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50 things to do before you leave university - Student Life - Student.


Why Being In Your 20s Is Awesome. I know I talk crap on being a twentysomething but I’m only half-kidding.

Why Being In Your 20s Is Awesome

In actuality, there’s no age I’d rather be. (Besides maybe seven years old because they don’t do anything besides eat ice cream and poop themselves. That sounds like an ideal life to be completely honest.) Being in your twenties is all about discovering which things hurt you and what makes you feel good. You go in blindly, practically pricking yourself with a dull blade, and then you walk out with tougher skin. Facebook. Hunter's Camp.


Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness + Find a Therapist. Creativity « Changizi Blog. “My plan for today: 1.

Creativity « Changizi Blog

Pick up dry cleaning. 2. Go to dentist. 3. Think up brilliant idea.”