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Modern Reformation - Articles. Only in Christ is discipleship the consequence of Christ's life, death, and resurrection, rather than its own contribution to human redemption. What would things look like if Satan actually took over a city? The first frames in our imaginative slide show probably depict mayhem on a massive scale: Widespread violence, deviant sexualities, pornography in every vending machine, churches closed down and worshipers dragged off to City Hall. Over a half-century ago, Donald Grey Barnhouse, pastor of Philadelphia's Tenth Presbyterian Church, gave his CBS radio audience a different picture of what it would look like if Satan took control of a town in America. He said that all of the bars and pool halls would be closed, pornography banished, pristine streets and sidewalks would be occupied by tidy pedestrians who smiled at each other.

There would be no swearing. The kids would answer "Yes, sir," "No, ma'am," and the churches would be full on Sunday ... where Christ is not preached. Church history. Sheryl Rydgren. Fighting for the Faith. Apprising Ministries.


Micah Rydgren Colorado rain smells so good! - Breaking News | Latest News | Current News. MP3. Dr James White was in South Africa the past weekend where he held a Biblical worldview seminar addressing topics which are very appropriate for our time. Everyone has a worldview. It's the lens you use to interpret life, the way you make sense of the world and your place in it. But is there a right and a wrong worldview, or is everyone's equally valid? In a maze of competing worldviews today, how can we find our way?

Some worldviews lead to hatred, depression and suicide. There is a right worldview because there is absolute truth, revealed by God to us in the Bible (John 17:17). To Download, right cllick MP3 and save to your hard drive: Session 1 - Homosexuality: Choice or Wired?

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VOM. Dead white guys. Sermons.