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Maya Scripting and Plugins

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The 11 best Maya plugins. If you're new to Maya, or working on a Maya-based project and need a little help, there's plenty of plugins out there that may be able to assist. Some are free, others come at a cost, but all are guaranteed to make life easier. Here, we've found 11 top Maya plugins to help you out, covering everything from animation and rigging to crowd simulations and camera views. Read all our 3D posts here 01. Krakatoa MY 2.3 Platform: Windows, Linux Price: 15-day trial The latest issue of high-volume particle rendering plugin Krakatoa, MY 2.3, comes with full Magma support, higher particle counts, and PRT surfacing over and above the previous verions. 02. Price: Free Character rigging can be a tiresome, not to mention tricky, task. 03.

Price: Version 1: Free, Version 2: $50 for one user lifetime license Designed by an animator, for animators, Miguel Winfield’s plug-in MG Tools has a number of features that aims to make the life of an animator that much easier. 04. 05. 06. Price: Free (express edition) FG Auto UV - Maya Plugin. FroTools 3.2 : new enhanced UI and tools | Froyok. FroTools 3.2 : new enhanced UI and tools | December 24th, 2012 - 18h32 | | Cat : Maya, Technical, Tutorial | I’m finally releasing to everyone this new update of my script. I focused this time on the usability of the UI. I found a lot of problems by using it everyday.

I hope it will be now much more pleasant to use. It is also a good time make a proper manual, I was lazy with the previous updates and I figured out that some people never used some button because they didn’t know what they were doing. Download Download : froTools 3.2.5 Install : This script works correctly with Maya 2011, Maya 2012 and Maya 2013. How to launch ? You can also add the froTools to launch when Maya start, to do so, open the userSetup.mel file (create it if it doesn’t exist) inside your script folder (where froTools3.mel is) and put the following line inside it : eval(“froTools3″); Changelog [froTools 3.1.3] -Added “Keep Location” and “Center to grid” option for the OBJ exporter. Frame : Selection Frame : UVs Credits. Online Compiler, Editor & IDE for C, C++, C#, Java, Javascript, PHP, Ruby, VB.

Maya Scripting: "Should I Learn MEL Or Python?" The question I get asked most often by people just getting into scripting in Maya is, "Should I learn MEL first or go right to Python? ". It's a legitimate question and at this stage in the lives of both languages, it has merit. The reality is you need to learn both...but which one first?

And why learn MEL when Python is there? Maya's embedded language has been around for ages and is notoriously weak and difficult to use in certain areas. As Python slithers it's way deeper and deeper into our pipelines, many believe MEL will be phased out completely in coming years. Seeings how it will inevitably become more and more prevalent in 3D applications and is not Maya-specific, isn't it only logical to not bother with Maya's aging language and go right to Python? All signs seem to point that way, but I don't agree with this philosophy and I'll explain why. Python and Mel - Both Badass, (though one is insane) Download and Install Maya MEL scripts - XROMM. Skip to end of metadataGo to start of metadata Download most recent XROMM Maya Tools (MEL scripts and shelf) from Recent Changes and Downloads The MEL scripts automate some of the XROMM tasks in Maya.

Once the scripts have been copied to the correct directory on your computer, they can be called from the MEL command box at the bottom of the Maya interface. The Maya XROMM shelf provides one-click button access to commonly used scripts. All scripts can be called from the MEL command box; the shelf is just for convenience. Note: Type rehash in MEL command line after changing scripts Installation of MEL scripts and XROMM Shelf Windows XP move shelf_XROMM_tools.mel to the following directory: C:\Documents and Settings\User_Account\My Documents\maya\mayaVersion(e.g.2012)\prefs\shelves move the .mel files from the XROMM scripts folder into the following directory: C:\Documents and Settings\User_Account\My Documents\maya\scripts MOVE THE SCRIPTS NOT THE FOLDER. Mac OS X. Mel and python for dummies.