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Africa: Tribalism lives, for better and for worse. Ancient Egyptian cuisine. Meals[edit] There are few precise accounts of how many meals were eaten, but it has been assumed that the wealthy would have two or three meals a day; a light morning meal, a larger lunch and dinner later in the evening. The general population would most likely eat a simple breakfast of bread, and a main meal with beer in the early afternoon.[1] Foodstuffs[edit] Depiction of various foods in a burial chamber, c. 1400 BC.

The predynastic cuisine differed from later eating habits due to changes in climate. Honey was the primary sweetener, but was rather expensive. Bread and beer[edit] Egyptian bread was made almost exclusively from emmer wheat, which was more difficult to turn into flour than most other varieties of wheat. Other than emmer, barley was grown to make bread and also used for making beer, and so were lily seeds and roots, and tiger nut.

Along with bread, beer was a staple of the ancient Egyptians and was drunk daily. Fruit and vegetables[edit] Meats[edit] See also[edit] Notes[edit] History of Egypt. History of Africa. African States between 500 BCE and 1500 CE The history of Africa begins with the prehistory of Africa and the emergence of Homo sapiens in East Africa, continuing into the present as a patchwork of diverse and politically developing nation states. Some early evidence of agriculture in Africa dates from 16,000 BCE,[1] and metallurgy from about 4000 BCE. The recorded history of early civilization arose in Egypt, and later in Nubia, the Maghreb and the Horn of Africa. During the Middle Ages, Islam spread through the regions.

From the late 15th century, Europeans and Arabs took slaves from West, Central and Southeast Africa overseas in the African slave trade.[2] European colonization of Africa developed rapidly in the Scramble for Africa of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Africa's history has been challenging for researchers in the field of African studies because of the scarcity of written sources in large parts of the continent. Prehistory[edit] Paleolithic[edit] [edit]