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Just think of all those women on the Titanic who said, "No, thank you," to dessert that night. And for what!

- Erma Bombeck


Шоколадно-творожное мороженое. Джем-глинтвейн. The baking man. Pumpkin Ginger Cupcakes. The baking man - Шоколадные маффины. Последнее время просто не удавалось приготовить что-то для себя, для души. Наконец выдался свободный вечер, и настроение располагало к какой-нибудь интересной выпечке. Но кончилась гранола, я неторопливо замесил очередную порцию банановой с арахисовым маслом и поставил в духовку. Тем временем я мысленно прикинул доступный набор продуктов, свои желания и вкусы предполагаемых дегустаторов :) Выбор пал на шоколадные маффины. Такие пухленькие, воздушные, не маслянистые. Требуется:(все ингридиенты - комнатной температуры)• 1 3/4 чашки муки• 75г сл. масла• 2 больших яйца• 3/4 + 1 ст.л. коричневого сахара• 1/2 чашки молока• 3 ст.л. какао-порошка• 1 большой банан (размять вилкой или пюрировать блендером)• 2 ч.л. разрыхлителя• 1,5 ч.л. корицы• 1 ч.л. кофе в гранулах• 1/4 ч.л. соли • 50г порезанного горького шоколада мин. 70% Готовим:Нагреть духовку до 180°С.Подготовить 12 формочек для маффинов.

Смешать муку, разрыхлитель, соль, какао-порошок и корицу. Наполнить формочки на 2/3. Вопрос! Кексы «Рождественские» Нежные, мягкие, очень ароматные кексы! Вместо белкового крема можно полить кексы растопленным шоколадом или сахарной глазурью. Вместо маленьких формочек (я использовала силиконовые формочки) можно использовать одну большую форму. Из указанного количества ингредиентов получается около 20 штук.

Ингредиенты тесто: 150 г сахара150 г сливочного масла3 яйца2 ч.л. разрыхлителя (или 1 ч.л. гашеной соды)200–250 г муки5–6 мандаринов (или 3 апельсина) белковый крем: 100 г сахара50 мл воды2 белка½ ч.л. лимонной кислоты Приготовление Готовим тесто. Масло растереть с сахаром. Добавить яйца, перемешать. Добавить мандарины, перемешать. Добавить разрыхлитель и муку, замесить не густое тесто. Выложить тесто в формочки, поставить в разогретую до 180 градусов духовку. Готовим крем. Чтобы сделать «пробу на мягкий шарик» налейте немного сиропа в холодную воду.

Если из сиропа можно сформировать шарик, он готов. Белки взбить в пену. Добавить лимонную кислоту, взбивать 5 минут. Приятного аппетита! Chocolate Peanut Butter & Jelly Cups. Rumor has it that it’s National Peanut Butter and Jelly day. Who knew such a day existed? I love a good excuse to eat food. Not that I need one, but it’s always nice to have one, just in case.

I’ve been on a PB&J kick lately. For all you “non” bakers, this one’s for you. Ps. for an Easter treat, make in pastel paper liners and set out for guests or add to your kids easter baskets. So… I like salt, a lot. I’ll add it to anything, even chocolate. My husband likes more peanut butter & jelly mixture, less chocolate. This is one of my favorite combinations of sweet and salty. Chocolate Peanut Butter & Jelly Cups PRINT Recipe Ingredients 2 cups semi-sweet [or milk chocolate] chocolate chips1 teaspoon coconut oil1 cup peanut butter – or nut butter of choice1 tablespoon powdered/confectioner ‘s sugar1/2 cup of strawberry jelly – or jelly/jam of choicesea salt Directions Line a mini muffin tin with paper liners and set aside. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler, saucepan or microwave. Makes about 24. Chocolate Covered Brownie Ice Cream Sandwich.

Chocolate Covered Brownie Ice Cream Sandwich Brownies and Bars, Chocolate, Dessert, Frozen Desserts, Guest Posts | 66 comments I’m taking some time off to be with my family for a little while. The following recipe is written by Jaime of Sophistimom. Welcome, Jaime! Last year, while developing a recipe for homemade Ho-Ho’s, I accidentally made something more like a thin brownie than a cake. When Katie invited me to write this post for today, it was still cold and rainy here in the Rocky Mountains.

