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The page you are looking for does not exist, or may have moved or is currently under construction. At 6,000 years old, wine press is oldest yet found. - The Cooking Encyclopedia Everyone Can Edit. Food Reference - Everything about Food from Articles and Trivia to Festivals and Recipes : Cook's Thesaurus. Food. Historically, people secured food through two methods: hunting and gathering, and agriculture.

Today, most of the food energy required by the ever increasing population of the world is supplied by the food industry. Food safety and food security are monitored by agencies like the International Association for Food Protection, World Resources Institute, World Food Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization, and International Food Information Council. They address issues such as sustainability, biological diversity, climate change, nutritional economics, population growth, water supply, and access to food. The right to food is a human right derived from the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), recognizing the "right to an adequate standard of living, including adequate food," as well as the "fundamental right to be free from hunger. " Food sources Global average daily calorie consumption in 1995 Most food has its origin in plants.

Plants Animals Production. Ancient Egyptian cuisine. Meals[edit] There are few precise accounts of how many meals were eaten, but it has been assumed that the wealthy would have two or three meals a day; a light morning meal, a larger lunch and dinner later in the evening. The general population would most likely eat a simple breakfast of bread, and a main meal with beer in the early afternoon.[1] Foodstuffs[edit] Depiction of various foods in a burial chamber, c. 1400 BC. The predynastic cuisine differed from later eating habits due to changes in climate. Honey was the primary sweetener, but was rather expensive. Bread and beer[edit] Egyptian bread was made almost exclusively from emmer wheat, which was more difficult to turn into flour than most other varieties of wheat. Other than emmer, barley was grown to make bread and also used for making beer, and so were lily seeds and roots, and tiger nut. Along with bread, beer was a staple of the ancient Egyptians and was drunk daily.

Fruit and vegetables[edit] Meats[edit] See also[edit] Notes[edit] Cookbook:Table of Contents.