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Makerbook - The best free resources for creatives. How to resize multiple images in Photoshop. Here, as part of our beginner's guide to Adobe Photoshop, we show you how to use actions and batch processing to resize multiple images. If you've got a folder full of images that you want to resize, you might be dreading how long it's going to take to open up each image in Photoshop, resize them, resave them and close them all again. However, there is a way to make resizing multiple images in Photoshop really quick and easy, but it takes a bit of work to set up first.

First things first, you'll want to make sure all of the images you need to resize are in one folder. Within that folder (or wherever you would prefer your resized images to end up) create another folder called something like "Resized Images". Now, open up one of the images in Photoshop (here, we are using Photoshop CC, but this process will work in older versions of Photoshop too). Create an action Go to the actions panel. Choose a name for your action. Here, choose how you want to resize your images. Click "Save". Worked? How to remove a background in Photoshop. Eroded fashion portraits. Eroded fashion portraits. Create a Powerful Human Disintegration Effect in Photoshop. Creating a Smoke Fading Effect. Undress a Giraffe in Photoshop. Have you ever wanted to know what a Giraffe looks like without its spots? If so, this tutorial is for you, you pervert! Today, we will demonstrate how to undress a giraffe by removing its spots.

We will then show how to turn its spots into an outfit that will be draped over an ironing board. Pretty cool! Let’s get started! Tutorial Assets The following assets were used during the production of this tutorial. Step 1 Let’s start by creating a new document in Adobe Photoshop. Step 2 First of all let’s create a simple and plain background. We will use gradients and filters. In the bottom part of the Layers Palette. Step 3 Create a new empty layer above background layer - click "Create a new layer" icon . Step 4 Create a new layer above light spot layer. Choose Filters menu again and find Blur filter, apply Motion Blur and Gaussian Blur filters to clouds layer one by one. . Step 5 Step 6 Merge all created layers.

. , choose Linear "black and white" Gradient Tool. Icon). Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Step 11. Images gratuites et libres de droit. Photo Transfer Edge Effect. Step 1 Welcome back my naughty little monkeys! I was up most of the night with this nasty flu that’s been going around, it’s not even noon and already I’m on my third can of Dragon, so if my writing’s a little off kilter, you’ll understand why.

Did I just use the word kilter? Lets get this party started with a visit to iStockPhoto where I found a cool looking stock image of an old medium format film border. There are tons of these available for free as well if you’re willing to put in the time to search. Incase you want to replicate this exact effect you can enter the product id (1249016) into the iStockPhoto search field. The nature of my contract with iStockPhoto doesn’t allow me to give away the original but if you know where to look, I may have "accidentally" left the associated Alpha Channel in the download at the end of the lesson.

Here’s the image I got from iStockPhoto. Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 HERO! Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Step 11 Step 12 Step 13 Step 14 Step 15 Step 16 Step 17. Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop tutorial: T-shirt design in Illustrator using owl and skull vector art. 60+ nouveaux tutoriels de qualité gratuits pour Photoshop | Design Spartan : Art digital, digital painting, webdesign, ressources, tutoriels, inspiration. Encore une fois, je vous ai sélectionné le meilleur des tutoriels gratuits pour Photoshop ! La liste ultime de tutos pour ce début d’année. Après en avoir parcouru un nombre incalculable, voici pour vous plus de 60 des meilleurs de ces derniers mois. En quête de perfection, en pleine soif d’apprendre ? Vous êtes à la bonne adresse !

Comme toujours, les tutos de la sélection sont classés en plusieurs rubriques et sont plutôt orientés vers un niveau intermédiaire : Retouche photo3D PhotoshopPhotomanipulationEffets de texteDessin d’icônesWebdesign Il n’a jamais été aussi facile qu’aujourd’hui de se former sur un logiciel et je pense que Photoshop a de loin la palme du tutoriel gratuit sur Internet. Si vous avez des tutoriels à partager qui ne sont pas présents dans cette liste ou une précédente, je vous invite à les partager en commentaire ! Retouche photo 10 astuces et techniques pour retoucher vos photos avec Photoshop Comment créer des reflets de gouttes d’eau réalistes Photomanipulation.

60+ nouveaux tutoriels de qualité gratuits pour Photoshop | Design Spartan : Art digital, digital painting, webdesign, ressources, tutoriels, inspiration.