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LINGVA LATINA per se illustrata, de HANS ORBERG  .::RECURSOS::. Spoken Latin. SINA LATINA - linguae. Youtube: ars docendi. Great Books on G'Oogle and Internet Pharrchive. Great Books Available from Google Books, the Internet Archive and Elsewhere This list began as something I posted on textkit, but I have reproduced and expanded it here. Initially this was a list of books I had found on Google Books, but I have since added many books from other sources, especially Maybe I'll even update this list every now and then... Since I wrote this for members of textkit, I didn't bother to include its own extensive collection of pdf files of classical books. If you are not familiar with that site, you should definitely explore all it has to offer.

Thanks: Many of you have emailed me additional links or posted them to textkit. My goal is to keep this list as up-to-date as possible, though the number of books available has grown at an unbelievable rate. Note: For some reason, Google does not make all of its pdf books available to computers from outside of the US and Canada. Final Note: These are just links, I don't have any of the actual files here. Latin Resources on the Internet - Hiberna Caroli Raetici. OPVS SCHOLARIS. Vitae et Scholae - De vita et methodo Iohannis H. Ørbergii. Navicula Bacchi. John P. John P. Piazza, M.A. Ancient Greek Resources return to home page Latin Home Page As you have probably guessed, I spend most of my time working with the Latin language.

Opportunities for using Latin in the San Francisco area and elsewhere “Clearing house” for comprehensible input, that is, readings that students can read for quantity and interest, at all levels, but especially first year.. Thoughts and Resources on Latin pedagogy Teaching Latin Verse Composition (really!) John’s Latin pages. Links to useful Latin resources The article that started it all (for me). Colloquia Familiaria. Ioannes Lodovicus Vives - Colloquia - Surrectio matutina. USA Today: Vatican's Latin expert no stuffy academic. Reginaldus Foster  Latin Teaching Materials at Saint Louis University: Teach & Learn the Latin Language. These materials present the essentials of beginning and intermediate Latin morphology. In addition, you can find a summary of the vocabulary for Wheelock's Latin (6th Edition), other vocabulary studies, and some Flash movies for elementary Latin acquisition. LatinPraxis is a series of exercises correlated with the same text, using thousands and thousands of short phrases and sentences to help students achieve mastery of vocabulary and forms as well as an immediacy of understanding.

For the theory of this phrase-based approach to second-language-acquisition, read "Upgrading Latin Pedagogy. " Verbal Brilliance in Latin is a set of ready-to-go handouts in pdf format. You are welcome to use, to improve upon, and to share whatever you may find helpful for teaching or learning Latin. Neo-Latin Colloquia. Table of Conents. OL drills. Latein - Bradtke. Cornell College - Classical Studies - Latin Links. Lutèce, le Latin sur Internet - Page d'accueil. Learn the Latin Language by Father Gary Coulter with Fr. Reginald Foster. After taking Latin from Fr. Reginald "Reggie" Foster - known as the "Pope's Latinist" - I tried to capture some of his "Experience" for learning Latin. Please note: While Fr. Foster is aware of this website he is not responsible and it is entirely unauthorized. (See his quote to the right.)

Please note: I am not Fr. Instructions: With just a little memorization, Fr. If you have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can view all the lessons and homeworks as standalone files PDF files. Download the First Experience PDF as a PDF fileDownload the Third Experience PDF as a PDF filePlace this Latin Main Page PDF in the same directory as the other 2 PDFs, and you will have a stand-alone Latin Course! Who am I? I am Catholic priest who was a student of Fr. Salve optime Fosteri! "Now look here friend. Why is there no Second Experience? Where are the answers? Pictures of our Latin class trip to Formia Home of Cicero, "Father of Latinity" EPHEMERIS. Nuntii Latini universi. Prevodjenje: skica popisa literature, 5. 1. 2005. Reginald Foster. Father Reginald Foster.

The Economist Dec. 18, 2003 So you thought that irksome language was dead? TO SCARY music, a furtive Jewish nationalist of the first century paints on a wall the words ROMANES EUNT DOMUS. The scene, from "Monty Python's Life of Brian", marked the apotheosis of Latin in film--until last March. The MILITES[1] in their caligae[2] are now being coached in barrack-room conjugations by Father William Fulco, a professor at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.

As for Mr Gibson, he positively brags about making a film "in two dead languages". Yet hold on a minute (FESTINA LENTE, as Caesar would have said, while gripping some hapless Gaul by the neck). Latin was, after all, the original world language--and not just up to the moment the Vandals carbonised Rome, but long afterwards. Deep into the next two centuries, too, it remained the preferred language of philosophy and science.

