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Tarot Spreads. Best Free Tarot Readings Online. Free Love Tarot. Spreads/Readings. Tarot Readings by Jan. The Elements. The Elements There are four suits in the Tarot, as well as the Major Arcana. Each of these suits correspond to a given element: Earth, Air, Fire and Water. The suits are interpreted differently depending on the element they belong to. So Earth tends to focus on family and money issues, whereas Air focuses on communication and the intellect. The four elements are part of ancient teaching. Everything in our material world belongs to one or more of these elements.

Each element can be active or passive, as they are part of the overall principle of polarity which is strongly emphasised within the Tarot. The following four articles are designed to help you understand the basics of each of the element, so that you will be able to take this and apply it to the four Suits. The Element of Earth Suit: Disks, Coins, Pentacles, Deniers. Finance, money, business, home life, domesticity, family and basic material security come under the dominion of Earth. Earth is a passive element. The Element of Water.

Numerology and the Tarot. Numerology - The Aces The Aces correspond with the number 1. This is considered to be the beginning of anything - first emanation of an idea, an action, a venture. The number 1 contains raw energy and power. There is, as yet, no form of substance to that energy - it is simply the beginning of anything that follows. 1 is considered esoterically as the point where individuation occurs. It is the moment at which the egg is fertilized and new life results, the moment of conception, that brief second where the seed takes root. In each case, we have already moved away from 1's by the time that growth and development begin to take place and as a result, it is immediate, incredibly powerful and yet completely fresh and new. You can see, maybe, that the energy in this particular number is very vital and dynamic, but probably slightly uncontrolled and unstable.

The Aces, therefore, are raw expressions of the element that they represent. Numerology - The Twos Numerology - The Threes. Learning the Tarot: Five Card Spread Layout. Here are a handful of spreads to experiment with. The way you spread the cards is quite important - each spread (whilst having similar types of position) yields differing information. There are other layouts that do things like give you a year view, or an astrological perspective or whatever. Some spreads answer specific questions better than others (I've personally never found the Celtic cross good for this - it's almost as though you get too much information.) Any spread should give you the same overview, but one spread will highlight - for instance - emotional matters, whereas another might pick up outside influences better. Five Card Spread The Ellipse Spread The Celtic Cross The Mirror Spread The Mandala Spread The Relationship Spread A Tarot spread for determining a course of action You could try this spread for determining a course of action - it's a Five Card Spread: This is useful when trying to decide a given course of action.

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