Shriram Institute
Shriram Institute for Industrial Research (SRI) is an independent, self sustaining, not-for-profit multidisciplinary contract research institute conducting research and development in the areas of special significance to industry, government agencies and other organizations. SRI is committed to develop, innovate, analyse and apply technology for products and processes. for more information visit us:
Pesticide Testing Labs. Analytical Support: Chemicals, Pesticides and Agrochemicals.
Shriram has shown us How Hazardous our Wastes are for our Ecosystem. Shriram Testing Labs. Understanding the Importance of Lab Tests for Cement. GLP Laboratory for Pharmaceutical. Soil Testing Laboratory. Pharmaceutical Analysis. Analysis and Chemical Testing at Labs with Proper Arrangements and Equipment Availability. Science has been advancing with time and they are giving us results which made us astonished every time.
And these results are being taken from different experiments and tests which are done in laboratories. The laboratory is the place where you have all the necessary equipment and materials which support the testing process and help scientists to carry out different experiments too. We all are acquainted with our school labs which are very small in concept and are also limited in supply. But a big lab for professionals has a separate arrangement that will fulfill the real-time result successfully.
Besides the experiments are also requirements for medical purposes too. Check out the website of the Shriram Institute to find out their opportunity to help you carry experiments’. Like this: Like Loading... Rubber and Plastic Testing Labs. Rubber and Plastics is a state-of-the-art laboratory of Analytical Science Division of Shriram Institute, is engaged in testing and research in the diverse field of polymers.
Polymers comprises broad spectrum of high molecular weight materials including Plastics, Rubber, Resins and Fibers. They find application in various sectors of life from domestic, engineering to strategic applications. Rubber And Plastic Testing Labs. Steel Testing Lab. Shriram Test House. Food Microbiology Laboratory. Microbiology laboratory at SRI undertakes quality inspection and certification for industries associated with raw and processed food, drugs, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and water.
The lab is well equipped, with state of the art facilities and experienced scientists. The lab provides the following services. Thrust Areas Product Quality CertificationProjectsConsultancyTraining. Shriram Institute for industrial Research: We save lives. Shriram Institute for industrial Research: We save lives.
BIS Approved Lab. Accreditations SRI is accredited by National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL), a, constituent board of Quality Council of India (QCI) as per ISO/IEC: 17025 in the field of testing (Chemical, Mechanical, Biological, Electrical, Radiological and NDT) and Calibration (Mechanical & Thermal).Accreditation as EIA consultant organization order QCI-NABET EIA scheme by National Accreditation Board for Education & Training (member – IAF & PAC).
Certification Quality Management System (QMS) as per ISO 9015:2015.Environment Management System (EMS) as per ISO 14001:2015Occupational Health & Safety Assessment (OHSAS) as per 18001:2007Medical Devices – Quality Management System (QMS) as per ISO: 13485 & ISO: 11137. Compliances. Get USFDA Approval for Better Marketing Through the Proper Laboratory. Soil Testing Laboratory. Soil, one of the major part of is the loose surface material consisting of inorganic particles and organic matter that covers most of the land surface.
Soil provides the structural support and the source of water and nutrients for plants used in agriculture. Soil makes up the outermost layer of our planet. Topsoil is the most productive soil layer. Mainly 5 size fractions are used to describe the inorganic part of the soil i.e. Gravel, Coarse Sand , Fine Sand, Silt & Clay .
Sand – A sand has a loose gritty feel and does not stick together. Shriram Institute for industrial Research: We save lives. Quality is the lifeline of the pharmaceutical industry.
It is of utmost importance as people’s lives are directly dependent on the quality of medicines given to them for the treatment of diseases. Agrochemical Testing Lab. Pesticide Testing Labs. Shriram has shown us How Hazardous our Wastes are for our Ecosystem. Waste management is a great problem which is getting bigger and bigger.
Instead of getting this issue resolved, waste management is taking a giant size which is going to adversely affect the environment and the ecosystem too. We have already started noticing them and they will be getting intense and dangerous too. But we have to come out of this situation; we have to take steps and should get aware immediately to save our beloved earth. Among the various categories of waste products, solid waste is a huge one which is getting collected. Most of the solid waste is made up of non-biodegradable items which take thousands of years to just degrade in the soil. Solid waste management is compulsory without which it can turn into drastic result killing the entire human community. Besides, the solid waste, they are also well equipped for other studies like air pollution and management, water waste management, noise pollutions and toxic and hazardous waste management.
