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Grounding EMF Radiation protection

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More ‘Smart’ Meter Dangers Exposed. ‘Smart’ Meters are being justified by energy saving and the climate change lie .

More ‘Smart’ Meter Dangers Exposed

They are described ... ‘Smart’ Meters are being justified by energy saving and the climate change lie. They are described as 'an intelligent digitised energy-network delivering electricity in an optimum way from source to consumption’. Electromagnetic Radiation and Other Weapons of Mass Mutation. V.

Electromagnetic Radiation and Other Weapons of Mass Mutation

Susan Ferguson, ContributorWaking Times Have the elite already become mutated versions of human beings? Physicist and former military expert on microwave radiation, Barrie Trower has stated, “There are no safe levels of radiation.” Upon watching Barry Trower’s startling video interview (seen below,) it appears evident that the elite and their techno-nerd minions may already be mutants.

Neuroscientist Exposes Dangers of Electromagnetic Fields. Kevin Samson, GuestWaking Times Neuroscience has come under scrutiny for its involvement in an array of mind control initiatives and other ethically questionable research.

Neuroscientist Exposes Dangers of Electromagnetic Fields

Smart Meter Information Consumers Should Know. Catherine J.

Smart Meter Information Consumers Should Know

How to protect yourself from Chemtrails. From Barium, Chemtrails, & Immuno-suppression By Bob Lee: "There is no question about the effect of barium exposure, i.e., barium will interfere with T-cell activation - barium will interfere with natural immune system functioning.

How to protect yourself from Chemtrails

"If the research concerning the particulate matter in rainwater collected in areas where chemtrail activity is high continues to yield barium, we may have a first understanding of the purpose of chemtrail spraying, i.e., to directly impact the T-cell systems of the humans beneath the chemtrail targets. Therefore, in the continuing science of study of chemtrails it is imperative that measurements of the health of the population beneath the targeted areas be monitored.

As barium blocks T-cells activation, i.e., weakening the immune system, we should expect to see statistically significant increases in various diseases which might normally be minimally occurring in a population with a fully activated immune system. INNERLIGHT SUPERGREENS Inner light supergreens. WILHELM REICH - ORGONE ENERGY.

Top Biochemist Calls to Abolish Smart Meters, WiFi in Schools, and Baby Monitors. Kevin Samson, GuestWaking Times Our modern world is creating an electromagnetic soup filled with electrical pulses, radio frequencies, computer screens, wireless signals, as well as personal devices such as cell phones and gadgets that are emitting damaging radiation.

Top Biochemist Calls to Abolish Smart Meters, WiFi in Schools, and Baby Monitors

There are many peer-reviewed scientific studies drawing conclusions that should concern us all, but particularly for young children and pregnant women. Government agencies are even doing battle amongst themselves over outdated scientific information that still impacts current regulations. Researchers Conclude Wireless Radiation Causes Cancer. Waking Times National advocacy group calls on major children’s health organizations to promote safe technology in schools with the “Turn It Off 4 Kids” Initiative.The National Association for Children and Safe Technology (NACST) is taking action after two recently published studies indicate there is sufficient evidence demonstrating exposure to wireless radiation, also known as RF-EMF, causes cancer.

Researchers Conclude Wireless Radiation Causes Cancer

Wireless routers and devices such as tablets, laptops, baby monitors and cell phones all emit this type of radiation. The State of the Science: The Debate is Over Professor of Oncology Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD, and Statistician Michael Carlberg of Orebro University Hospital, Sweden found a 3-fold risk with 25 or more years of cell and cordless phone use in a study published October 2014 in Pathophysiology. Very significant was the finding that people who first used mobile or cordless phones before the age of 20 had the highest risk.

EM, WiFi, Protection, heart

Who Stole the Weather? Chemtrails and Geoengineering. Zen Gardner, GuestWaking Times The increasing existence of these persistent contrails we see in the sky regularly behind high flying jets has rapidly become commonplace knowledge.

Who Stole the Weather? Chemtrails and Geoengineering

Ironically these were first called “chemtrails” in military program literature, but this term was soon demonized as “conspiratorial” by these very same powers and their cohorts in order to squelch information getting to the mainstream public. After all, if there really is some sort of spraying program, what are they spraying, and why? These are very serious questions, and apparently the answers would not meet with public approval. A litany of literature, scientific studies and patents regarding such a program is readily available on the internet. HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF FROM RADIATION/EMF – FUKUSHIMA- SUN’s MAGNETIC FIELD REVERSAL –

With all the news about Japan’s Nuclear Plant (Fukushima), Sun’s Magnetic Field Reversal, and increasing EMF emissions from everyday items that we are constantly bombarded with, I figured there must already be something on earth to protect our bodies/vehicles until such moment in time when our DNA completely changes to adjust to all the radiation (I am being told that our bodies are changing with “radiation/emf tolerance” upgrade.


9th grade student “Cress + WiFi” experiment attracts international attention « Stop Smart Meters! (UK) Cress expose to WiFi.

9th grade student “Cress + WiFi” experiment attracts international attention « Stop Smart Meters! (UK)

Yum? Foreign researchers are extremely excited for a biology project from five 9th grade girls. Researchers from England, Holland and Sweden have shown great interest in the five girls’ biology experiments. Indian in the machine » Safely Detox With Ionic Foot Bath Plates. How Grounding (aka: Earthing) Healed My Adrenal Fatigue. Is Earthing Possible on Concrete? With the summer months slowly creeping around the corner, we begin to plan ahead for these warm months. The Grounded 2 WATCH NOW $ 9.99.