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Html. Proof of Concept. CSS. Crawling. Caching Tutorial for Web Authors and Webmasters. For Web Authors and Webmasters This is an informational document. Although technical in nature, it attempts to make the concepts involved understandable and applicable in real-world situations. Because of this, some aspects of the material are simplified or omitted, for the sake of clarity. If you are interested in the minutia of the subject, please explore the References and Further Information at the end.

What’s a Web Cache? A Web cache sits between one or more Web servers (also known as origin servers) and a client or many clients, and watches requests come by, saving copies of the responses — like HTML pages, images and files (collectively known as representations) — for itself. There are two main reasons that Web caches are used: To reduce latency — Because the request is satisfied from the cache (which is closer to the client) instead of the origin server, it takes less time for it to get the representation and display it.

Kinds of Web Caches Browser Caches Proxy Caches Gateway Caches. Bookmarklet custom. Javascript Compressor - compress code online for free. Creating Fast Buttons for Mobile Web Applications - Mobile. Ryan FioravantiJanuary 2011 Background Here at Google, we’re constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in a mobile web application. Technologies like HTML5 allow us to blur the distinction between web apps and native apps on mobile devices. As part of that effort we’ve developed a technique for creating buttons that are far more responsive than plain HTML buttons. Previously for a button, or any clickable element, we might have just set up a click handler. <button onclick='signUp()'>Sign Up!

The problem with this approach is that mobile browsers will wait approximately 300ms from the time that you tap the button to fire the click event. Handling Touch Events The technique involves a bit of JavaScript that allows the button to respond to touchend events rather than click events. If the user tapped somewhere else on the screen and then invokes a touchend on the button then we should not fire a click. Busting Ghost Clicks Fast Button Code Conclusion. WebKit source code. PropertyCross | Helping you select a cross-platform mobile framework. Viewport for mobile browser.