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Broken Sword - A Fan Blog. "We are delighted to let you know that Broken Sword – the Serpent’s Curse: Episode 2 will be releasing at 6pm BST today for PC, Mac and Linux.

Broken Sword - A Fan Blog

PS Vita, iOS and Android are to follow soon.” Read more … Filed under Broken Sword Broken Sword 5 Kickstarter I hope this means what I think it means… UPDATE: Backers, check your e-mail inbox (if you haven’t done that already). Broken Sword - the Serpent's Curse Adventure by Revolution Software. Reward Updates from $50 upwards Beta Access, A Phone conversation between George and Nico (English), A paper craft Collection - Paris Scene, George, Nico and Goat on .PDF, Twenty one-liners from the gamefrom $175 upwards Printed Design Document and Game Box Signedfrom $250 upwards 'Goat' 16GB USB memory stickfrom $500 upwards Collector's Chest (nice box to put all of the physical goodies in), Bottle Opener, An additional T-shirtfrom $1000 upwards 2 additional T-shirt (complete set) The game will be voiced in the following languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian.

Broken Sword - the Serpent's Curse Adventure by Revolution Software

The game will have subtitles for each of the the voiced languages, as well as Russian and Polish. Also, check out our FAQ section for more information at the bottom of this page! RevolutionAdventure. Upload Subscription preferences.


Revolution Software.