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IT - Widgets

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Make custom mobile apps, web widgets, and rich media ads. Web widget. Widgets often take the form of on-screen device such as clocks, event countdowns, auction-tickers, stock market tickers, flight arrival information, daily weather etc..

Web widget

Widget[edit] A widget is a stand-alone application that can be embedded into third party sites by any user on a page where they have rights of authorship, e.g. a webpage, blog,[1] or profile on a social media site. Widgets allow users to turn personal content into dynamic web apps that can be shared on websites where the code can be installed. For example, a "Weather Report Widget" could report today's weather by accessing data from the Weather Channel, it could even be sponsored by the Weather Channel. GUI widget. Gtk3-demo, a program to demonstrate the GUI widgets in GTK+ version 3.

GUI widget

Various widgets History and use[edit] In the context of an application, a widget may be enabled or disabled at a given point in time. An enabled widget has the capacity to respond to events, such as keystrokes or mouse actions. A widget that cannot respond to such events is considered disabled. Konfabulator - Gallery. Opera Widgets - Free applications for your Desktop, Mobile and TV. Yahoo! Widgets: useful, fun, beautiful little apps for Mac and Windows.