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Ancient Egypt. More. Ancient skeletons discovered in Georgia threaten to overturn the theory of human evolution. By David Derbyshire Updated: 12:26 GMT, 9 September 2009 For generations, scientists have believed Africa was the cradle of mankind. Now a stunning archaeological discovery suggests our primitive ancestors left Africa to explore the world around 800,000 years earlier than was previously thought before returning to their home continent. It was there - hundreds of thousands of years later - that they evolved into modern humans and embarked on a second mass migration, researchers say. Astonishing discovery: Archaeologists have unearthed six ancient skeletons dating back 1.8 million years in the hills of Georgia Archaeologists have unearthed six ancient skeletons dating back 1.8 million years in the hills of Georgia which threaten to overturn the theory of human evolution.

The Georgian bones - which include incredibly well preserved skulls and teeth - are the earliest humans ever found outside Africa. Professor David Lordkipanidze with one of the skulls from the Georgia site. The story behind the world's oldest museum, built by a Babylonian princess 2,500 years ago. History « Socio-Economics History Blog. Overlords of Chaos: Illuminati Plan for WWIII, Stargate Technology And the End of the Age! Overlords of Chaos: Illuminati Plan for WWIII, Stargate Technology And the End of the Age! By Paul McGuire, The Illuminati plan for World War III began with the Fabian Socialists like H.G.

Wells and Bertrand Russell, and a vision by Albert Pike written down in 1871. The Illuminati are a secret Luciferian Elite who rule our world and have a plan to bring in a new world order through chaos or crisis. Click on image to goto website! End NATO Expansion to Ukraine Will Be Grievous Mistake for US – Last US Ambassador to USSR! Published on Apr 13, 2014An emerging chill between the US and Russia is causing alarm around the world. Click on image for article! Zionist Billionaire Eyes US Presidential Purchase! Genocidally insane Zionist-Illuminist, Synagogue of Satan! Revelation 2:9 – …. and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. 12,000-year-old unexplained structure. Perseus Digital Library. Our Hidden History Feat. Jim Marrs .

The Great Flood - Sumerian Version. Family tree of the Greek gods. Rome: Ancient Supercity Infographic. 1000-year-old coins found in Northern Territory may rewrite Australian history | Space, Military and Medicine. A find of 1000-year-old coins (not pictured) had led archaeologists to launch an expedition that may rewrite Australian history. Source: REMEMBER when you were taught that Australia was discovered by James Cook in 1770 who promptly declared it "terra nullius" and claimed it for the British throne?

Turns out that could be completely and utterly wrong. Five copper coins and a nearly 70-year-old map with an "X" might lead to a discovery that could rewrite Australia's history. Australian scientist Ian McIntosh, currently Professor of Anthropology at Indiana University in the US, is planning an expedition in July that has stirred up the archaeological community. The scientist wants to revisit the location where five coins were found in the Northern Territory in 1944 that have proven to be 1000 years old, opening up the possibility that seafarers from distant countries might have landed in Australia much earlier than what is currently believed. The coins proved to be 1000 years old. Jean-Baptiste Michel: The mathematics of history. Ancient skeletons discovered in Georgia threaten to overturn the theory of human evolution. Warning history is repeating. Home | AC History Units.

AC History Units presents 8 units developed by the History Teachers' Association of Australia to support teachers in the implementation of the Australian Curriculum: History The development of these units has been guided by a number of ideas: Unit 1, Teaching History, is a foundation unit, providing a brief introduction to the discipline of history. It 'unpacks' the skills and concepts, surveys approaches to teaching and provides an essential framework for the other units. Units 2-8 focus on topics relevant to particular year levels and are designed to provide very practical support in the form of teaching programs, sample 'learning sequences', a wide range of resources and assessment ideas. xHousesofParliament - Robert Rogers - How the new can live with the old. A glimpse of teenage life in ancient Rome - Ray Laurence. Lessons, Units and Outlines. The Great Secret of Solomon's Temple - Part 1 of 11 - By Michael Rood. Atlantis Found: Giant Sphinxes, Pyramids In Bermuda Triangle | Angel wings and Unicorns.

