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Photon 100平板試玩Windows 8消費者預覽版 好適合觸控介面. 電腦這玩意,一向是看著微軟跟蘋果兩強在較勁,而且一直以來,都是微軟的市佔率優勢大於蘋果,普及化也較高。

Photon 100平板試玩Windows 8消費者預覽版 好適合觸控介面

然而平板電腦情況似乎大不同,微軟早在2009年推出Windows 7不久的時候,就有廠商推出對應的平板電腦,像是Acer與HP,只是市場的定位不夠準確,或者可以說是時機未到,一般民眾也不知道用來幹嘛,反應與熱度都還不如當年的人氣商品小筆電。 iPad第一代在2010年推出,雖然當初被嘲笑是iPhone的放大版,RAM也只有256MB,但是蘋果透過全面性的軟硬體整合,讓一般民眾比較瞭解,原來平板電腦的用途是怎樣,介於手機跟PC之間的差異在哪邊,但是普及度還沒有這麼高就是了,後來的iPad2才蔚為風潮。 大家還記得嗎? 那一年剛好是智慧型手機與APP爆炸性成長的一年,整個行動裝置(手機與平板)就看蘋果與Google的Android表演,微軟在推出Windows Mobile 6.5之後就消失一陣子,砍掉重練研發Windows Phone7去了,在PC界一向呼風喚雨的微軟,至今在平板電腦領域還是沒什麼表現。 Android的平板,到了2011年的Android 3.0出現後,才算是發展比較成熟些。 不好意思前言講了一堆,因為想要跟大家分享一下我對平板市場的觀察,不知不覺就越寫越多...焦點回到微軟上,去年底微軟終於正式推出Window Phone 7.5 Mango的手機,重新回到手機市場,剛好也可以切入平板領域。 我拿到這台Photon 100平板電腦的時候,原本認為最近測太多Android的東西,來點新鮮的也好。

Ask Ziggy Voice Assistant v2.0 Now Live In Windows Phone Marketplace. 市集. Best Windows Phone apps of all time: Top 100. [WP7]台北圖書館app介紹 - .Net 知識家. 台北圖書館 功能說明: 從台北市政府公開資料平台 撈資料下來,然後台北市各圖書館的地址電話資籽,以及顯示地圖的功能 第一次送審時被退件 代碼是2.7.2 跟2.7.3, 英文是這樣 It appears the application uses location services but does not include an adequate privacy policy describing how the application uses the Location Service API and what control users have over the usage and sharing of information obtained through that usage.

[WP7]台北圖書館app介紹 - .Net 知識家

It appears the application uses the Location Service API but no mechanism to disable/enable the application's access to and usage of the Location Service API is present. Result: Fail 意思大概就是跟 隱私政策 有關,他要求我們有使用地圖api 就要提示用戶 必須打開設定才能使用顯示地圖的功能 因為我沒有設定是否使用GPS,以及 提示 會使用GPS, 所以我加上GPS開關及提示後,再送審一次就通過審核了 GPS開關的意思就是是否讓用戶開啟地圖的功能,所以我們在程式裡是透過GPS開關去設定變數 在IsolatedStorage去做存取,並不是 去手機的設定 位置 的 位置服務(location) 做設定 撈資料的方法參考nobel的這篇文章 [C#][WP7] 使用 JSON 方式來處理 台北市公開政府資料平臺(ODGI) 資料 ─ 以旅館業範例 顯示地圖的方法則是參考pou的這篇文章 Windows Phone 7 - 學習Location Service與Map地圖 顯示中文地圖參考這篇 [Silverlight] Phone 7中BingMap Control 使用中文台灣地圖(僅供研究教學用) GPS開關參考這篇 做一個 Windows Phone GPS 開關設置界面 如有錯誤 歡迎指正. Be a Windows Phone game developer. Windows Phone SDK 7.1. Expression Studio 4 Ultimate 試用版. Download Zune software.

The purpose of this Q&A is for Zune users to learn where to find information and support for their Zune products and services, and to learn how to take advantage of Xbox Music and Xbox Video.

Download Zune software

What’s changing with the Zune Marketplace? Zune Marketplace no longer supports rental and purchase of content, or browsing movies and TV shows. Will this impact my ability to use my Zune Music Pass? No. You will still be able to stream or download songs with your Zune Music Pass. Will I still be able to use Zune to enjoy music? You can still use the Zune PC software to playback already downloaded songs and albums, re-download previously purchased music, and stream music with your Music Pass. Will I still be able to use Zune to enjoy movies, and TV shows? For movies and TV shows you will no longer be able to use the Zune PC software to download or stream previously purchased video starting as early as April 3, 2014. What will happen to my previously-purchased music, movies, and TV shows?

Silverlight Toolkit - Download: Windows Phone Toolkit - August 2011 (7.1 SDK) SQL Server 2008 R2 RTM - Management Studio Express. Training Courses. Wptk. Updated! Windows Phone 7 Jump Start (Session 1 of 19): Introduction. This introductory session covers the Windows Phone 7 Overview, the Developer and the Windows Phone 7 Marketplace, options, how to become a developer, setting up your system, and an intro to creating Windows Phone applications. The Windows Phone 7 Jump Start video training is for all developers interested in developing applications or games for the new Windows Phone 7 Platform. The ~14 ½ hour course is based on the Microsoft Windows Phone 7 Developer Training Kit and taught by Microsoft MVP's and Microsoft Press Authors, Andy Wigley and Rob S. Miles. The Designing for Windows Phone 7 session is taught by Microsoft Design experts, Jon Harris and Bryan Agnetta.

The training is wrapped up with an audio podcast with a panel of Microsoft experts answering the questions posed throughout the training. Watch these entertaining sessions and complete the labs found on Channel 9 ( to gain development skills using both Microsoft XNA and Microsoft Silverlight. Updated!