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Shore Financial

Shore Financial brings clarity to the complex and confusing financial decisions that individuals and families face. We make a difference in our Client’s lives through fee-only, holisitic financial planning. You will enjoy peace of mind that ALL of your financial needs are covered through tax-focused, comprehensive, and objective financial advice.

What the Financial Planning Process can teach us about setting New Years Resolutions - Shore Financial Planning. As the year starts, this is the time where you focusing on what should be done for the next 12 months and how these steps align with the financial planning process and goals.

What the Financial Planning Process can teach us about setting New Years Resolutions - Shore Financial Planning

As you know, a new year comes this expectation that we have ‘resolutions’. This means in our quest to start anew, we have pressure to also set a new direction, new goals, new horizons. However, it’s been proven time and time again that most people don’t stick to their resolutions beyond the first month or even the first few weeks. We might have beautiful intentions, but as life happens on a daily and weekly basis, one often loses sights of those early made intentions.

Shore Financial Planning is a fee-only financial planning firm located in Monmouth Beach, NJ. Joe believes that people are being exploited by financial salespeople who are merely motivated by quotas, product sales and commission-based income! How Financial Advisors Are Compensated. The more you know about how advisors get paid—and how that can affect their advice—the better.

How Financial Advisors Are Compensated

How does your financial advisor get paid? The answer may have a direct impact on your portfolio’s performance over time. The type of compensation your advisor receives can affect the advice they give and the products that they recommend. Some compensation models reward advisors for recommending certain investments rather than others. As a result, the advisor may have an incentive to put you in an investment that isn’t the best for you.

On the other hand, some advisors are paid only by their clients. Make sure your advisor’s fee structure works for you. Fee-Only A fee-only advisor accepts compensation only in the form of an hourly rate or a flat fee. Commissions Investment advisors or broker-dealers may receive a commission when they sell certain financial products. An advisor who is a fiduciary is legally required to put his or her clients’ interest first. "REAL" Financial Advice is about your "WHY" You’ve got an unconscious program running in the deepest recesses of your brain that’s telling you what to think, feel, and do with money.

"REAL" Financial Advice is about your "WHY"

Very few people control it or know how to harness it to achieve their goals. (In a moment, I’ll tell you how you can.) People think financial advice is all about the “how” and the “when” and the “where.” It’s not. Shore Financial Planning. Financial Coaching/Goal Setting. A Good Financial Plan Will Get You to Where You Want to Go But That Begs the Question of Where Do You Want to Go?

Financial Coaching/Goal Setting

You are more than you money! Your financial plan will be developed to achieve what is most important in your life. We do not deal in dreams, but we must start there. First, you dream, and then to realize those dreams, you change. Goals are dreams with deadlines. The Goal Setting appointment helps you discover, focus, and reinforce your goals. A dream becomes a goal when it is SMART. SpecificMeasurableAchievableRelevantTime-sensitive Every goal must have a deadline. Shore Financial Planning. Are your Current Spending and Savings Patterns Going to Provide the Means Necessary to Reach your Goals?

Shore Financial Planning

Would you Like to Take Control of your Financial Life, And the “Piles” of Financial Records in one Organized System? Shore Financial Planning. Learn How to Pay for all of your Children’s College Education Down to the Penny!

Shore Financial Planning

We have reverse engineered the process to help families like yours. We’ll start by figuring out how to pay for college without robbing your retirement, and support your plan with a smart investment strategy. Our process – equal parts financial therapy and financial planning – eliminates the stress and anxiety surrounding college funding. We don’t have silver bullets. We don’t offer magic formulas. There are many different options that may seem confusing to save for your children’s college costs. Coverdell accounts, 529 plans, penalty-free IRA withdrawls, scholarships, grant programs, subsidized and unsubsidized student loans, and savings bonds to name a few. Comprehensive College Funding Plan Financial Aid analysisMaximize aid with EFC reduction strategiesTax AidCollege SelectionStudent PositioningFAFSA vs.

FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE & RETIREMENT PLANNING. Shore Financial Planning. Have you planned to protect yourself and loved ones so that they can survive various life emergencies and transitions?

Shore Financial Planning

If so, have they been reviewed lately to reflect your current desires? Estate planning goes well beyond making a will. It may involve naming a guardian for minor children, making provisions for dependents with special needs, addressing medical directives and other end-of-life considerations, minimizing estate taxes, determining when a trust is appropriate, and deciding how to most effectively transfer ownership of a small business.

Insurance Planning/Risk Management. Are your Current Insurance Policies Covering all of your Risks?

Insurance Planning/Risk Management

Objective Insurance Analysis Typically most insurance policies people own have been SOLD to them by commissioned salespeople that most likely have not taken into account their whole financial picture. Or insurance policies were added over periods of time that do not reflect their current insurance needs. Portfolio Analysis & Investment Strategy. Our investment process begins with a portfolio review.

Portfolio Analysis & Investment Strategy

We inventory all of your assets and analyze your existing investments. Next, we develop an asset allocation strategy based on your goals, risk tolerance, and your tax situation. We like to pay close attention to any real estate investments or equity you may have. Most middle income Americans make more on their house than any other investment. When appropraite we make recommendations regarding home sales, home purchases, mortgage choices and investment properties. We believe in the Markets and in Investing based in Science Markets are efficient FINANCIAL MARKETS ARE VERY DIFFICULT TO OUTSMART They are generally efficient, meaning that information is widely available to everyone and this fact is already incorporated into security prices.

Tax Preparation and Tax Planning. Restructuring your investments to earn a higher after-tax returnMaximizing retirement contributionsClaiming unused/missed tax deductionsTax-efficient college savingAmending prior-year returnsImplementing tax planning strategiesTimely Tax Advice.

Tax Preparation and Tax Planning

Shore Financial Planning. One Meeting • Two Hours • Three Questions. Shore Financial Planning. Complimentary Meeting This initial meeting is not an elaborate meeting where we spend hours gathering data and digging into the details. This meeting is for you. It is an opportunity to see if we have a good fit. If you choose to work with an experienced, independent, fee-only CFP® & CPA, you’ll be working with one of the best and most trusted advisors in the profession.

When comparing advisors at this level, your decision will probably be based on personality and style. The initial meeting usually runs about 45 minutes. Shore Financial Planning. NJ, Fee-only Financial Planner Red Bank, Monmouth County.