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From the Lighthouse BlogThe Process of Reimagining Christianity. By Roger Oakland Understand the Times Perhaps we as Christians today are not only to consider what it means to be a 21st century church, but also and perhaps more importantly–what it means to have a 21st century faith.1–Doug Pagitt Emergent church leaders often provide testimonies explaining how they became involved in their journey to reinvent Christianity. In his book Church Re-Imagined, Doug Pagitt tells how and why his church originated: Our attempt at being a church began in January 2000 in a small second-floor loft space in a hip little neighborhood of Minneapolis called Linden Hills. The church was actually birthed much earlier, from conversations between a few friends who shared a desire to be part of a community of faith that not only had a new way of functioning but also generated a different outcome.

Pagitt explains why he felt he needed to find a new expression of Christianity that was different from what he had been accustomed to previously. Notes: 1. Lighthouse Trails Research Project - Exposing Contemplative Spirituality - Other Websites, Ministries, & Resources To Aid You In Your Research. Moriel Archive » Blog Archive » Warren B Smith and Jacob Prasch Feb 28, 2010. Lighthouse Trails: A Time of Departing. MARK DRISCOLL AND NEO-REFORMED NEW CALVINIST CONTEMPLATIVE SPIRITUALITY. For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. (Galatians 5:1) Creating Your Own Way To Worship God Apprising Ministries has shared some concern about this New Calvinism as expressed e.g. by Matt Chandler and particularly Mark Driscoll, founder of Acts 29 Network, in recent posts such as Acts 29 Network And Reformed Counter Reformation Spirituality?

And Acts 29 Pastor Matt Chandler On Being A Reformed Charismatic. In my assessment there’s very good reason for concern as these people are rapidly growing in popularity and influence within the younger sector of the Reformed Camp; being blessed as they are by Dr. Then in Spiritual Disciplines According To Martin Luther I connected some more of the dots for you concerning the Acts 29 Church Planting Network itself where you heard from Darren Patrick, its own Vice President, that they are a “neo-Reformed” section of the Emerging Church. In Calvinist Contemplative Spirituality/Mysticism?

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Slaughter of the Sheep | Endeavoring to lead the lambs away from the slaughter… Critical Issues Commentary: Redefining Christianity Radio Broadcasts. Critical Issues Commentary. Sheryl Rydgren. STEVEN FURTICK A PROPHET OF GOD? By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Sep 22, 2010 in Current Issues, Features By day this Purpose Driven/Seeker Driven Pope of the Carolinas, now also an author, Steven Furtick—disciple of Carolina Pope Perry Noble—is now a more mild mannered (kinda sorta) pastor; but by night he becomes a rompin’ stompin’ Old Testment-type prophet of audacious behavior faith as he recently tweeted: (Online source) So this begs the following question concerning prophet pastor Steven Furtick, who’s discernment is so far off that he’s even called Word Faith heretic Joel Osteen ”a great man of God.”

I wonder, have the people at his Elevation self-help center really thought this through? If God gave Furtick “an awesome revelation” for this past Sunday’s sermon, then we must now have some new Scripture. Or does God now somehow “speak” in an unauthoritive manner? See also: Against Heresies. What Is the Gospel? (9Marks) (9781433515002): Greg Gilbert, D. A. Carson. Fighting for the Faith - Download free podcast episodes by Chris Rosebrough on iTunes. Mysticism - Part 1. (January 2005 - Volume 11, Issue 1) Mysticism, a Way of the Past, the Wave of the Future I am often asked what I see as the next important challenge facing evangelical Christianity.

Such questions are asked in the wake of major movements that have changed the face of evangelicalism in the last two decades, including the market-driven church and the closely related “Purpose Driven Life” (PDL) campaigns that have so greatly impacted God’s people. The legacy of both of these movements will not be that the church discovered new ways of worship, or new methodologies to replace the outdated.

Instead, I fear that they will be remembered by future generations for their undermining of the authority of Scripture. To be sure these movements were not the genesis of the lack of confidence in God’s Word – there have been many forerunners. Actually they have capitalized upon this trend and have taken it to a new level. Such Christianity is devoid of the majesty of God and the wonder of His Word. Union. Herescope. MYSTICISM—PART 1.

HEY ROB BELL, TRY THIS. The online apologetics and discernment work Apprising Ministries has as one of its mandates in the Lord analyzing current trends in the visible church, apprising you as to what they are, and how it is you can deal with them. I pointed out previously that one terrible trend we’ve watched very carefully since 2005 was the rise of the Emerging Church; now a full-blown neo-liberal cult operating within mainstream evangelicalism, which also proved to be a Trojan Horse unloading critical-thinking skills numbing Contemplative Spirituality/Mysticism under the guise of so-called Spiritual Formation. This despite the fact that Bell is no more an evangelical, as this term has been defined historicially, than I am a Mormon; because though we indeed use the same terminolology, as a mystic Rob Bell employs (at best) the neo-orthodox approach to the Christian faith as outlined by Dr.

John MacArthur below: Neo-orthodoxy is the term used to identify an existentialist variety of Christianity. See also: