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Siemplify's security orchestration and incident response platform is a single pane of glass built for a security team to navigate day-to-day security operations

The Next Stage Of Security Automation - How Will It Evolve. Before an organization can begin to analyze the benefits of security automation, a quick reminder of the threat faced by security breaches is necessary: According to the IBM Security Services 2014 Cyber Intelligence Index Analysis, in the region of 95% of security issues arising in companies and organizations occurred due to human error, and each lost data record cost on average $145 to a company.

The Next Stage Of Security Automation - How Will It Evolve

The report also found that the average company suffered from 91 million security events per year, of which over 100 could be classified as critical. As the report itself says, no company can possibly be expected to deal with these threats in a solely manual response, especially when a human error can compound the threat faced by those under attack. New Research On Security Orchestration, Automation & Incident Response.pptx. Back to Basics: What is Security Orchestration? Some things just go together.

Back to Basics: What is Security Orchestration?

Peanut butter and jelly. Gin and tonic. Bacon and more bacon. SOARing Above the Clouds of GDPR Compliance.pptx. The Role of Security Orchestration in Managed Detection.pptx. Automated Incident Response - How Enterprises Benefit from it? Automated Incident Response Addresses Key Security Operations Inefficiencies In this era where cyber threats occur rapidly and nonstop, combining incident response and automation is becoming a necessity for enterprises and MSSPs seeking to keep their cyber defenses up around the clock.

Automated Incident Response - How Enterprises Benefit from it?

The following provides an overview covering all you need to know about automated incident response and how it can benefit your organization. What is Incident Response? Incident response (IR) refers to the systematic response to and management of events following a cyber attack or any security breach. It involves a series of actions and activities aimed at reducing the impact of security breaches and cyber attacks on organizations. Your MSSP security orchestration shopping list.

To say that MSSPs have a security orchestration challenge is the understatement of the century.

Your MSSP security orchestration shopping list

But not just any security orchestration platform can satisfy the multi-tenant requirements of MSSPs. Managed security services providers (MSSPs) can teach a master class on today’s threat landscape. With dozens of client environments to monitor, MSSPs get a broad view of what it takes to detect, manage and respond to cyberthreats of all kinds. And don’t get us started about all the false positives to be addressed day in and day out. MSSPs are also in the unique position of needing to understand how to fully leverage the vast landscape of security tools. Security Automation for Phishing Alerts.pptx. Why is Cyber Security Important - How To Avoid Threats.

In the ever growing battlefield of cyber security, it is nearly impossible to quantify the reasons why cyber security is important.

Why is Cyber Security Important - How To Avoid Threats

Allowing malicious threats to run amok anywhere, at any time, and in any context is far from acceptable, and it especially applies to the intricate web of customer and company data that cyber security teams are striving to protect. In the never ending battle of good versus evil, doubling down on an effectively calculated cyber security strategy is paramount.

There are a multitude of reasons to invest in new cyber security innovation for security operations teams, but we are going to break it down to a few important points: Attack Frequency Start with the bare facts. Progressive Devastation As we noted previously, attacks are more intricate than ever. OPIsrael And The Value Of Next Generation SOCs PowerPoint presentation. is a leading presentation/slideshow sharing website.

OPIsrael And The Value Of Next Generation SOCs PowerPoint presentation

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The Future Of Security Operations-Siemplify - Siemplify. For the past 13 years, I’ve been heavily involved in the military intelligence community and the cybersecurity industry, setting up cyber defenses and training security personnel from leading enterprises and government organizations.

The Future Of Security Operations-Siemplify - Siemplify

During that time, I saw first-hand how cyber tools failed to address the operational challenges faced by security teams. So I teamed up with Alon and Garry to build a new kind of security operations center (SOC) platform. The Siemplify Threat Analysis Platform, which we launched today, is built from the ground up to address today’s real-world security challenges. It brings a “command-and-control” model to the SOC, combining real-time threat analytics, visual investigation, and incident response. Security Orchestration - A Catalyst for MSSP Speed to Market.pdf. What You Should Know about Driving Down MTTD and MTTR.pptx. 10 Signs You Should Invest In Security Automation.pptx. How to Get More from Your Existing Security Technologies. The cybersecurity sprawl struggle is real.

How to Get More from Your Existing Security Technologies

Quick – name 50 things that you’re really good at. It’s okay. We’ll wait. Can’t do it can you? According to Cisco’s 2018 Annual Cybersecurity Report, 41% of organizations are using technologies and services from as many as 50 different vendors. 4 Emerging Cyber Security Vulnerabilities You Should Know. Cyber security is an industry that is constantly in flux.

