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Shudh Knowledge is a platform to learn various Digital marketing and related topics such as; SEO (Search engine optimization), PPC, Social media marketing, blogging, article writing, content writing, hosting, purchasing domain and many more. Our videos are prepared for basic level so that you learn from the scratch. Happy Leaning □

5 Excel Keyboard Shortcuts. How To Use Reddit - रेड्डिट चलाना सीखो मिनटों में - Complete Beginner's Guide. Pogo Sticking - What is Pogo Sticking in SEO. What is Bounce Rate in SEO. What is Internal Linking in SEO. Explaining Domain Authority and Page Authority. What is Anchor Text and Importance in SEO. Free Moz Tool - How to Use Moz Link Explorer Tool for Backlink Analysis. Backlinks in SEO: Why Backlinks are Still Important and Types of Backlinks in SEO? What is Off Page SEO or OFF Page Optimization. How to Write SEO Content That Ranks Page #1. Social Bookmarking Sites List with High Domain Authority. Spread the message.

Social Bookmarking Sites List with High Domain Authority

Stop the virus. HandsWash often ElbowCough into FaceDon't touch SpaceAvoid crowds HomeStay inside. How to Convert JPG to PDF, Word to PDF, PPT to PDF without Software. How to Create & Optimize Robots.txt File? Best Free Chrome Extensions for SEO-related Work. Use these extensions for better link prospecting, research, and management.

Best Free Chrome Extensions for SEO-related Work

Open multiple links in new tabs or new windows or copy them to your clipboard. It saves a lot of time, mainly when link prospecting. 17 NoFollow Simple Extension “NoFollow Simple” will outline nofollow links, detect nofollow and noindex meta tags on webpages. It’s very useful for link prospecting. 18 SimilarWeb The SimilarWeb browser extension allows you to check estimate traffic, keyword rankings, traffic sources, and other key stats for any website. 19 Hunter (Freemium) With Hunter, you can immediately find email addresses associated with the websites. Other similar extensions: Clearbit Connect, What is Sitemap? Types of Sitemaps, XML-HTML.

What is 302 Redirection? HTTP Status Code 302. Google Updates: Search Console Webmaster Request Indexing Issue. How To Create A Free BLOG on Blogger. How to Find High Authority .Edu and .Gov Websites on Google? Getting a .GOV backlink basically implies getting mentioned on a government site with a hyperlink pointing towards your own domain.

How to Find High Authority .Edu and .Gov Websites on Google?

The mention can be by way of a clickable link (simple add your website link), or a clickable phrase (anchor text) that points to your website. All government departments and offices, for example, the Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Defense, Department of State, and the Department of Treasury use .gov TLDs for their online presence. Website optimization SEO specialists from all around the globe believe that .gov website are more authoritative than other types of links as they have been on the internet for a long time and have many trusted and quality websites linking to them.

Finding the right .gov domain is the first step in making the strategies to build backlinks. What is 301 Redirection? How to Use, When to Use? Redirect URL to Another Page. Google Updates: Google Confirms Two Indexing Outages (Canonicalization & Mobile-Indexing) What is Canonical Tag in Hindi. Free Brand Name Generator. How to Create SEO-Friendly URLs - The Ultimate Guide. First impressions count.

How to Create SEO-Friendly URLs - The Ultimate Guide

When it comes to your site, your URLs are often the first thing Google and visitors will see. What are SEO friendly URLs? Each site has its URL which means URLs help describe a website to search engines and potential users. That is the reason URLs should be accurate, clear, concise and well-structured.

How to Optimize URL for SEO. Understand Keywords in SEO. 50+ Amazing Websites To Learn Something New Everyday. Now you can learn anything from coding, designing, art, business management, improvement of intellectual abilities and more.

50+ Amazing Websites To Learn Something New Everyday

To begin use these 50+ wonderful sites which can help you with learning a lot in any discipline. 1 Brain Pickings – It is one of the most interesting, elevating and timeless sites in the world. Maria Popova collects bits of writing and illustrations on psychology, philosophy, language and writing, and histories and distils them to provide a solution to you.

Like many, if you celebrate intellect more than material then it is a gold mine for you. 2 TED – TED features powerful talks from pioneers and specialists in their fields, for example, – Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, Steve Jobs, Stephen Hawking and many more. Meta Tags for SEO: A Complete Beginners Guide. A viewport is the area of the window where web content can be viewed.

Meta Tags for SEO: A Complete Beginners Guide

A meta viewport tag sets the visible area of page. It instructs the browser to render the page on different screen size and scale, making websites more mobile-friendly (i.e., work area/tablet/portable). Amazing Google Ad Examples You Need to Study Right Now. When you are looking to advertise on Google, you just have a limited space and time to grab the searcher’s attention.

Amazing Google Ad Examples You Need to Study Right Now

With just 30 characters allowed in the heading, it tends to be difficult to write a compelling title. However a few organizations crush it every day with their wonderful ads. Best Free SEO Tools (Tried and Tested) - 100% Free. These tools help you improve the technical aspects of your website. 19 Google Search Console Google Search Console or you can called Google Webmaster Tools is a free service from Google that helps you monitor & troubleshoot your website’s appearance in their search results.

Best Free SEO Tools (Tried and Tested) - 100% Free

It helps you to find and fix technical errors, see structured data issues, submit sitemaps, and more. Bing and Yandex have their own versions too. 20 Screaming Frog Screaming Frog is a desktop-based website crawler. What is SEO? Complete Beginner’s Guide to Search Engine Optimization. This article will be an overview and introduction about SEO, a mandatory marketing approach if you want your website to be found through search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing.

What is SEO? Complete Beginner’s Guide to Search Engine Optimization

Generate Unique Business Name with these 10 Tools. A business name that stands out can do wonders for your business.

Generate Unique Business Name with these 10 Tools

It helps you appeal the crowd, apart from the fact that it builds trust as well. How to get FREE SSL Certificate for Website (HTTPS) ? Improve your Website Security with SSL/TLS Certificate. HTTPS would also boost the search engine ranking, so you may consider having this for your blog as well. If you are looking for a SSL for your website without spending $ then here are few websites (SSL providers) to help you with that. The following acronyms are used below. SSL – Secure Socket LayerTLS – Transport Layer SecurityCDN – Content Delivery NetworkDV – Domain ValidatedACME – Automated Certificate Management Environment Now, let’s take a look at the following to get a certificate. 1 ZeroSSL. What is On-Page Optimization.