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Delicious XML Exporter. PECL :: The PHP Extension Community Library. PEAR :: The PHP Extension and Application Repository. Hacking Asterisk and Rails with RAGI. By Joe Heitzeberg 12/19/2005 Chances are that by now you are using Skype, Yahoo Instant Messenger with Voice, Google Talk, or one of the other PC VoIP phones that let you talk for free over the internet. You might also be a customer of Vonage, AT&T CallVantage, BroadVoice, or one of the other VoIP-based land-line replacements that give you flat-rate, unlimited calling and tons of great features like voicemail-to-email or click-to-call. Thanks to VoIP, now anyone can talk for free; I get that.

But what's next? In this world, hackers and entrepreneurs everywhere ought to be able to pioneer vastly new and powerful services, such as: Mashing up RSS and voice to create a better kind of 411. eBay virtual call centers: High-volume seller and not around to answer your inquiries? You might have read about Google's latest foray into "Click to Dial" advertising. Asterisk in 30 Seconds Asterisk is an open source PBX. Start a consulting business installing 25-person office phone systems.

Diagram Notes: Delicious python.