So I turned to my food magazines for a little help, as I often do. And that became my starting point. Martha’s ice cream bar had only one cookie layer, so I wanted to make it a little different—more like an ice cream sandwich. To make them easier to dip in chocolate, I inserted wooden Dixie cup spoons, and turned them on end to set. What about you? Need another Ice Cream Sandwich Recipe? About the Author: Кекс в микроволновке. Baked donuts. Baked donuts Scroll down for recipe in English Wspominałam kiedyś, że nie przepadam za pączkami. Zdania nie zmieniam, ale musicie przyznać, że donuts to zupełnie co innego.

Te pączki z dziurką nie mają nadzienie, bo i mieć nie mogą, ale za to można polać je czym tylko dusza zapragnie. Ponad to dzięki nim miałam okazję pobawić się kolorowymi posypkami, które już kilka miesięcy leżały nieużywane i zapomniane w szafce. Ale wróćmy do donuts. Składniki z podanej porcji wychodzi ok. 30 donutów, w zależności od ich wielkości 180 ml ciepłego mleka 7 g drożdży instant 15 g masła (stopionego i ostudzonego) 135 g cukru 1 jajko (roztrzepane) 350 g mąki 1/2 łyżeczki soli szczypta gałki muszkatołowej (opcjonalnie) Drożdże wsypujemy do ciepłego mleka i odstawiamy na kilka minut. W tym czasie w misce łączymy mąkę, cukier, sól i gałkę. Rozwałkowujemy ciasto na grubość ok. 1 - 1,5 cm. Nagrzewamy piekarnik do 180C. Polewa czekoladowa polewa owocowa sok z 1/2 cytryny cukier puder (ok. 8 - 10 łyżek) In English: 135 g sugar.

Dark Chocolate Raspberry Pistachio Tartlets. To be frank with you, I'd really rather skip January and move on to February if I can have it my way. After the Christmas mayhem topped by a full on four course dinner the night before New Years Eve, I looked at the calendar, blinked twice, almost had a panic attack and sighed. Chinese New Year tickets home are booked and I have two weeks to get the house - including a rather unsightly room - in order before I can board my flight in peace.

I'm not sure there will be time for Lunar New Year cookies this time. In any case, I think I'll play safe and not make you any promises. In the meantime though, let's forget about the pressure of the impending Gong Xi and dwell a bit more in the first few days of 2012 by talking about these little dark, dainty things filled with some of the best flavors in my books. There were leftover tart shells lying around after I made these. If you've been hanging out here for awhile, you'd know that I'm not very good in keeping things light.

Sourdough Danish Pastries. This is the second post in a series of three – click to read Part I and Part III. As promised, here’s the follow-up to my last post on Danish pastries: how to shape and fill the Danishes. So fun! I got really excited about the different Danish shapes I was going to make, so I tried a whole bunch of them. They were all pretty successful so I’m confident that I can pass along my skillz ;). I only used half the batch of dough to make these (I couldn’t justify making sixteen Danishes for only two of us) so I will be experimenting with the rest of the dough sometime soon… stay tuned for Part III! Danish Pastry Shapes You will need: 1 batch of Sourdough Danish Pastry dough, rolled out and cut into 4″ squares as outlined in the recipe 1 batch of Cream Cheese Filling (see below) jam, fruit, and/or berries of your choice, fresh or frozen The Square Take a square of pastry and fold each point into the middle. The Pinwheel The Vol-au-Vent The Braid Cream Cheese Filling Adapted from Wild Yeast. 28 g flour.

Конфеты «Геркулес» Brownies. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownie Bombs. Oh mylanta. What have I done? If I’m not mistaken, that’s a ball of cookie dough surrounded by a fudgy brownie and then coated in chocolate and sprinkled with mini chips. Whoooa. Sometimes, I don’t even know WHERE half my ideas come from. I literally operate like a mad scientist part of the time, throwing things together with my fingers crossed, hoping it’ll work. Most days, you can find me scatterbrained and roaming the grocery store like a complete looney tune. Lucky for me, I usually shop at a store that may or may not rhyme with Schmalmart, and the fact that I’m aimlessly walking back and forth while talking to myself isn’t really that out of the ordinary.

