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Content Marketing, Event Marketing and Social Media Marketing

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The Big Three of Online Lead Conversion. Conversion is the ultimate goal of B2B lead generation through the use of content.

The Big Three of Online Lead Conversion

Whether you’re using websites, blogs, landing pages, social media profiles or email, success can only be measured by the number of prospects who are eventually converted into paying customers. Unlike telemarketing or appointment setting campaigns, online marketing takes more time and strategy in order to produce results. Also, it’s much more complex on account of several factors that contribute to a campaign’s success or failure. There are certainly a lot of different ways to achieve that, but when talking specifically of content as a tool for conversion, everything boils down to 3 aspects: Grabbing attention through headlines and images Let’s face it: people online don’t go straight into reading the text of an article. When people browse through hundreds of content online, the only ‘filtering’ tool they have is that very brief moment when they read the headline and see a picture that mostly describes it. 3 Steps to Enhance your Corporate Event’s Impact. A good deal of B2B companies considers corporate events like trade shows and conferences to be the best avenues for acquiring quality business leads.

3 Steps to Enhance your Corporate Event’s Impact

Then again, only a handful could manage to provide participants with experiences lasting up until a sales appointment is set. More important than just holding an event is creating an impactful event. It is clear enough that managers have their own ways to this, but can these strategies achieve valuable long-term relationships? How about better revenue? The Handy Checklist to a Successful Trade Show Appearance. Trade shows basically provide B2B companies an opportunity to get closer to their audience.

The Handy Checklist to a Successful Trade Show Appearance

But the certainty to gain full advantage of these events is virtually nonexistent if you come unprepared. Luckily, contributors like Caterina Lui provide highly effective advice for making your brand visible to the people that need it. Here are her top five tips she listed in this Business 2 Community article: Announce your trade show presence often and everywhere. You want as many people as possible to know your company is exhibiting at the trade show. Check out Callbox and Its Best Multi Channel Marketing Approach!

B2B Marketing Insights from The Great Gatsby

Online Marketing Guide: Dealing with Negative Feedback on Social. This 2014, Master the Art of Link Building with a 5-Step Strategy. When it comes right down to it, link building works in the very essence of marketing itself; not only is link building an incredible way to acquire visibility of your website on authoritative, relevant websites, but it also adds cement in the foundation built upon the relationship that exists between businesses online.

This 2014, Master the Art of Link Building with a 5-Step Strategy

That makes link building an essential cog in the business marketing machine, and in the coming year, you as a marketer must go back to their roots and master the of going about building great links to your website. Consider this 5-step strategy proposed by Alison Groves of Raven Internet Marketing Tools: Step 1: Research What kind of websites do you want to discover? To make sure they’re high quality, look for sites that are: Highly authoritativeSeen as trustworthySites you want to be associated withPopular with competitors Step 2: Outreach.

Understanding the Digital Surge in SG. I wrote an article for Singapore Business Review about understanding the digital surge in Singapore.

Understanding the Digital Surge in SG

For the past years, Singapore has not only grown in economy but has embraced technology for business and pleasure. Here is a part of my article. A relatively small concrete jungle like Singapore is bound to be closely escorted with technological rise, and that’s for a couple of reasons, one of them is public behavior. The list of leisure activities only bounces around going to the mall, primarily for movies, food and shopping, hence a big slice of public goings-on is attributed to going online and the use of mobile gadgets. Smartphone usage in Singapore is swelling at breakneck speed, and amazingly, distribution is consistent among all age groups – yes, including older netizens. Read the whole post here: SEO and Social Media Marketing: A Winning Combo for SMBs?

From a logical standpoint, it’s difficult to see SEO and social media marketing in the same boat.

SEO and Social Media Marketing: A Winning Combo for SMBs?

Search marketing is more inclined towards keywords and algorithm, while social is, well, social. What Will Social Media Marketing Be Like in 2014? Looking back in 2013, you would notice that most of the success stories in small or large scale businesses have a little bit of the ‘social media element’ in it.

What Will Social Media Marketing Be Like in 2014?

Although its marketing and sales capabilities have really never been officially stamped with approval or accuracy, nobody questions the power of social media in the business world. Viral videos on YouTube, stories on Facebook, contests on Instagram and polls on Twitter – these are the pillars of social media marketing in the past 3-5 years. But what’s in store for the coming 2014? Rick Mulready, an LA-based social media blogger, consultant, speaker and host of the Inside Social Media podcast, shared his bold predictions in his post in Here is how he foresees the coming year in social media: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.