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Our Fabrics Are Made With Deep Care And Consciousness For Our World And Its People

Buy Men's Comfortable Clothes Online. Best Evening Wear for Women at ZAVI. Buy Men's Sustainable Clothing Online. Buy Sustainable Dresses For Women's Online. ZAVI Edit: Borrowed from the Boys. 3 Reasons Why We’re Obsessed with Hemp – ZAVI. As sustainable proponents, we love hemp.

3 Reasons Why We’re Obsessed with Hemp – ZAVI

And with good reason. Whether it’s plastics, fuel, concrete or even beer, the miracle plant has over 25,000 industrial applications — all of which are completely eco-friendly. Fresh Ways to Style Whites All Year Long – ZAVI. Clean and classic, whites are a great way to inject some freshness into your wardrobe.

Fresh Ways to Style Whites All Year Long – ZAVI

Call it a palate cleanser if you must, we love the way white styles serve up as a sartorial blank canvas to draw out a bevy of looks from that don’t need much colour coordination. With that said, check out our tips on how to style whites while perusing through ZAVI’s cream of the crop for your shopping pleasure! Head to Toe Hot Apart from fearing an unfortunate wine spill, we don’t see any reason why you should steer clear of flaunting some tonal white looks. We love the idea of pairing pieces in slightly different but near tones of white like cream, ivory, ecru or eggshell to soften the otherwise stark appeal of head to toe whites. Cayman Shirt. Have Fashion Films Replaced the Runway? – ZAVI. Over the past few months, designers have stepped away from traditional runway showings and replaced them with creative short films that portrayed a perceptible yet poetic charm.

Have Fashion Films Replaced the Runway? – ZAVI

How to Eliminate Plastics From Your Life – ZAVI. With the use of plastics expected to double over the next 20 years, it's terrifying to think that microplastics have already infiltrated our air, food and water sources.

How to Eliminate Plastics From Your Life – ZAVI

Some of us are probably even inhaling microplastics as we speak - Yikes! Fighting the war on plastics calls for a systemic change, and if there’s one thing we strongly believe in, it’s that small changes can move mountains. 3 ZAVI Materials And Their Surprising Antibacterial Properties. We now exist in what is known as ‘the new normal’ where all things antibacterial are of utmost importance, but it’s not just face masks and gloves that could potentially shield you from germs.

3 ZAVI Materials And Their Surprising Antibacterial Properties

Do your Clothes contain Animal Meat? Clothes are considered to be a reflection of our personality.

Do your Clothes contain Animal Meat?

Our style often makes a statement about the kind of people we are, whether artistic, minimalist, or professional. However, animal clothing gives quite a wrong impression to people about your personality. Sustainable fashion trends you need to adapt. The upcoming fashion trends that you should adapt need to be sustainable.

Sustainable fashion trends you need to adapt

In recent years, there has been a burst of interest in the sustainability of fashion. The fashion industry trends in 2020 have undergone a number of changes. These changes over the past few years have resulted in the formation of what is known as sustainability in fashion. The world has become more aware of the importance of environmental issues. This has led to an expeditiously increase in environmentally friendly and sustainable fashion trends 2020. Ethical Fashion vs Sustainable Fashion.

Whenever we think about fashion, words like trend, style, glamour etc. instantly strike the mind.

Ethical Fashion vs Sustainable Fashion

However, words like eco-friendly, ethical or sustainable hardly cross our mind. But did you know that sustainable and ethical fashion has become an important part of the fashion industry since the last decade? Well, yes that is true! Sustainable and ethical fashion is the new approach that the fashion industries are working towards. How you can help make sustainable fashion more affordable – ZAVI. The fashion industry is probably the most followed and preferred industry for people across the world after food.

