Development has become an imperative for organizations.

In this blog, we will give you a solid understanding of all the topics related to Learning and Development. What is Learning and Development? Image source Conclusion. GIT & GITHUB: Learn About Its Benefits In DevOps And Cloud Platforms - Simpliv Blog. Introduction to GIT & GITHUB What is Git?

GIT & GITHUB: Learn About Its Benefits In DevOps And Cloud Platforms - Simpliv Blog

Git can be defined as an open-source distributed version control system tool. It is free and can handle projects of virtually any size quickly and accurately. It owes its creation to Linus Torvalds, who did it in 2005 in the process of developing Linux Kernel. In terms of the core parameters needed for a tool, Git has it all: it is functional; it performs well, is secure and flexible. Using Git, teams can work seamlessly and synchronously, with all the team members being able to use the same files. Yet, Git can make all this happen without confusion at any user’s end when more than one person is working on the same files for editing. There are many ways it can be set up and configured, but at my job, here’s how we use it: when a new employee starts, he downloads all the files from GitHub, which is an online service we’re all connected to.

Version control softwareOpen-source.