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Sacred Geometry

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The revival of an ancient science. - Marko Rodin - Rodin Coil. -- Introduction -- Hopefully this will enable people to understand "why" there is only "one" truth and how we can all move forward in learning more about the "nature" of what that one truth is and why no single person or group of people can be the "owner" of the one truth and that literally everyone has a piece of the "enlightening" puzzle which is like a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma. -- Substance -- - Marko Rodin - Rodin Coil

Dreamcatchers Community. Ever wondered where people like Roger Hamilton got Wealth Dynamics, Myers & Briggs got their profiling or Steve Brown got Red, Green, Blue, Yellow.

Dreamcatchers Community

It all came from the work of Carl Jung (Freud’s offsider) who worked with Richard Wilhelm in the 1920′s on the I-Ching. Jung was introduced to it, after he lost faith in Freud’s theories, by Wilhelm who had lived in China for many years and had studied the book with the secret societies that existed there. Some background for I-Ching newbies. The book was commissioned by Emperor Fu Hsi in around 3,000BC. It is not known who or how many people authored it, Confucius edited it in his lifetime some 2500years later.

An Introduction to Hexagonal Geometry. Contents Introduction.

An Introduction to Hexagonal Geometry

Vastu Purusa. Vastu shastra. While Vastu had long been essentially restricted to temple architecture, there has been a revival of it in India, in recent decades, notably under the influence of late V.

Vastu shastra

Ganapati Sthapati, who has been campaigning for a restoration of the tradition in modern Indian society since the 1960s. While the fields are related, Shilpa Shastra explicitly deal with sculpture – forms, statues, icons, stone murals etc. The doctrine of Vastu Shastra is concerned primarily with architecture – building houses, forts, temples, apartments and other buildings. Terminology[edit] Stargate - Vortex Based Mathematics. Click The Images To View Them Full Size.

Stargate - Vortex Based Mathematics

CHAKRA VORTEX , SCALAR ENERGY TRANSCEIVER. Ether vibrations. Chapter 6 Aether vibrations Quantum physics that has been around for some hundred odd years now is still mainstream physics most accepted physics.

Ether vibrations

Although quantum science has revealed the presence of the zero point field with all its virtual subatomic particles and photons that jump into existence from apparently nowhere to return to oblivion nanoseconds later, there is still is no reasonable explanation as to how and why particles and photons can appear and disappear just like that. Also the quantum probability wave is still hard to grasp and visualize. Quantum physics may have proven to be a mathematically correct science; for lay people the wave-particle duality of quantum science it is still very hard to understand. Angel – Archangel - Metatron - Tree of Life – Sephirot - Kabbalah - Qabala - Kether - Crown. Question: How Does Angel Metatron Represent Kether (the Crown) on Kabbalah's Tree of Life?

Angel – Archangel - Metatron - Tree of Life – Sephirot - Kabbalah - Qabala - Kether - Crown

Answer: Linking Energies Between Divine and Human As the angel who oversees the Tree of Life's crown, Metatron (who tradition says was a human being -- the biblical prophet Enoch -- before ascending to heaven) serves as the angelic link between God's energy and the spiritual energy of human beings who are seeking to grow closer to God, believers say. "In the Tree of Life in Kabbalah he stands at the top as the angel of Yahweh and is also credited with giving the wisdom of the Kabbalah to mankind; he is charged with the sustaining of mankind and seen as the link between the human and the divine," writes Julia Cresswell in her book The Watkins Dictionary of Angels: Over 2,000 Entries on Angels and Angelic Beings.

Maggy Whitehouse writes in her book Kabbalah Made Easy that Kether "is primarily associated with Metatron, the only known being who is both human and angel. Michael Schneider - Constructing The Universe. Vibrational Reality : Energy field patterns, Properties of Water, & Sacred Geometry. "Why aren't we taught this in school?". Ezine. 33. Revolution Eve (Topology) Vastu Courses of Study with The American University of Mayonic Science and Technology. For Vastu news, design discussions and the latest University happenings visit the AUM S&T blog!

Vastu Courses of Study with The American University of Mayonic Science and Technology

Background The American University of Mayonic Science and Technology (AUM S&T) derives its history, philosophy, goals, objectives and teaching from the work of Mamuni Mayan who was a scholar, scientist, artist and builder approximately 10,000 years ago in the ancient past of the Kumari continent and South India. Music and Sacred Geometry.

In the Brahma Samhita story written in Sanskrit the first born son of the creator god is called Narada which means Music.

Music and Sacred Geometry

LA CLEF DE L'ORDINATEUR QUANTIQUE. ÉCLAIRAGES CONVERGENTS SUR LE « GRAND TOURNANT » (II) « Évolution morphologique et culturelle humaine : l’apport des modèles fractals » L’article « Évolution morphologique et culturelle humaine : l’apport des modèles fractals » a été publié en 2002.

ÉCLAIRAGES CONVERGENTS SUR LE « GRAND TOURNANT » (II) « Évolution morphologique et culturelle humaine : l’apport des modèles fractals »

Ses auteurs sont Pierre Grou, un sociologue, Laurent Nottale, un astrophysicien, et Jean Chaline, un paléontologue. Sa publication précède donc le début de la crise du « grand tournant » de six années. L’apport principal de l’article est de mettre en évidence que les crises économiques que subissent les sociétés humaines ont lieu à une échelle de temps que l’on peut caractériser comme « log-périodique », l’expression « log » renvoyant aux logarithmes « naturels » ou « népériens ». Ceci veut dire – pour ceux qui décrochent déjà – que d’un point de vue graphique, si les crises sont représentées comme des points séparés à intervalles réguliers le long d’un axe (« l’axe des x ») et qu’elles sont situées dans le temps, le long d’un autre axe (« l’axe des y »), par rapport à une échelle « log-périodique », elles s’aligneront sur une droite.

-ln (Tc – T). Faut-il en rester là ? Dr. Amit Goswami, Ph.D. : Theoretical Quantum Physicist. Article: The Spiritual Meaning of the Lotus. Welcome To The Hanna House. Yantra. Enthroned Jain yantra besides Adinath image.