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Counter Conditioning/ Sub-threshold

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How to Get Your Dog to Stop Barking and Lungin. Sometimes I think I’ll scream if I see one more person yank the leash and snap “No!” Or hiss loudly when their dog barks and lunges at something or other on the street. Fortunately, I have this convenient article in which to explain why jerking and snapping are no help at all. People! There is a better way! Should You Punish Your Dog for Barking and Lunging? I’ll use the example of barking and lunging at other dogs, but what I have to say applies to any situation in which your dog blows up. Well, yes and no. Why Do Dogs Bark and Lunge? Think about body language for a sec. Now picture your dog blowing up at the spaniel mix across the street. You Can’t Punish Away Distress No, you don’t, do you.

Keep Your Dog Out of Problem Situations While You Look for Help So. Learn What Factors Affect Your Dog’s Behavior Make it your business to notice the distance at which your dog starts to tense up. Desensitization and Counterconditioning for Reactive Dogs Resources. Dog Aggression to People | Dog Aggressive for Toenail Trim | Jack Russell Terrier (JRT) Aggression When Blowing in Face | Ask.