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The Known Universe Scientifically Rendered For All to See. 4/26 and 4/27: Pterosaurs, Dark Universe, and More Fly with the pterosaurs this spring weekend, or swoop through the universe in the Neil-deGrasse-Tyson-narrated Dark Universe, the Museum's newest Space Show. More » Google Glass in the Gobi: Something Big Aki Watanabe, a student in the comparative biology doctoral program at the Museum's Richard Gilder Graduate School, was recently chosen as a beta-tester for Google Glass. In this video, Watanabe shows another exciting find from the Gobi Desert. More » SciCafe: The Evolution of Irrationality - Insights from Primates Yale University comparative psychologist Laurie Santos explores the roots of human irrationality by watching the way our primate relatives make decisions. More » Fieldwork Journal: Enchanted and Amused by Gibbons With their field surveys concluded, Mary Blair's research team is making a pit stop in Cat Tien National Park, the oldest national park in South Vietnam, where they encounter the brachiating apes called gibbons.

More » More » Top 10 Most Extreme Substances. Extreme has (luckily) lost most of its buzz-word status. It’s mostly back to meaning things on the fringe, way out near the edges, where they blow our minds with their extremeness, rather than simply having 3 times the corn syrup and colors nature never intended. That being said, for every type of substance, there is a “most extreme” version. Sure, we’ve all heard stories about magnets strong enough to cripple kids from the inside, and acids that will eat through your hands in seconds, but did you know there are even more “extreme” versions of those? Here are the top 10 most “out there” substances I could find. 10. The Darkest Substance Known to Man What do you get when you stack carbon nanotubes on their ends and sandwich them together? 9.

A lot of things burn with astounding intensity; Styrofoam, napalm, marshmallows are just the beginning. 8. Quick, what’s the last thing you would want to inject into your face? 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. If Magneto was a small black lump, that would be him. 1. Real-Life Death Ray Built by Teenager; World Fears the Worst. Using a simple fiberglass satellite dish covered in mirrors, Eric Jacqmain, a 19-year-old from Indiana, created a ray that can vaporize aluminum and melt steel. Yes, the R5800 Solar Death Ray (that is literally what it is called), just 5-foot-9-inches tall and is 42 inches across, has achieved what Archimedes supposedly accomplished using bronze and copper shields. The video is fascinating. Set to odd electronic music, Jacqmain obliterates a wide variety of objects, even making concrete boil. We can only hope this young, evil genius doesn't move on to drills that bomb the earth's core or a device that controls the weather.

Unfortunately, Jacqmain's death ray was destroyed in a shed fire set either by Superman's heat vision or possibly a bomb planted by a 007-type secret agent. Watch the video after the jump. Via ComicsAlliance. The Top 5 Astronomical Events to Witness Before You Die | Fun Lists - Top 10 Lists. In the age of internet, television, and Lady Gaga, it’s easy to ignore the dazzling displays the sky gives us every night. In ancient times, however, human civilizations based their entire calendar, and thus their way of life, upon what they saw in the cosmos. While humanity’s interest in astronomy has diminished over the centuries, the sky remains nonetheless spectacular.

Few people have the time to go stargazing every night, but here are 5 celestial events so awe-inspiring, everyone must see them in their lifetime. 5. Perseid Meteor Shower Next Occurrence: August 9-14, 2011 Every August, the night sky lights up with a dazzling display known as the Perseid meteor shower. 4. Next Occurrence: June 15, 2011 in Africa Ever get bored with the predictably drab hue of the moon? 3. Occurrence: Year round More commonly known as the Northern Lights, Aurora is a fantastic light display that occurs at extreme Northern or Southern latitudes. 2. 1. Top 10 Amazing Stars in the Universe ( Body Language Basics - Syncrat Publishing. Throughout history it has been an advantage if an individual can read body language. Body language helps in everyday life from closing a business deal or trusting someone with your life, to recognising when someone is upset.

Body language is the art of making an educated guess at a person’s feelings or intentions based on their posture, movement and positioning. To understand a person’s body language you need to take into account more than one aspect of their body language. Take tears for example. Just seeing tears on a person’s face does not tell you much as they could mean a person is happy, sad or just they might just have watery eyes. Each action or stance in the following list means very little, unless there is more than one indicating the same thing. Arms Feet Head Chest Other.