4 Emerging Cyber Security Vulnerabilities You Should Know

As new technology becomes available — particularly internet connected technology — attackers have more points of access into critical systems and networks. Forward-thinking companies must always re-analyze the landscape to detect upcoming threats and put the proper protections in place. In recent years, we have seen new technology that leads to a number of new channels become increasingly common vectors of attack. Social engineering and phishing have made their way into the common vernacular as attackers seek to find their way into systems through human error.

Pop quiz: should you be automating? True or false: your organization is ready for security automation.

Pop quiz: should you be automating?

What drives security operations teams to begin the journey to security automation differs for each SOC, whether it’s a staffing shortage or the inefficiency that results from manual processes. Check out our list of 6 true or false statements below, all of which are common triggers for implementing a security automation solution. If you answer “true” to any of the items below, now may just be the time to start automating. You’ve Experienced a Significant Breach. Petya Ransomware - How To Best Approach This Global Threat. The recent cyber-attack caused disruption around the globe and has infected companies in an estimated 64 countries, including major banks, oil and gas organizations, law firms and advertising agencies.

According to anti-virus vendor ESET, 80% of all infections were in Ukraine, with Germany second hardest hit with about 9%. Generally, ransomware similar to the previous Wannacry attack spread via “worms”. The worms multiply exponentially until they discover a particularly vulnerable exploit within an organization. One of these is via the so-called EternalBlue hack – thought to have been developed by US NSA developers, which uses an exploit in protocol to let computers and other equipment talk to each other, known as the Server Message Block (SMB). CyberSecurity Strategy For Defendable ROI. Are CISOs Ready to Trust Security Automation? For CISOs trying to keep a hold on securing the information and systems of their company, automating their security operations is an absolute must, of course within the context of a broader security orchestration approach. Understanding the benefits as well as the shortcomings of security automation will help CISOs create the most efficient model to orchestrate their organization’s security.

Automation plays a critical role in security orchestration in today’s threat environment. Keeping track of the sheer volume of daily threats posed against a system is often beyond the human capacity of an analytics team. Additionally, the tedious and repetitive tasks of these threats can put strains on manpower. Security Automation Saves Money, Time and Work. Webcast: SOC of the Future - How to Run an Effective SOC. (Click to Register) Siemplify’s Miguel Carrero (EVP Strategy) & Meny Har (VP Product) The Security Operations Center (SOC) is the backbone of an effective cyber strategy.

With the ever expanding digital footprint and heavy investment in detection, effective response to today’s cyber challenges run through Security Operations. Though building a modern SOC is not as simple as buying a SIEM or hiring more analysts. The building blocks of a SOC require thoughtful convergence of people, process, and technology. MSSP Security Orchestration Shopping List. Automate This: Security Automation for DLP Alerts. Hey there, welcome back! We now proceed with the third installment of our four-part blog series.

If this is the first time you’re joining us, here’s a quick recap of what we’ve talked about so far. In our first post, we discussed how security automation can be applied to the process of managing, investigating, and responding to phishing alerts. We followed that up with a step-by-step guide to automating response processes for malware alerts. Today, we tackle yet another common SOC process, this time focusing on the type of alerts feared by most CISOs – DLP (data loss prevention) alerts. Benefits of Semi Automation - Learn Security Analysis A Lot From Foot… Security Automation for Malware Alerts. Welcome to the second post in our four-part blog series where we walk through the steps to automate some of the most common SOC processes. Last week, we went through applying security automation to the process of managing, investigating and responding to phishing alerts.

This week, we take a look at addressing malware. As a reminder, four factors make certain processes ideal candidates for automation. Why Malware? What SOC Managers Should Know about SOAR and Threat Intel. Should You Stop Hiring Tier 1 SOC Analysts? Much has been written about the death of the Tier 1 SOC analyst. To paraphrase Mark Twain, reports of that death are greatly exaggerated. A simple Glassdoor search yields 186 open positions that posted in just the last month. Security Automation for Account Misuse. Should You Be Automating. 4 Best Practices For Building a Security Operations Center. Selecting a Security Orchestration Vendor. Anguish and Antidote – Overcoming Top CISO Challenges PowerPoint presentation. is a leading presentation/slideshow sharing website. Whether your application is business, how-to, education, medicine, school, church, sales, marketing, online training or just for fun, is a great resource. The Role of Security Orchestration in Managed Detection. How To Select Security Orchestration Vendor. Security Orchestration, Automation & Incident Response. Security Automation for Phishing Alerts. Petya Ransomware. Are Cybersecurity Tools Enough? What is Security Orchestration? MSSP - Security Orchestration & Automation. SOARing above the Security Talent Shortage. Cyber Security Vulnerabilities. Why Security Orchestration & Automation Play a Critical Role for MSSPs. Building A Security Operations Center. 3 Ways Automation and Orchestration Can Help You Stem the Insider Threat - Siemplify. Cyber Security Incidents - Shocked The World. 10 Signs You Should Invest In Security Automation.

