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Getting Started: Python - Google App Engine - Google Code. Read 'n Code | Learn Python (and everything) the Right Way. Python Programming Language – Official Website. Python. Python for Software Design: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist. How to Think Like a Computer Scientist by Allen B. Downey This is the first edition of Think Python. It uses Python 2, with notes on differences in Python 3. Buy this book at Download Think Python in PDF. Read Think Python in HTML. Example programs and solutions to some problems are here (links to specific examples are in the book). Description Think Python is an introduction to Python programming for beginners. Some examples and exercises are based on Swampy, a Python package written by the author to demonstrate aspects of software design, and to give readers a chance to experiment with simple graphics and animation.

Think Python is a Free Book. If you have comments, corrections or suggestions, please send me email at feedback{at}thinkpython{dot}com. Other Free Books by Allen Downey are available from Green Tea Press. Download Precompiled copies of the book are available in PDF. Python 3.0 Most of the book works for Python 2.x and 3.0. Michael Kart at St. Earlier Versions.