Atlantis found in Bermuda Triangle Two scientists, Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki, working off the coast of Cuba and using a robot submersible, have confirmed that a gigantic city exists at the bottom of the ocean. The site of the ancient city — that includes several sphinxes and at least four giant pyramids plus other structures — amazingly sits within the boundries of the fabled Bermuda Triangle. According to a report by Arclein of Terra Forming Terra, Cuban Subsea Pyramid Complex, the evidence points to the city being simultaneously inundated with rising waters and the land sinking into the sea. This correlates exactly with the Atlantis legend.

The disaster may have occurred at the end of the last Ice Age. Arclein observes: “At the time uplifted portions of the Mid Atlantic Ridge subsided also including Lyonese and the home islands and land mass around the Azores. This would have produced an orthogonal pressure forcing subsidence to either East or West. Atlanticú. Like this: Modern History. Top 25 Most Ancient Historical Photographs. For times immemorial, people have tried to reproduce their surroundings into pictures of their own.

They have used techniques of paintings, carving and sculpturing and for years images have been projected onto surfaces. Photography is the result of combining several technical discoveries. Long before the first photographs were made, Chinese and Greek philosophers described a pinole camera. But it was until Ibn – al – Haytham (965 – 1040) a Muslim scientist made significant contributions to the principles of optics and invented the camera obscura which is a prototype of today’s modern camera. 1.

Source: (Link) Earliest known, surviving heliographic engraving in existence, made by Nicéphore Niépce in 1825 by the heliography process. 2. Source: (Link) The first permanent photograph (later accidentally destroyed) was an image produced in 1822 by the French inventor Joseph Nicéphore Niépce. 3. Source: (Link) 4. Source: (Link) 5. Source: (Link) 6. Source: (Link) 7. Source: Unknown 8. 9. 10. 11. Torsion Field Pyramid Simulation. Old Pictures. What If? History Project. Visualising China: explore historical photos of China. Dinosaurs: The Natural History Museum's Dino Directory.

Welcome to Wingmakers. New Discovery of the oldest civilization ever existed on the face of earth in IRAN (Persia) MyUK – Create a country to call your very own. Sumerian Myths. Sumerian civilization originated in what is now southern Iraq, just upriver from the mouths of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. "Civilization" in this context means a settled town or city-dwelling people who possess a stable agricultural technology (including domesticated animals) and have developed a hierarchical system of social classes (peasants, laborers, slaves, craftsmen [smiths, masons, carpenters, potters, etc.], farmers, fishermen, merchants, doctors, architects, priests and temple attendants, bureaucrats, scribes, advisers, priest-kings). Since the climate of southern Iraq is hot and dry, agriculture requires an extensive irrigation system of canals and dikes. Often, the Sumerians wrote as if their civilization (agricultural techniques, cities, classes of people) came first, and people later.

(Why do you think they thought this way?) Map of Mesopotamian Archeological Sites (Oriental Institute, University of Chicago) The Creation of Humans Sumerian Creation Questions1. 2. 3. 4. The 7 Most Badass Last Stands in the History of Battle. "Let me not then die ingloriously and without a struggle, but let me first do some great thing that shall be told among men hereafter. " - Hector of Troy, Iliad XXII, Lines 304-5 Throughout the course of history, certain individuals have stood out as being completely fucking awesome. Whether it's cleaving monsters' faces in half with a chainsaw bayonet in Horde Mode, defending a makeshift fortress from a sea of brain-devouring zombies or manning a machine gun nest against an unstoppable sea of charging soldiers; people have always been fascinated with badass stories of one man, by himself, taking on a endless waves of assailants, refusing to back down in the face of insurmountable odds, dying with his fingers still clutching his weapons and leaving behind a smoldering, heaping pile of severed limbs, carnage and dead enemies.