Data Exfiltration - Detect and Prevent Through Investigation. Security Operations Center Roles and Responsibilities. USED PLAYBOOKS OF 2017 - Incident response, Alerts, Automation. Cyber Security Analytics - Investigate, Manage & Automate. 3 Best Ways to Approach Security Incident Management. The Phenomenon of Phishing Attacks. Siemplify Announces the Deployment of ThreatNexus 2.0. Cyber Security & Cyber Security Threats. 5 SOAR Implementation Pitfalls to Avoid. Vulnerability Management and SOAR. Integrating Vulnerability Management into your SOAR to shorten investigation time Vulnerability Management has come a long way in recent years.

Once thought to be a once a month process, modern vulnerability solutions offer organizations near unlimited flexibility in regards to when and how vulnerability scans take place. Now, with continuous visibility into the vulnerabilities across their environments, IT teams can take action fast when a critical asset is flagged as vulnerable.

Recently, forward-leaning organizations who have adopted, or are considering adopting security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR) solutions are seeing the value of making their vulnerability management solution a critical part of their SOAR integration plans. This decision makes a lot of sense when you consider the rich data vulnerability management solutions create and manage. Putting Your Incident Response Processes to the Test. Surely you remember it well. Your class being gathered and ushered into the centermost room of your school. Or being taken outside and counting off once you reached your designated place. CyberSecurity Metrics Program. Creating a Foundation for Proactive Incident Response.

As a Boy Scout, you’re trained to be prepared - always in a state of readiness in mind and body to do your duty. And for many of us in cybersecurity, a sense of duty is what drew us to the industry in the first place. What happens when the mind and body are at the ready, but you don't have the right approach or tools to carry out your duty as you know you can and should? Fifty-nine percent of incident response (IR) pros say the organizations they work with follow a reactive approach to IR, according to the recent Quarterly Incident Response Threat Report (QIRTR) from Carbon Black. Get More From CyberSecurity Automation. New York Department of Financial Services Cyber Security Regulation. On March 1, 2017 the New York Department of Financial Services implemented the “Cybersecurity Requirements for Financial Services” regulation – 23 NYCRR 500“. These new rules are in response to the growing concern that financial firms who actively conduct business in New York State are facing increased cyber threats with little oversight putting consumers and businesses at risk.

As active partners with some of New York’s major financial institutions, Siemplify is providing a brief note on key takeaways and how we are helping the New York Financial Services industry meet these new regulatory needs. Need Of Security Operations Over SIEM. Need of SIEM when You have SOAR. The Top Priority Procedures For Incident Response. Machine Learning for Security Operations. Security Operations Strategies for Winning the Cyberwar. Advice for staying ahead of cyberthreats abounds, yet most organizations still find themselves struggling to keep pace in a consistently evolving threat landscape. Recently, the Forbes Technology Council asked a panel of 13 IT experts for their strategies and approaches to more effectively do battle in what often feels like an all-out cyberwar. Security Operations Strategies.

Siemplify Awarded Fastest Growing Cyber Security Company. In recognition of our accelerated growth and market demand Siemplify has been awarded the 2017 CyberSecurity Excellence Award for Fastest Growing Cyber Company. Security Orchestration as a Catalyst for MSSP Speed to Market. Creating a Foundation for Proactive Incident Response.

5 SOAR Implementation Pitfalls to Avoid. Incident Response Test. Security Automation For Malware Alerts. Do I Need a SIEM if I Have SOAR? Another year, another Black Hat has come and gone. On the show floor, we saw the continued momentum and interest building for security orchestration, automation and response (SOAR). Carbon Black and Siemplify: NextGen AV and EDR meets SOAR. Security Automation and Machine Learning. CyberSecurity Automation. Security Automation Saves Money, Time and Work. Building a Holistic Cybersecurity Metrics Program. Cyber Security Technologies. The Benefits of Semi-Automation. Cyber Security - Future Of Security Operations.

Cyber Security Automation. What Machine Learning Means for Security Operations. How To Propel The Next-gen Isoc - Siemplify. Benefits of Cyber Incident Response Plan. Cyber Security To Prevent Bank Robbery. OPIsrael and the Value of Next Generation SOCs. Security Orchestration Made Simple. 3 Essential Things To Include In Your Cyber Security Strategy. 3 Essential Things To Include In Your Cyber Security Strategy.

Incident response procedures. Ransomware Attack Stuns the Globe, Security Orchestration-The Answer. Security automation system. What You Should Know about Driving Down MTTD and MTTR. Automated incident response. How to Build a Cyber Incident Response Plan. Introducing Siemplify V4.25 - Security Orchestration, Automation And …