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Speech Recognition

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Voice commands / speech to and from robot? Answered Feb 22 '11 It's quite experimental and definitely not documented, but we have been using PocketSphinx to do speech recognition with ROS.

Voice commands / speech to and from robot?

See the cwru_voice package for source. If you run the voice.launch file (after changing some of the hardcoded model paths appropriately in whichever node it launches), you should be able to get certain keywords out on the "chatter" topic. Sail-ros-pkg - Revision 905: /trunk/semistable/audio/speech. Cwru-ros-pkg/cwru_experimental/cwru_voice at master · cwru-robotics/cwru-ros-pkg. Tutorial - ros-pocketsphinx-speech-recognition-tutorial - One-sentence summary of this page. - ROS pocketsphinx speech recognition tutorial. ROS/Pocketsphinx Speech Recognition Tutorial Part 1) Install sfml audio from SFML (simple and fast multimedia library) is a C++ API that provides you low and high level access to graphics, input, audio, etc.

Tutorial - ros-pocketsphinx-speech-recognition-tutorial - One-sentence summary of this page. - ROS pocketsphinx speech recognition tutorial

We will use this as our wav file player. This is the same mechanism utilized by Garratt Gallagher from his kinect piano play demo. I have modified the wav playing section of Garratt’s code so that it can be invoked on the command line and takes the path to any wav file as an easy mechanism for playing wav files. CMU Sphinx - Speech Recognition Toolkit.