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Movies, TV shows, List: genre. A Bug's Life. All Critics (86) | Top Critics (20) | Fresh (77) | Rotten (7) | DVD (39) A Bug's Life may be the single most amazing film I've ever seen that I couldn't fall in love with. This animated fable teems with vivid creatures standing on their own countless feet. The plot matures handsomely; the characters neatly converge and combust; the gags pay off with emotional resonance. Full of adventure, spectacle, light romance, and the kind of suspense that doesn't require an unpredictable outcome to make your spine tingle. One of the great movies -- a triumph of storytelling and character development, and a whole new ballgame for computer animation.

The colours are vivid, the detail incredible and the vocal performances, led by Foley, are fine. Cute animated tale with some mild peril and scary bugs. The rest of the film has similar fun mixing bug-world givens with anthropomorphism. pure joy--whimsical, funny, and downright entertaining A Bug's Life [is] sure to endure as a superb children's entertainment. Yellow Submarine. All Critics (46) | Top Critics (9) | Fresh (44) | Rotten (2) | DVD (16) If the result seems less a coherent story than a two-hour pot high, Submarine is still a breakthrough combination of the feature film and art's intimacy with the unconscious. Here are all the ingredients of a novel entertainment. This 1968 Beatles musical gets somewhat plot heavy near the end, but it's a marvel of innocence and free association, blending several animation techniques in a loose narrative full of gentle bad puns and flowing visual segues.

The animation is imaginatively conceived, but stiffly executed. There's such a wide disparity of graphic styles from sequence to sequence. Yellow Submarine is a family movie in the truest sense. A unique and often brilliant animated film that pictures the Beatles as towering and often god-like gentlemen who have the power to change worlds... An outrageously inventive piece of eye-popping pop, it still qualifies as one of the greatest animated movies ever made.

Spellbound - Movie Review. Every family should see this m-a-r-v-e-l-o-u-s documentary, because it is about so much more than the spelling bee. It is about the strength of American diversity and the commitment of this country to opportunity. It is about ambition, dedication, and courage. It is about finding a dream that speaks to each individual. Most of all, it is about family -- the opportunity to discuss the wide variation in styles of family communication and values is in itself a reason for every family with children to watch this movie together. Plus, it is one of the most genuinely thrilling, touching, and purely enjoyable movies of the year. E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial - Movie Review. Mary Poppins - Movie Review. The Point. Love Is So Sweet. The Adventures of Prince Achmed. The Puppet Films of Jiri Trnka. 1951, Dir. Milos Makovec , Jirí Trnka ,156 min., color animation Every child should be raised on honest-to-goodness, old-fashioned stop-motion animation, and Trnka, who died in 1969 at the age of 57, was an innovator whose films create rich settings for moving, delightfully playful stories.

This DVD collection includes The Emperor's Nightingale (1951, 67 min.), based on Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale and narrated by Boris Karloff. Short Subjects: Story of the Bass Cello (13 min.), The Song of the Prairie (21 min.), The Merry Circus (11 min.), A Drop Too Much (14 min.), The Hand (18 min.), Jiri Trnka: Puppet Animation Master (Documentary, 12 min.)

My children's favorite is The Hand, a political story of an artist whose studio is invaded by a giant hand that directs him to make a statue of it and abandon the clay pots he's been making for his plant. I'll Sing for You (Je Chanterai Pour Toi) Children of heaven (bacheha-ye aseman) full film. Alternative films for kids. 8½ Foundation | A magical new movie birthday for kids.