USFDA Laboratory. Toxicology Labs. Toxicology ‘Toxicology’ traditionally known as the ‘science of poisons’ began with early cave dwellers who recognized poisonous plants and animals and used their extracts for hunting or warfare.
Simultaneously, with time, to determine the effectiveness of a particular compound the concept of toxicology was developed. Toxicology basically is defined as the study of the effects of chemical agents on biological material with special emphasis on the harmful effects. After gaining relevant information on the harmful effects of a compound the levels for its safe usage or the degree of its safeness is established, which is also known as its (compound) Biosafety level. Toxicology division of Shriram Institute for Industrial Research, an autonomous body, was established nearly 25 years ago.
Food Testing Labs. Quality of food can be defined as specific criteria, which can be taken into account for a particular food to be used for an intended purpose.
Various factors contributes towards quality of food The various factors contributing towards quality of food are : AppearanceColourTasteOdourNutritional valueAdulterantsContaminants (Physical, Chemical & Microbiological)Hygiene Thrust Areas. Get USFDA Approval for Better Marketing Through the Proper Laboratory. For the concern of public health, the FDA is an agency who takes care and approves the safety of the foods and other substances.
The USFDA is located in the USA which is having 13 laboratories. Among the USFDA laboratory, Shriram Institute of industrial research is one such laboratory undergoing various researches on the Allopathic, Ayurvedic, homeopathic products. Shriram has shown us How Hazardous our Wastes are for our Ecosystem. Solid Waste Management. SRI is having wide experience in execution of mega projects in the area of environment all over the country. More than 100 projects have been successfully executed during last 5 years.SRI is well equipped with sophisticated & versatile analytical instruments & having updated technology for various analytical applications in the field of environment.SRI is having well qualified professionals exhibiting expertise in respective areas.Laboratories of SRI are recognized by various State Pollution Control Boards.
SRI provides a wide range of services including : Water Quality Monitoring SRIs environment production division is equiped with well established lab for water quality monitoring which is not limited to waste water analysis. Characterization of water to assess its suitability for specific uses viz. Human ConsumptionIrrigation PurposeBuilding ConstructionRecreational PurposeIndustrial Applications Evaluation Studies:- The performance evaluation studies include Special Studies in Water. Shriram has shown us How Hazardous our Wastes are for our Ecosystem.
Cement Testing Lab. SRIs Building Material Testing Labs Every engineering activity is wrapped with an idea, a design and a construction project. After the project on paper, SRI can help make the thought a reality by ensuring processes run efficiently, construction sites are safe and reliable materials are used. SRI capabilities in terms of expertise, experience and state – of –the – art analytical equipment can undertake various type of studies related to research and analysis of various products including Cement, Building materials, Roadwork, Soil & Wood. Functional Areas in Infrastructure sector. Metal Testing Labs. Shri Ram Institute. The metal alloy laboratory in Shriram Institute for Industrial research undertakes analytical studies listed below on Copper alloys, Ferrous alloys, Aluminum alloys, Aluminum-Magnesium alloys, Nickel alloys, solder alloys, Tin alloys as per national, international and product specific standards. Mechanical studies – The laboratory analyzes mechanical properties (Yield strength, Ultimate Tensile strength, Elongation), hardness, metallographic, grain size, phase analysis, presence of inclusion and their ratings, Fractography, impact energy, compressive strength, flexural strength using UTM, hardness testers (Rockwell, Brinnel), Microhardness tester, impact tester (Charpy holder).
Spectrochemical and wet analysis – the laboratory is well equipped to carry out spectrochemical and wet testing of metal alloys using AAS (VGA & GTA), ICP-OES. Specialized studies – Structure-property correlations, consultancy research projects, failure analysis, corrosion, Tribology. Shri Ram Institute - Institute of Industrial Research And Toxicology. Medical Devices testing Lab. GMO Testing Labs. Molecular Biology laboratory is at the forefront of innovation in life sciences research, technology development & transfer and provides outstanding services to the society. Molecular Biology laboratory employs modern biological techniques for detection and quantification of various parameters at the molecular level.
Laboratory provides services in DNA/RNA level analysis as well as protein based analysis. This Is Why Shriram Institute Is So Famous. Minerals Testing Labs. This Is Why Shriram Institute Is So Famous! This Is Why Shriram Institute Is So Famous. Pharmaceutical Testing Lab. Shriram Institute For Industrial Research. Shriram Institute For Industrial Research. Industrial Research and Development Institute.