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How to Draw Ears. For a video version of this tutorial visit In this tutorial I will go over the parts of the ear and suggest an easy way to remember all these complex shapes. At the end, I will show a step by step of an ear drawing. Basic Forms The simplified volume of the ear is very much like a megaphone. This is easier to see from the back, where the concha is like the tubular part and the helix is the lip part of the megaphone. Maybe this explains Shrek’s freakish deformity… I bet the creators of Shrek were thinking of this during the concept designs. Just Remember “why?” At first glance the shapes in the ear seem random and confusing. Placement of the Ears The ears lie in the middle third of the face. In Perspective During an up-tilt or down-tilt the placement of the ears is very important since doing it incorrectly can break the illusion of a tilt.

Anatomical Information Shading the Complex Forms of the Ear Concha Helix Antihelix Tragus and Antitragus 5. Head Tutorial by lazendar on deviantART. Lemme Redline That For Ya! — kelpls: I WAS READIN A LOOMIS BOOK RECENTLY and... Sketchin a pretty dude's face walkthrough thing by FeatherFactory on deviantART. Tutorial - Face Sketches by JosephB222 on deviantART. + Tutorial - Drawing heads + by goku-no-baka on deviantART. How to Draw Lips. For a video version of this tutorial visit This tutorial is a continuation of How to Draw the Head from Any Angle. I will cover the basic forms of the mouth, some anatomical information, and the key information about the minor planes.

At the end, I will show a step by step drawing of the lips. Basic Forms One of the most overlooked ideas of the mouth is the cylindrical tooth cylinder underneath. You can see here how this inflated cylinder affects the surface forms of the lips: Major Planes Anatomical Information I won’t go into too much detail about all the muscles of the lips and their functions because that’s not the intention of this tutorial. Is a great resource for anatomy. The red portion of the lips and the part directly above and below is called the orbicularis oris. Minor Planes The Red Portion of the Lips The top lip has three forms and the bottom lip has two. The forms of the lower lip are usually fuller then the upper lip. 5.

Cool Illustrated Facial Expressions. Lackadaisy Expressions. Boy, I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I started this. I've had requests for some sort of expressions tutorial dating back a while now, so I figured, "Sure! I can explain expression drawing...and it'll be way better than all those tutorials out there that are nothing but charts of generic expressions. Yeah! Just give me a day or two to whip something up... " Um. Sometime a lot more than two days later, I have this messy behemoth and the realization that I haven't a clue how to teach expression drawing. There's just so much material to cover, and so much of it is like intuitive language translation, I can't figure how to put it into tutorial form any more than I could draw a picture of how to speak Russian.

Anyway, I found all I could really do was try to explain ways to teach yourself...and then add some pictures. Emotions and Facial Expression by `majnouna on deviantART. Untitled Document. Lackadaisy Construction. Some notes about construction drawing that may or may not be helpful. This is in response to some questions from my tumblr blog. There are notes about Expressions here, and an old sort of drawing tutorial here that cover some of the same material.

I'd also recommend to anyone trying to learn how to draw this way (or any way) to check out Andrew Loomis books. They're old, but are still superior to most of the how-to-draw stuff you can find out there. Furthermore, they're in the public domain now, so they're freely available online. Additionally, the archives of the John K. Stuff blog is full of useful information and insight about character drawing, character design, and character appeal. Legschilla, of course, belongs to the inimitable Der-shing Helmer.