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21 Months In: How to Manage a Remote Team. A lot of energy has been expended over the last few months debating the merits of remote work.

21 Months In: How to Manage a Remote Team

Unfortunately, not much information is shared about how to setup remote work so that you and your team can be successful. After we posted our job for a content marketer, I got a lot of questions about remote working and how our team manages to make it work, so I thought I'd explain here. Now, if you want to debate what's best: remote work or co-located work, this post isn't for you. But, if you want some ideas on how one team has setup their team to be successful at remote work, then stick around. This post is for you. Our Journey From day one, (October 2011) Zapier has always been a distributed team. In June of 2012, we were accepted into Y Combinator and moved into a shared apartment in Mountain View, California. In August of 2012, Mike moved back to Missouri while his girlfriend was graduating law school and in October of 2012 we started hiring. 3 Ingredients of Successful Remote Working Setup.

Company with the "World's Least Powerful CEO" Makes $2.5 Million Every Day. Company with the “World’s Least Powerful CEO” Makes $2.5 Million Every Day The popular depiction of the CEO is the titan of industry who rules with an iron fist.

Company with the "World's Least Powerful CEO" Makes $2.5 Million Every Day

The CEO’s will is the employees’ command. Not so at Supercell, a remarkable Finnish company that’s making $2.5 million dollars every day and has been described as “the fastest growing company ever.” Supercell CEO Ilkka Paananen, calls himself “the world’s least powerful CEO”, and that’s not the surprising part. What’s incredible is that Paananen made himself a weak CEO by design: As its name implies, Supercell is organized as a collection of small, independent teams called cells tasked with developing new games or building new deep features for existing games. The only thing to say is that it’s working. If it’s hard to fathom how an economic miracle could result under the leadership of a weak boss, consider another organization that designed its CEO to be powerless: the United States.

Les Patterns des Grands du Web – Les artisans codeurs. Description Aujourd’hui, les grands du web nous rappellent qu’être un développeur est une carrière aussi prestigieuse que celle de manager ou de consultant.

Les Patterns des Grands du Web – Les artisans codeurs

Pourquoi ? Ces entreprises ont dès le début orienté leur métier sur la satisfaction des utilisateurs afin de maintenir un cercle vertueux dans le développement de leurs produits. Les grands du web mettent tout en œuvre pour garder une forte satisfaction de leurs utilisateurs. Cette situation les conduit généralement à créer un cadre pour que leurs équipes techniques restent focalisées sur les besoins de leurs utilisateurs finaux.

Inutile de préciser que la situation décrite ici est encouragée par le management afin de maintenir la satisfaction des utilisateurs finaux tout en créant un système convivial permettant à leurs développeurs de réaliser des logiciels extraordinaires. Mise en oeuvre Alors comment font les grands du web ?


Stripe. GitHub. Valve.