THE SATURDAY PROFILE; Forget 'Hic, Haec, Hoc.' Try 'O Tempora! O Lingua!' By CLIFFORD J. LEVYPublished: May 29, 2004 LET us now enter the inner sanctum of the Vatican. Walk past the Swiss Guards, up the marble stairways of the Apostolic Palace, through corridors adorned with wondrous Renaissance frescoes rarely glimpsed by outsiders, to a hushed spot near the residence of the pope himself. There, in a small office, toils a plumber's son from Milwaukee with a shaved head, rascally sense of humor and fondness for janitor outfits that look as if they came from a J.C. Penney. He is a Carmelite priest, but do not address him as father. Part ecclesiastical oddball, part inspirational educator, the Rev.

It still is, technically, but in his 35 years as one of the Vatican's premier Latin translators, Father Foster has watched its role in the church wither. Father Foster believes that Pope John Paul II and the church establishment no longer value Latin, and as a result are spurning two millenniums of tradition. FATHER FOSTER prizes simplicity. He yanked the paper out. Tractati Leonis Magni. Asterix - eSnips Search. Comprehensible Input for Latin. John Piazza home page Comprehensible Input / Extensive Reading resources for Latin "We don't acquire language by studying grammar, memorizing lists of vocabulary words, or saying things and getting corrected. We acquire language, or gradually absorb it, when we understand what people tell us and when we understand what we read. Our ability to speak comes gradually, after we hear and read a lot. " -- Stephen Krashen “We are not normal; Latin is not different” --Bob Patrick, from a recent talk delivered to Latin teachers (see link below) “Isn’t it marvelous that the most important things in creation, like: - the growing of a seed into a flower - the transformation of an embryo into a baby - the arrangement of neurological activity into the sacred thing that we call speech all happen out of sight, in places where man’s hand/mind cannot reach, where they can occur naturally, where they can’t be sabotaged?”

--Ben Slavic Latin is a language, and reading is a form of communication. Easy Latin Stories. Colloquia. Grammar Resources. LATINTEACH. LINGVA LATINA PER SE ILLVSTRATA. Latin texts with adjustable interlinear vocabulary: no dictionaries. Methodus natura. Metoda 'natura' u poučavanju jezika Metode i način poučavanja latinskog jezika dugo su predmet moga interesa i proučavanja. Globalizacijom i povezivanjem Internetom postalo je moguće doći u doticaj s različitim bazama podataka, kao i s mnogim ljudima koji se bave istim područjem. Tako sam 2003. godine, po uzoru na druga društva govornika i ljubitelja latinskog jezika u Evropi, Americi, Japanu itd., osnovala Circulus Latinus Zagrabiensis, društvo ljubitelja govornog latinskog jezika, koji se sastaju jednom mjesečno i o svim temama raspravljaju samo na latinskom jeziku. Komunicirajući s mnogim kolegama, profesorima klasičnih jezika iz Evrope, SAD-a i drugih zemalja, uspostavila sam kontakte koji su omogućili meni i mojim hrvatskim kolegama da sudjelujemo na međunarodnim kongresima, u Napulju 2007.

Tako sam upoznala i meni novu metodu poučavanja latinskog jezika, metodu natura, koja je vrlo rasprostranjena u SAD-u, kao i u evropskim zemljama. Angela Crnobrnja. Fabulae Zeni - Vade mecum discipule. Helios - Accueil. Latin Games. Erasmus Roterodamus - Colloquia Familiaria. Excerpts from Meissner's Latin Phrase Book. Teaching Latin with Technology. Necessity of incorporating Internet technology in teaching and learning today Internet skills are important for employment, quality of life, etc.; our students need to master them no matter what their field or profession.Like reading, writing, or mathematics, Internet skills need to be applied across the curriculum. It is my contention that they are best learned through practice in many different areas, not taught in isolation.

Combination of technology with personal contact and support is optimal for pedagogy 1, 2 Advantages provided by the Internet Difficulties encountered in using the Internet for teaching A major benefit of instructional technology is the provision of less burdensome and boring forms of practice and drill than traditional methods involving recitation or written exercises, enabling students to proceed at their own pace and repeat tasks as needed and freeing classroom time for reading of Latin and discussion of culture.

Use Latin Software on Disk and CD-Rom Steps to Follow. Textkit | Greek and Latin Learning Tools. Centaur Systems -- Software for Latin, Greek, and Classical Studies.