Anywhooooo, the idea for these truffles came from left field. And this zeppelin dropped a gigantic bomb of brilliance on me: wrap a brownie around a ball of cookie dough. Now pardon me, but I have some reading/judging to do and it’s VERY important. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownie Bombs Author: Hayley Parker, The Domestic Rebel. Vegan Hot Chocolate. DIY Chocolate Cups Chocolate Cups Tutorial Labels: DIY - Do It Yourself, et cetera, Gluten Free Recipes Newer Posts »« Older Posts. Chocolate cups. Uncategorized “There’s nothing better than a good friend, except a good friend with Chocolate” Linda Grayson This is my take on ‘Hot Chocolate’. Instead of the typical cup of steaming hot chocolate, these cups are made 100% out of chocolate. Perfect for a party to entertain your guests. You get a cold creaminess from whipped cream, sweetness and crunch from chocolate cup, and heat from the cayenne pepper. Prepare to have your taste buds dancing to a sweet and spicy tune!

I seem to be doing more social media now a days but I still enjoy baking up a storm in the kitchen. Chocolate cups. To make these chocolate cups, melt about 4 ounces to make 3 cups. I suggest using a high quality melting chocolate. Place the chocolate covered balloons on a pan covered with parchment paper. You can either let the balloon sit for 30 minutes or stick them into the fridge to harden up faster. Chocolate Mousse.Adapted from Alton Brown Chill 1/2 cup whipping cream in refrigerator. Fill first with chocolate mousse. Шоколадные пряники "Геркулес" Синнабоны. The baking man - Овсяные корзинки с творожным кремом и свежими ягодами.

Привет!!! :) С наступлением сентября в блогосфере наступило эдакое затишье. И на улицах заметно похолодало... Но это ничего! После лета поначалу всегда бывает тяжеловато адаптироваться к совершенно иной, чуть более суетливой и ускоренной атмосфере вокруг. Овсяная идея для завтрака. Нафантазировать с вариациями здесь можно очень и очень много.... Требуется: (на 3 корзинки) Тесто: • 1/3 чашки овсяных хлопьев • 3 ч.л. муки (гречневой, цельнозерновой пшеничной, кукурузной - на Ваш выбор) • 1 ст.л. льняной муки • по 1/2 ч.л. корицы и ванильного экстракта • 1 ст.л. меда (сиропа агавы, топинамбура) • 3-4 ст.л. йогурта (кефира, молока) Начинка: • 100 г творога • 2-3 ст.л. йогурта (молока) • 1-2 ст.л. мёда • свежие ягоды и фрукты • орешки, тёртый шоколад, варенье на Ваш вкус (топпинг) Готовим: Смешать и размять все ингредиенты для теста, замесить липкое тесто.

Выпекать 10-12 минут в разогретой до 180°С духовке или 1 минуту в микроволновке на максимальной мощности до готовности. Music for you :) That Chocolate Cake. I suffer from a little something that I like to call 'The Baker's Curse.' (Don't worry--it's far from lethal. ;-P) The Baker's Curse is when you're the designated baker in your circle of friends, and you make everyone birthday cakes for their birthdays (and wedding cakes for their weddings, and so on), but no one ever--and I mean ever--bakes *you* a cake for *your* birthday. I'm sure many of you out there are familiar with this affliction. Everyone seems to get so flustered and worked up with the misconceived insecurity that no cake they bake, they think, could ever possibly live up to your standards, but what they don't all realize is that it's not really the cake that counts as it is the thought.

So this year, for my birthday, I'm determined to escape the Baker's Curse, and to do so, I've enlisted the help of the awesome, awesome folks at Rosanna, Inc. Rosanna, Inc. is the tableware company behind my absolute favorite cake stands--the ones I've used on this blog overandoveragain. .

