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Technology in Instruction & Learning

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20 tips and resources for using learning technology in higher education. Allison Littlejohn, director of the Caledonian Academy, Glasgow Caledonian University Blended learning should transform learning, not just replicate teaching: Companies want graduates who can source, filter and use existing knowledge to create new knowledge, and the university is key to equipping students with these skills.

20 tips and resources for using learning technology in higher education

Yet we seldom see technology tools being used in radically new ways in HE. They are usually used to replicate lectures - think of websites or podcasts - rather than enabling students to learn in new ways. Massive Open Online Course is one example of transformational learning. The courses are semi structured, decentralised, and (crucially) open. Learn from industry: There are lots of examples of collaborative and collective learning in industry. Other useful examples: • iSpot, UK Open University - where students, experts and members of the public share ideas on botany Ben Scoble, learning development specialist, Staffordshire University Resources: 25 Ways To Use iPads In The Classroom by Degree of Difficulty. In case you haven’t heard the news, we’re putting out a special mini-issue early next week. It’ll be available in the Edudemic Magazine iPad app and, best of all, FREE to subscribers! If you’re not (yet) a subscriber, it’ll be just $0.99.

The following is an excerpt from just one of the articles in the mini-issue. It’s all about iPads in education, Apple’s role in the future of learning, and much more than that. Want to get the mini-issue free when it comes out? So you’ve got one or a few iPads that you want to use in the classroom. 25 TED Talks Perfect For Classrooms. The 50 Best Sources of Free STEM Education Online 12.05K Views 0 Likes Colleges, universities, and other educational forums in your community can be excellent places to learn more about a variety of STEM topics, but there is also a wealth of educational material available on the web for those who prefer to learn at their own pace or take a more individual approach.

Must See: A New Web 2.0 App Store Just For Educators. Interactive Presentation Tool. LectureTools is the only presentation tool designed from the ground up to meet the communication needs of instructors in the classroom.

Interactive Presentation Tool

The system provides real-time access to information about student activity and comprehension levels. With LectureTools you can monitor the pulse of the classroom and modify your lectures to better reach your students. Prepare Interactive Lectures LectureTools provides you with the resources to quickly augment your existing PowerPoint® slideshows with interactive questions to engage your students. Getting your lectures ready is as simple as uploading your existing presentations, adding interactive activities, and publishing slides for your students.

Hide Specific Slides Hide specific slides from students and reveal them at the appropriate time during class. Convey Learning Objectives Create an objectives slide for the beginning of your presentation by defining the lecture's goals when importing slides. Import Existing PowerPoint Files Preview Activity Results. -. To this day I remain a big fan of the overhead projector. I truly believe it was more effective a tool for teaching than the projected Powerpoint slides will ever be. I stood facing the students, watching their expressions, which I could see since the lights were sufficiently bright. I could draw on the screen and change directions as questions arose. In fact I will argue that the ‘golden age of college teaching’ if there was one was stimulated by the addition of the roller to the overhead projector. It allowed the combining of student response, just-in-time teaching, constructivist development and several other educational buzz terms in one simple device.

It’s been downhill ever since, …until this semester. This semester I’ve purchased an iPad2 and a software application called SplashTop Remote Desktop. To reach this new level of teaching nirvana I have found at least two routes (so far): Google+ Like this: Pearltrees - Visual Content Curating.