These are badass one-man last stands. Agis III of Sparta, 331 BC Agis wasn't above petty vandalism to make his point. Further Reading: Diodorus. Interactive Historical Thinking Poster for Secondary Teachers. L'État hébreu et les territoires palestiniens. Le Moyen Âge (carte interactive)

La chute du mur de Berlin. Joue à diriger l'avion de Saint-Exupéry !1jour1actu. 13 février 2014 Perce les secrets de... Quand le soleil n’éclaire plus, que nous commençons à nous endormir, un autre monde s’éveille : celui de la nuit. Peuplé d’animaux nocturnes,... 5 février 2014 Une histoire très... Aujourd’hui, le film d’animation « Jack et la mécanique du cœur » sort au cinéma. 4 février 2014 Festival... Le plus grand festival de la bande dessinée vient de se terminer à Angoulême. Découvrir les évènements qui se sont déroulés le 6 juin 1944 - fran...

Le siècle des Lumières : un héritage pour demain. Raconter le premier voyage de Christophe Colomb, 1492-1493. Images Actives. Grandes inventions et inventeurs - Des inventions en pagaille ! Les Gaulois d'Acy-Romance. Vidéos Louis Pasteur. Louis Pasteur Nouveauté: documents sur le vaccin Un questionnaire, des vidéos et des documents sur Pasteur et la vaccination.

On regarde les vidéos, on en parle et on garde une trace écrite. J'ai découpé un documentaire trouvé sur Youtube sur Louis Pasteur (le documentaire original ici et ici). Voici les liens vers les 5 vidéos "découpées" par thèmes. Rappel: Keepvid est une solution pour les télécharger dans votre ordinateur. Pasteur et les micro-organismes Pasteur et la maladie du charbon Pasteur et l'asepsie Pasteur et le vaccin contre la rage Pasteur: Institut et pasteurisation + 1 animation Brainpop La pasteurisation Problème 2015: Brainpop est devenu payant. Je n'ai trouvé que cette version en gratuit: cliquez ici. Si vous avez un abonnement Brainpop ou si vous avez cette vidéo je suis preneur. Contactez-moi par un commentaire ou par rubrique "contact" à droite. Merci d'avance. Mes traces écrites: doc élève doc maître Un documentaire Philotablo sur la médecine Télécharger doc1 vaccin. Chronologie - La révolution française.

Loin de croire qu’il serait nécessaire de « tout » balayer pour bâtir à neuf, Rousseau au contraire ne cesse de montrer que la vie des corps politiques et des institutions repose sur les mœurs, sur la « loi, gravée dans le cœur des citoyens ». Quand un penseur est persuadé comme il l’est, que les relations sont indissolubles entre politique et éducation, il ne saurait prêcher révolution et guerre civile. Il y a plus : aucune philosophie politique n’est programmatique.

Penser la nature du politique ne consiste pas à élaborer des propositions de changements. Or, la notion de contrat social, comme celle de volonté générale, ne désignent aucun phénomène réel, passé ou à venir ; rappelons qu’aucun penseur du « pacte social » à l’âge classique ne songe à une situation primitive qui aurait existé, mais tous cherchent à cerner les principes sur lesquels se fonde toute société politique. Cela signifie que la volonté générale est la volonté de chacun et non une fictive volonté collective. Jules Verne. Découvrir la période napoléonienne du Consulat à l'Empire - francet... Napoléon - Du consulat à l'Empire. 1jour1actu - La guerre des tranchées. 9 novembre 2011 à 07:14 | par La rédac' Mot du jour Mot du jour et définition 24 24 commentaires Gélocalisation Outils pédagogiques Articles associés Articles de la même rubrique Partager Partager sur les réseaux sociaux Nous sommes dans la Flandre, une région située au nord de la France.

