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Welcome to T-Space. Manchester eScholar. MIT Theses. This collection of MIT Theses in DSpace contains selected theses and dissertations from all MIT departments. Please note that this is NOT a complete collection of MIT theses. To search all MIT theses, use Barton, MIT Libraries' catalog. MIT's DSpace contains more than 40,000 theses completed at MIT dating as far back as the mid 1800's. Theses in this collection have been scanned by Document Services or submitted in electronic format by thesis authors. If you have questions about MIT theses in DSpace, contact Document Services. If you are a recent MIT graduate and would like to add your thesis to the theses in DSpace, see Add Your Thesis to MIT's DSpace for instructions. MIT theses are protected by copyright. DiVA - stockholm universitet. Ammattikorkeakoulujen verkkokirjasto - theseus. fi. Helsinki uni. JYU | Opinnäytehaku. JYX - Opinnäytteet. Tampere uni.

Lappeenranta uni. Etusivu - Jukuri - luonnonvarakeskus. OuluREPO etusivu - OuluREPO. Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu -- Vetovoimainen ja kansainvälinen korkeakoulu Jyväskylässä. Kajaanin ammattikorkeakoulu. Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu. HAAGA-HELIA ammattikorkeakoulu. Pohjois-Karjalan ammattikorkeakoulu. Doria etusivu. Yliopistokirjastot. Itä-Suomen yliopisto - Itä-Suomen yliopisto. Oulun yliopisto. Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto - Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto. Jyväskylän yliopisto - University of Jyväskylä. Helsingin yliopisto. Search Builder. Collections and information retrieval - Aalto University Library, Otaniemi - Aalto University.

There are publications in the library that cover all fields of the Aalto University Schools of Technology education and research. Academic journals are a vital part of the collections. There are almost 26.000 electronic journals available in the Aalto University network. In printed collections there are text books, classical and up-to-date books about technology and report series among other things. The library acquires all domestic literature of the branch of energy and delivers data of it to the international ETDEWEB database. The printed and electronic collections are more thoroughly discussed on the Collections page. The Information Retrieval page contains basic information about searching for information as well as the introduction pages for the Nelli portal, the TEEMU collection database, the TENTTU databases and the LINDA union catalogue. The collections of the libraries of the faculties and departments contain material on specific research fields.