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Emotional intelligence

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Emotional Intelligence Consoritum - Articles, Research and Information on Emotional Intelligence. Business Case for Emotional Intelligence. The following 19 points build a case for how emotional intelligence contributes to the bottom line in any work organization.

Business Case for Emotional Intelligence

Based on data from a variety of sources, it can be a valuable tool for HR practitioners and managers who need to make the case in their own organizations. The Consortium also invites submissions of other research for the Business Case. All submissions will be reviewed to determine their suitability. If you have research findings that you think might help build the business case, submit them by clicking here. 1) The US Air Force used the EQ-I to select recruiters (the Air Force’s front-line HR personnel) and found that the most successful recruiters scored significantly higher in the emotional intelligence competencies of Assertiveness, Empathy, Happiness, and Emotional Self Awareness. Emotional Intelligence Consoritum - Articles, Research and Information on Emotional Intelligence.