The baking man - Торт "Кровавая невеста" Привет! :) На Хэллоуин я готовил шикарнейший торт "Кровавая невеста", рецептом которого сейчас и хочу поделиться. Не переживайте, ни одна невеста не пострадала в процессе! Вся эта устрашающая кровавая баня приготовлена на основе...сгущёнки! Идея этого торта родилась около 2х лет назад. Пару слов о самом торте - он божественен на вкус. Торт "Кровавая невеста" Надо:125 г размягченного сливочного маслаполтора стакана сахара2 крупных яйца2 ст.л. с горкой какао порошка2 ст.л. красного красителя2 и 1/4 стакана муки1 стакан кефира1 ч.л. соли1 ч.л. ванильного экстракта1 ч.л. соды1 ч.л. белого винного уксуса Для крема:150 г размягченного сливочного масла300 г сливочного сыра комнатной температуры3-4 стакана сахарной пудрыщепотка соли2-3 ч.л. ванильного экстракта Для "крови":1-2 ч.л. кофе1 ст.л. сгущенки или мёда1 ч.л. красного красителя2-3 ч.л. крахмала Как готовить:1.

Вот такое "устрашающе-прекрасное" удовольствие :)) Торт готовил для сайта телеканала "Домашний" One Bowl Chocolate Cake. 911. May I help you? I have an emergency. What is the nature of your emergency? I want to make a Valentine's Day chocolate cake but I also have to clean it up all by myself. So, basically, you're lazy and don't want to make a real cake with beaters and mixers and frostings and layers and sprinkles and buttercream roses? And you don't want so much cake that you'll be tempted to eat it for breakfast for the next 6 weeks? Basically. I'll send someone right over. Hi. I'm here for you. This cake is for you, and for me, and for anyone who needs a chocolate something this week to please a family or a friend or a partner or a spouse or a Valentine of any denomination. Yes, you can make a more complicated, traditional Valentine's dessert.

Or you can concentrate on other things, go about your life, do some work, read the mail, pay a bill, walk a dog, kiss your people, and then, after dinner, make this cake and have it on the table in 45 minutes. It's up to you. Happy Valentine's Day to-be, friends. Chocolate Pancake Cake. This is a very healthy dessert with nearly no calories at all.

It’s almost like a tic tac. Okay, that’s not true… but wouldn’t it be awesome if it was? You know what? Around this time of year people often ask me: “Petra, why each year in February you die and then come to life again in March? And I say to those people: “I dunno, but do you have some chocolate for me?” That’s exactly what happens. So yes, it’s chocolate that makes me crawl through the end of winter each year. Like, for example these chocolate pancakes with lovely whipped cream filling that I had for breakfast today. Let’s just hope that our door frame will have mercy on me and will still keep me letting out of the flat. Let’s hope… Here’s what you need if you want to commit this sweet sin too. 1. 2. Beat until just combined. 3. Cook on the first side until the edges are set and bubbles form on the surface. 4.

Repeat until you’ve used all the batter. 5. 6. 7. 8. Then make yourself some lovely steaming coffee. With love, Petra. Autumn Cheesecake. Orange Chiffon Cake with Orange Filling and Meringue. Tiramisu. Marshmallow Cake. Triple-Chocolate Mousse Cake. Chocolate & Caramel Layer Cake. Chocolate chestnut cake.

Английский пудинг. The baking man - Шоколадный торт "Маленькое чёрное платье" Apple Pie Filling. Cherry Pie Filling. Special Buttercream Frosting. Lemon Icing. Mocha Icing. Maple Icing Recipe. Caramel Icing. Buttercream Icing. Мусс "Кока-кола" Gingerbread Apple Pie. Peanut Butter Banana Cream Pie. Щавелевый пирог. Дрожжевой пирог с вишней и миндалём. Яблочный пирог. Шоколадный пирог с авокадо без муки! The baking man - Яблочная шарлотка. The baking man - Strawberry sponge cake with whipped cream. Пирог из Кока-колы. Chocolate Chip Bacon & Orange Kissed Pancakes. Mini PB Banana & Chocolate Pancakes. Ricotta Pancakes with Blueberries. Blueberry Pancakes. Whole Wheat Buttermilk Pancakes. Buttermilk Pancakes. Cinnamon & olive oil pancakes with salted butter caramelized bananas.