How you can help make sustainable fashion more affordable – ZAVI

It fulfills one of the most important necessities. The industry has a valuation of USD3 trillion parallel to the 7th biggest economy. It employs more than 300 million employees and workers. But it has a bad impact on our environment. Constantly looking for cheap and easy manufacturing processes has landed us into big trouble. This is where sustainable clothing is the best chance to revive our environment and give our planet a chance to sustain. Issues faced by sustainable clothing brands. How Safe Are Cotton Face Masks? – ZAVI Sustainable Clothing. Face masks have inevitably become the most important piece of protection during the Covid-19 pandemic and will probably stay that way for a long time.

How Safe Are Cotton Face Masks? – ZAVI Sustainable Clothing

However with surgical masks or N-95 respirators being inherently disposable and made from polypropylene nonetheless, one can’t help but want to seek out a greener yet effectively anti-bacterial alternative. While the surgical masks and N-95 respirators offer the highest level of bacterial filtration efficiency, it should be noted that these masks are meant for first responders and health workers as buying them in bulk has already caused a shortage, not to mention they are designed to be single-use.

According to an analysis by scientists at University College London, if every individual in the UK utilised one single-use mask each day for a year, an extra 66,000 tonnes of contaminated plastic waste would be accumulated. 1) an innermost layer of a hydrophilic material (e.g. cotton or cotton blends) Image source: WHO Image source: WHO. Post Quarantine Fashion: Get ready with your OOTD – ZAVI. Green Swaps You Need To Make Around Your Home – ZAVI. “Charity begins at home,” an old proverb states, expressing a sense of priority to take care of one's family, before caring for others — we’d like to think of sustainability in a similar manner.

Making conscious choices shouldn’t just be restricted to external aspects like clothes or beauty alone, these can begin within your humble abode with small yet easily adjustable switches. Ahead, we break down the green switches needed for each room inside your home. Living room The most comfortable commonplace of the house calls for great mood lighting and we recommend going energy-efficient with it. Brighter and better than their incandescent counterparts, efficient lighting can bring in huge reductions in those energy bills. Kitchen. Lessons Lockdown Has Taught Us About The Fashion Industry – ZAVI. The fashion industry has come undone, struggling to operate and dealing with tremendous losses during this period of uncertainty. In times like these where parts of the industry have partially hunkered down, persistent problems have unravelled and come to the forefront. Now, the only thing left to do is emerge out of this pandemic as a more evolved and robust fashion system — so long as we proactively participate in solving these issues.

More creation, less creativity Surplus stock is not an issue that has been exclusive to the pandemic alone. It wasn’t too long ago that luxury brands like Burberry came under public fire for incinerating clothing worth £28.6 million, a practice they have since vowed to never commit again. Will COVID-19 disrupt fashion’s sustainability commitments? – ZAVI. As with any other forward-thinking industry, fashion businesses across the globe have been adapting to the changing needs of the world. The push towards sustainability is nothing new and with climate change and global warming becoming severely apparent, there have been changes in both the consumer and supplier front.

Before COVID-19, there had been encouraging steps towards sustainable clothing, with top fashion brands leaning towards materials and manufacturing that are eco-friendly and put the minimum pressure on natural resources. However, COVID-19 will certainly change the way things are. According to Vogue, “the odds that fashion will continue trying to reduce its environmental impacts” is highly unlikely after this pandemic is over. The explanation lies in the challenging payoffs in the coming future. One of the most severe effects of COVID-19 will be the economies across the globe.

Work From Home Fashion: Outfits For Making A Stylish Impression On Zoo – ZAVI. We have all called in sick and tried the whole 'working from home’ thing once or twice, but making a habit of it given the current lockdown scenario can seem rather daunting especially for the ones who miss their daily routines of dressing up and grooming to ready themselves for a big day ahead. Will COVID-19 Be a Wakeup Call for a Greener, Fairer Fashion Industry? – ZAVI.

The Ultimate Guide to choosing Sustainable Fabrics – ZAVI. The fabric of the clothes we wear makes up most of what we wear.