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Wednesday 2011-01-19

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Naomi klein - Google Search. 10 Questions for Jimmy Wales. Online tools and applications - Go2web20. How to Pick Your Next Android Phone: The Specs That Matter (and the Ones That Don't) This isn't an Android thing: "One of the sad facts of life with Android is that whether you get upgrades is completely dependent on your phone's manufacturer and your carrier. " The same holds true for iPhone. The same holds true for RIM. The same holds true for WP7 The same holds true for any phone. And Google has released new Android versions more frequently than any of those carriers - and in turn, the carrier/manufacturers have pushed them through with the same frequency, just a bit of a delay between their release and when Google made the code available to them.

That delay is what gets focused on, and is a bit of a red herring. Every maker has to take the base code and update it to mate to each piece of hardware they manufacture. Only with Android do we know when that base code was readied. ...With other devices, we just know when it starts appearing on handsets. @geolemon: That's not true. @Whitson Gordon: It is true. And - You can't update an original iPhone to run iOS4, right?

U.S. food companies caught faking blueberries with artificial colors and liquid sugars, reveals Health Ranger investigation. (NaturalNews) A Food Investigations mini-documentary released today exposes the "blueberry deception" in name-brand cereals, bagels, breads and bars. As revealed in the investigative video (, big-name food companies that offer blueberry cereals, muffins, pastries and bars have been caught "faking" the blueberries by creating them out of artificial colors, partially-hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). This investigation was conducted by award-winning investigative journalist Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, as part of the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center (, which provides nutrition grants for children's education programs around the world.

The non-profit "blueberry deception" video can be viewed in its entirety at Source: General Mills website nutrition facts label: #3) Don't let your kids eat foods with artificial colors. Michel Delpech *le chasseur* Naomi Klein: Addicted to risk. Svensk upptäckt kan bromsa Parkinson. Det handlar om att forskarna identifierat sjuka proteiner som sprider sig från cell till cell. – Nästa steg hoppas vi är att vi kan hämma mekanismen så att vi kan stoppa sjukdomens fortskridande. Det skulle innebära att patienter som precis fått diagnosen skulle kunna få ett nytt tilltänkt läkemedel i framtiden.

Det läkemedlet skulle göra att de inte blev sämre utan hade en väldigt mild sjukdom, säger Patrik Brundin, professor i neurovetenskap i Lund. Något typ av bromsmedicin? – Ja, det är det vi hoppas. Många försöker hitta den här bromsmedicinen men ingen har försökt att angripa just den här mekanismen. De sjuka proteinerna sprider sig på ett infektionsliknande sätt från cell till cell i hjärnan. . – Det är den näst vanligaste sjukdomen som långsamt bryter ner hjärnan efter Alzheimers sjukdom, säger Patrik Brundin. Lundaforskarna går nu vidare och skall försöka bromsa spridningsprocessen med potentiellt nya läkemedel. Politikerbloggen. Newsmill. Anna-Lena Lodenius. Alla Dessa Dagar. Startsida.