Les armées allemandes et françaises sont face à face, c'est la fameuse guerre des tranchées. Pendant trois ans, des hommes vont vivre dans la boue et le froid. Cette image est issue du mobiclic n°137 sur la première guerre mondiale. (© David Berlioz) En t'identifiant sur le site, tu pourras accéder aux éléments suivants : Ajout des commentaires Si tu es abonné au magazine, tu pourras accéder aux éléments suivants : Texte de l'article Téléchargement PDFGéolocalisationMot du jour 15 avril 2014 Escalade de la...

Une situation explosive règne en Ukraine où plusieurs régions demandent leur rattachement à la Russie voisine. 7 avril 2014 Moins de victimes des... 18 mars 2014 La Crimée n’est... 13 mars 2014. 1jour1actu - 1914-1918 - la vie à l'arrière du front. 18 mars 2014 La Crimée n’est... Jusqu’à présent, la Crimée était une région qui appartenait à un pays : l’Ukraine. Mais, en moins de 3 semaines, la Russie a réussi à se l’approprier.... 13 mars 2014 Disparition d’avion... Un avion transportant 239 personnes a disparu le 8 mars entre la Malaisie et la Chine. 8 mars 2014 Toutes à... À l’occasion de la Journée de la femme, ce samedi 8 mars, 1jour1actu te propose de découvrir, en images, le projet de l’association internationale Skateistan....

La Première guerre mondiale - Les causes de la guerre | - 1jour1actu - Les clés de l'actualité junior1jour1actu. 18 mars 2014 La Crimée n’est... Jusqu’à présent, la Crimée était une région qui appartenait à un pays : l’Ukraine. Mais, en moins de 3 semaines, la Russie a réussi à se l’approprier.... 13 mars 2014 Disparition d’avion...

Un avion transportant 239 personnes a disparu le 8 mars entre la Malaisie et la Chine. Depuis, 40 bateaux scrutent la mer pour retrouver des morceaux de l’avion... 8 mars 2014 Toutes à... À l’occasion de la Journée de la femme, ce samedi 8 mars, 1jour1actu te propose de découvrir, en images, le projet de l’association internationale Skateistan.... Apocalypse, Hitler vu par - ©2011. Apocalypse vu par - ©2010. Comprendre le débarquement des Alliés en Normandie le 6 juin 1944 -... Carte Interactive - La révolution industrielle. Le débarquement 1.

Septembre 1939. La Shoah. Construis ta cité médiévale. Quiz : La Première Guerre mondiale commence dans les Balkans - fran... La Première guerre mondilae expliquée aux enfants1jour1actu. Dans l'enfer de Verdun. Le débarquement 2. La légende du roi Arthur. Le Moyen Âge (carte interactive) History They Won't Teach in Schools.

Guerre d'Algérie – Les accords d'Évian. Carte Interactive - La colonisation. Guerre d'Algérie : de la colonisation à l'indépendance - francetv é... The Official Site of HistoryTeachers. 6 Famous Symbols That Don't Mean What You Think. Facebook History of the World | CollegeHumor. Top 10 Civilizations That Mysteriously Disappeared. House of Solomon. Klaus Dona - The Lost Pyramids & Hidden Ancient Artifacts. Primary sources for the study of World War I: recruitment and propaganda posters. Unexplained Mysteries of LOST LANDS. xHousesofParliament - Robert Rogers - How the new can live with the old. 5 Shockingly Advanced Ancient Buildings That Shouldn't Exist. Creation Story in Norse Mythology. Jean-Baptiste Michel: The mathematics of history.

28 of history's most fascinating photos. @larryferlazzo #TOK #history. ‪Secrets of the 3rd reich-Part 1 of 5.wmv‬‏ Science and Technology of WWII. Polish archaeologists in Sudan claim 'unique' human settlement discovery. The Great Mother from Asia Minor to Rome. World History : HyperHistory. The Roman Empire. Ancient Builders Created Monumental Structures that Altered Sound and Mind, Say Researchers. 15 Amazing Castles from Around the Globe.

Ancient Greece - The British Museum.


History of China.