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The illusion of knowledge and control

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Pathological narcissism. Renata Salecl - The Paradox of Choice. The Anima why men are obsessed w/perfection in women. At first glance Jung’s psychology might appear quite esoteric, speaking as it does of archetypes, the self, individuation, and so forth.

The Anima why men are obsessed w/perfection in women

What could all that mean, and more to the point, what could it do for us in our daily lives? For any psychology has to be ultimately judged by how well it contributes to our understanding of ourselves. So let’s put Jung’s psychology to the test and see what he had to say about the anima, or men and their feelings. As a general rule men’s feelings are less developed than those of women. (From the point of view of psychological types they fall mostly in the third or fourth place.

A Man Kills What a Man Loves (poem) by Erin Elizabeth Kelly-Moen on AuthorsDen. The Misogyny of Perfection. Spoiler alert: please read this commentary after watching the movie.

The Misogyny of Perfection

I have a friend who is a professor of women's studies who steadfastly refuses to go to the opera or the ballet, maintaining that both are profoundly misogynistic. Her oft-repeated comment is that "the girl almost always dies at the end" (think Tosca, Carmen, Mimi, Thais, Cho-cho-san, Giselle, and of course the White Swan). She will not be going to the movies to see Black Swan any time soon. Huxley letter to Orwell about 1984.

The Illusion of Knowledge. Isn't it funny how one sometimes uses words with the honest believe it's a well known term, but then comes to realize nobody understands it?

The Illusion of Knowledge

Like, when I was a kid, the 'grandma-button' was a very well known concept to me. My grandma, being farsighted, used to accidentally tune the TV's brightness and color instead of the volume. Luckily, the remote control had a 'grandma-button' to reset the now very odd looking appearance on the screen. Narcissist as Eternal Child. LaRouchePAC Interview with Sam Vaknin on Obama's Narcissism-Part II. September 16, 2011. L'angoisse du vide du sujet en état limite. Swans on Tea » The Illusion of Knowledge. 15 Styles of Distorted Thinking. Pasolini... fascisme et société de consommation. VOSTFR. Noam Chomsky: Manufacturing Consent 1 of 9. La passion, l'humilité et la modestie. Par François Brooks Dans notre recherche du savoir, nous aboutissons ainsi à la connaissance de notre ignorance fondamentale.

La passion, l'humilité et la modestie

L'homme est instruit de cette ignorance par sa raison, car c'est grâce à elle qu'il peut saisir l'identité des contradictions dans l'infini. L'homme se trouve alors dans un état de docte ignorance. Docte parce qu'il se sait ignorant. Ignorant parce qu'il est un être fini et n'est pas capable de saisir l'infini divin. « Mon Dieu, d'où vient qu'en la plus haute considération de mon âme, je vous vois tout infini[...].

(Nicolas de Cues (en latin, Cusanus), 1401-1464, Atlas de la Philosophie, Livre de poche p.91) À partir du moment où je me positionne de telle sorte que j'accepte qu'il existe quelque chose de plus grand que moi, je me mets dans une position où je peux apprendre et me perfectionner. N'est-il pas ennuyant d'être avec une personne qui nous prive de lui apprendre quelque chose? The Battle for Your Mind: Brainwashing Techniques Being Used On The Public By Dick Sutphen. Authoritarian followers Mind Control Subliminals By Dick Sutphen Summary of Contents The Birth of Conversion The Three Brain Phases How Revivalist Preachers Work Voice Roll Technique Six Conversion Techniques 1. keeping agreements 2.physical and mental fatigue 3. increase the tension 4.

The Battle for Your Mind: Brainwashing Techniques Being Used On The Public By Dick Sutphen

Uncertainty. 5. Jargon 6. Are we entering a new age of ignorance? » Change Factory. In an age where data is available at the click of a mouse to 1.6 billion internet users (at last count) it seems to me we are becoming more ignorant rather than more enlightened.

Are we entering a new age of ignorance? » Change Factory

The sources of information we are exposed to, either inadvertently or through a deliberate act on our part, are increasingly uncontrolled. For example, blogs are increasing at about 100,000 per day. Email spam is an ever-growing menace in two ways. It clogs up the email boxes and junk folders of the aware and tricks the unaware. Anyone with an opinion can offer and publish that opinion, as I am doing here, as long as they do not break the laws of the country in which they broadcast.

Information we receive has been further and further chunked down to suit the instantaneous nature of the modern official and unofficial news cycles.

Internet and collective intelligence criticism!